Source code for pyleecan.Functions.FEMM.get_mesh_param

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..labels import (

[docs]def get_mesh_param(label_dict, FEMM_dict): """Returns main mesh parameters corresponding to a surface label Parameters ---------- label_dict : str Decoded label of the surface to assign FEMM_dict : dict dictionary containing the main parameters of FEMM Returns ------- mesh_dict : dict dictionary containing the main mesh parameters of the surface """ mesh_dict = dict() # Default automesh except airgap mesh_dict["automesh"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["automesh"] # Get the mesh sizes related to the lamination label if label_dict["lam_label"] != "None": lam_mesh_dict = FEMM_dict["mesh"][label_dict["lam_label"]] else: lam_mesh_dict = None maxelementsize = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["maxelementsize"] meshsize_air = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["meshsize_air"] # Lamination if LAM_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: if BORE_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["elementsize_airgap"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["meshsize_airgap"] else: # Yoke or other lines mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_yoke"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_yoke"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SC"] elif ROTOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RC"] # Ventilation elif VENT_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = maxelementsize mesh_dict["meshsize"] = meshsize_air if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SV"] else: # if the Ventilation is on the Rotor mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RV"] # Hole Air zone elif HOLEV_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = maxelementsize mesh_dict["meshsize"] = meshsize_air if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if the Hole is on the Stator mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SH"] else: # if the Hole is on the Rotor mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RH"] # Magnet or HoleMagnet elif HOLEM_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"] or MAG_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_magnet"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_magnet"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if the Magnet is on the Stator mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SM"] else: # if the Magnet is on the Rotor mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RM"] # Winding or Bar elif WIND_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"] or BAR_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_slot"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_slot"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if the winding is on the Stator mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SW"] else: # if the winding is on the Rotor mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RW"] # Slot opening elif SOP_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_slot"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_slot"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if the opening is on the Stator mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SSI"] else: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RSI"] # Slot Notches elif NOTCH_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_slot"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_slot"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if the notch is on the Stator mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SN"] else: # if the notch is on the Rotor mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RN"] # Slot Wedges elif WEDGE_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["element_size"] = lam_mesh_dict["elementsize_slot"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = lam_mesh_dict["meshsize_slot"] if STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SWE"] else: mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RWE"] # Sliding Band / Airgap elif SLID_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"] or AIRGAP_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["automesh"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["automesh_airgap"] mesh_dict["element_size"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["elementsize_airgap"] mesh_dict["meshsize"] = FEMM_dict["mesh"]["meshsize_airgap"] mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_AG"] elif NO_MESH_LAB in label_dict["surf_type"]: mesh_dict["automesh"] = 0 mesh_dict["element_size"] = 0 mesh_dict["meshsize"] = 0 mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_AG"] elif STATOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if label don't belong to any of the other groups mesh_dict["element_size"] = maxelementsize mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_SC"] elif ROTOR_LAB in label_dict["lam_type"]: # if label don't belong to any of the other groups mesh_dict["element_size"] = maxelementsize mesh_dict["group"] = FEMM_dict["groups"]["GROUP_RC"] else: raise Exception( "Error while assigning surfaces in FEMM: Unknown label " + label_dict["full"] ) return mesh_dict