Source code for pyleecan.Classes.BHCurveMat

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Warning : this file has been generated, you shouldn't edit it"""

from os import linesep
from pyleecan.Classes.check import set_array, check_init_dict, check_var
from pyleecan.Classes.BHCurve import BHCurve

from pyleecan.Methods.Material.BHCurveMat.comp_B import comp_B

from numpy import array
from pyleecan.Classes.check import InitUnKnowClassError

[docs]class BHCurveMat(BHCurve): """B(H) curve defined by a matrix""" VERSION = 1 # cf Methods.Material.BHCurveMat.comp_B comp_B = comp_B def __init__(self, matrix=None, f=None, H=None, init_dict=None): """Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways : - __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters have name and default values for Matrix, None will initialise the property with an empty Matrix for pyleecan type, None will call the default constructor - __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary wiht every properties as keys ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object""" if init_dict is not None: # Initialisation by dict check_init_dict(init_dict, ["matrix", "f", "H"]) # Overwrite default value with init_dict content if "matrix" in list(init_dict.keys()): matrix = init_dict["matrix"] if "f" in list(init_dict.keys()): f = init_dict["f"] if "H" in list(init_dict.keys()): H = init_dict["H"] # Initialisation by argument # matrix can be None, a ndarray or a list set_array(self, "matrix", matrix) # f can be None, a ndarray or a list set_array(self, "f", f) # H can be None, a ndarray or a list set_array(self, "H", H) # Call BHCurve init super(BHCurveMat, self).__init__() # The class is frozen (in BHCurve init), for now it's impossible to # add new properties def __str__(self): """Convert this objet in a readeable string (for print)""" BHCurveMat_str = "" # Get the properties inherited from BHCurve BHCurveMat_str += super(BHCurveMat, self).__str__() + linesep BHCurveMat_str += "matrix = " + linesep + str(self.matrix) + linesep + linesep BHCurveMat_str += "f = " + linesep + str(self.f) + linesep + linesep BHCurveMat_str += "H = " + linesep + str(self.H) return BHCurveMat_str def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two objects (skip parent)""" if type(other) != type(self): return False # Check the properties inherited from BHCurve if not super(BHCurveMat, self).__eq__(other): return False if other.matrix != self.matrix: return False if other.f != self.f: return False if other.H != self.H: return False return True
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can be use in __init__) """ # Get the properties inherited from BHCurve BHCurveMat_dict = super(BHCurveMat, self).as_dict() if self.matrix is None: BHCurveMat_dict["matrix"] = None else: BHCurveMat_dict["matrix"] = self.matrix.tolist() if self.f is None: BHCurveMat_dict["f"] = None else: BHCurveMat_dict["f"] = self.f.tolist() if self.H is None: BHCurveMat_dict["H"] = None else: BHCurveMat_dict["H"] = self.H.tolist() # The class name is added to the dict fordeserialisation purpose # Overwrite the mother class name BHCurveMat_dict["__class__"] = "BHCurveMat" return BHCurveMat_dict
def _set_None(self): """Set all the properties to None (except pyleecan object)""" self.matrix = None self.f = None self.H = None # Set to None the properties inherited from BHCurve super(BHCurveMat, self)._set_None() def _get_matrix(self): """getter of matrix""" return self._matrix def _set_matrix(self, value): """setter of matrix""" if type(value) is list: try: value = array(value) except: pass check_var("matrix", value, "ndarray") self._matrix = value # B(H) matrix value. Every column are B(H) value for a specify frequency # Type : ndarray matrix = property( fget=_get_matrix, fset=_set_matrix, doc=u"""B(H) matrix value. Every column are B(H) value for a specify frequency""", ) def _get_f(self): """getter of f""" return self._f def _set_f(self, value): """setter of f""" if type(value) is list: try: value = array(value) except: pass check_var("f", value, "ndarray") self._f = value # f value for each column of the matrix # Type : ndarray f = property( fget=_get_f, fset=_set_f, doc=u"""f value for each column of the matrix""" ) def _get_H(self): """getter of H""" return self._H def _set_H(self, value): """setter of H""" if type(value) is list: try: value = array(value) except: pass check_var("H", value, "ndarray") self._H = value # H value for each row of the matrix # Type : ndarray H = property( fget=_get_H, fset=_set_H, doc=u"""H value for each row of the matrix""" )