Source code for pyleecan.Generator.class_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Created on Tue Nov 04 09:01:21 2014
@author: pierre_b
from codecs import open as open_co
from os.path import join

from pyleecan.Generator import PYTHON_TYPE, TAB, TAB2, TAB3, TAB4, TAB5, TAB6
from pyleecan.Generator.read_fct import (

[docs]def generate_class(gen_dict, class_name, path_to_gen): """generate the corresponding class file (erase the previous code) Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_name : str name of the class to generate path_to_gen : str path to the file to save the class code Returns ------- None """ class_dict = gen_dict[class_name] class_pack = class_dict["package"] # Start of file generation # Create or Erase the file by opening it class_file = open_co(join(path_to_gen, class_name + ".py"), "w", "utf-8") # List of non python type to import import_type_list = list(find_import_type(gen_dict, class_dict, [])) # Encoding class_file.write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n") # Warning class_file.write( '"""Warning : this file has been generated, ' 'you shouldn\'t edit it"""\n\n' ) # Import class_file.write("from os import linesep\n") if "ndarray" in import_type_list: class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Classes.check import set_array, " + "check_init_dict, check_var\n" ) else: class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Classes.check import check_init_dict, " + "check_var\n" ) # Import of the mother_class (FrozenClass by default) # All the classes file are in the Classes folder (regardless of their main package) if class_dict["mother"] != "": class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Classes." + class_dict["mother"] + " import " + class_dict["mother"] + "\n\n" ) else: class_file.write("from pyleecan.Classes.frozen import FrozenClass\n\n") # Import all the methods of the class # The methods are in Methods.<Main package>.<class name>, one file per method for meth in class_dict["methods"]: class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Methods." + class_pack + "." + class_name + "." + meth + " import " + meth.split(".")[-1] + "\n" ) if len(class_dict["methods"]) > 0: class_file.write("\n") # For Matrix and Vector (numpy) property if "ndarray" in import_type_list: class_file.write("from numpy import array\n") import_type_list.remove("ndarray") # Import of all needed pyleecan type for property polymorphism class_file.write("from pyleecan.Classes.check import InitUnKnowClassError\n") for pyleecan_type in import_type_list: type_dict = gen_dict[pyleecan_type] class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Classes." + pyleecan_type + " import " + pyleecan_type + "\n" ) for daughter_name in type_dict["daughters"]: # Import of the inherited class (for init) class_file.write( "from pyleecan.Classes." + daughter_name + " import " + daughter_name + "\n" ) if len(import_type_list) > 0: class_file.write("\n") # Class declaration if class_dict["mother"] != "": class_file.write( "\n\nclass " + class_name + " (" + class_dict["mother"] + "):\n" ) else: class_file.write("\n\nclass " + class_name + " (FrozenClass):\n") # Class Docstring if class_dict["desc"] != "": class_file.write(TAB + '"""' + class_dict["desc"] + '"""\n') class_file.write("\n") # Declare all class Constante (VERSION should be a constante for every classes) for cst in class_dict["constants"]: class_file.write(TAB + cst["name"] + " = " + str(cst["value"]) + "\n") class_file.write("\n") # Asign all the Methods of the class for meth in class_dict["methods"]: class_file.write( TAB + "# cf Methods." + class_pack + "." + class_name + "." + meth + "\n" ) class_file.write(TAB + meth.split(".")[-1] + " = " + meth.split(".")[-1] + "\n") if len(class_dict["methods"]) > 0: class_file.write("\n") # Add the __init__ method if len(class_dict["properties"]) == 0 and class_dict["mother"] == "": class_file.write(generate_init_void() + "\n") else: class_file.write(generate_init(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # Add the __str__ method class_file.write(generate_str(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # Add the __eq__ method class_file.write(generate_eq(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # Add the as_dict method class_file.write(generate_as_dict(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # Add the _set_None method class_file.write(generate_set_None(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # Add all the properties getter and setter class_file.write(generate_properties(gen_dict, class_dict) + "\n") # End of class generation class_file.close()
[docs]def generate_init(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the __init__ method for the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- init_str : str String containing the __init__ method code """ class_name = class_dict["name"] init_str = "" # This string is for the generated code init_by_var = "" # For the initialisation with the argument # Add the parent property only in the top mother classes if class_dict["mother"] == "": init_by_var += TAB2 + "self.parent = None\n" for prop in class_dict["properties"]: if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE: # Add => "self.my_var = my_var\n" to init_by_var init_by_var += TAB2 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = " + prop["name"] + "\n" elif prop["type"] == "ndarray": # Default value is None which should call the corresponding init init_by_var += ( TAB2 + "# " + prop["name"] + " can be None, a ndarray or a list\n" ) init_by_var += ( TAB2 + 'set_array(self, "' + prop["name"] + '", ' + prop["name"] + ")\n" ) elif is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): # List of pyleecan type init_by_var += ( TAB2 + "# " + prop["name"] + " can be None or a list of " + prop["type"][1:-1] + " object\n" ) init_by_var += TAB2 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = list()\n" init_by_var += TAB2 + "if type(" + prop["name"] + ") is list:\n" init_by_var += TAB3 + "for obj in " + prop["name"] + ":\n" init_by_var += TAB4 + "if obj is None: # Default value\n" init_by_var += ( TAB5 + "self." + prop["name"] + ".append(" + prop["type"][1:-1] + "())\n" ) type_dict = gen_dict[prop["type"][1:-1]] daug_list = type_dict["daughters"] init_by_var += generate_set_class_by_dict_list( prop["name"], prop["type"][1:-1], daug_list ) init_by_var += TAB4 + "else:\n" init_by_var += TAB5 + "self." + prop["name"] + ".append(obj)\n" init_by_var += TAB2 + "elif " + prop["name"] + " is None:\n" init_by_var += TAB3 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = list()\n" init_by_var += TAB2 + "else:\n" init_by_var += TAB3 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = " + prop["name"] + "\n" else: # For pyleecan Type init_by_var += ( TAB2 + "# " + prop["name"] + " can be None, a " + prop["type"] + " object or a dict\n" ) type_dict = gen_dict[prop["type"]] daug_list = type_dict["daughters"] init_by_var += generate_set_class_by_dict( prop["name"], prop["type"], daug_list ) init_by_var += TAB2 + "else:\n" init_by_var += TAB3 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = " + prop["name"] + "\n" # Load all the properties including mother ones (all_properties, mother_prop_list) = get_mother_attr( gen_dict, class_dict, "properties" ) mother_arg_list = "" # For the call of super init for prop in mother_prop_list: if mother_arg_list != "": # Avoid the first coma # Add => ", my_var = my_var" to mother_arg_list mother_arg_list += ", " + prop["name"] + "=" + prop["name"] else: # Add => "my_var = my_var" to mother_arg_list mother_arg_list += prop["name"] + "=" + prop["name"] check_dict = "" # list of all the property expectable in the init_dict init_by_dict = "" # To overwrite the parameter from init_dict arg_list = "" # For the argument with default value init_MType = "" # To initialize the pyleecan Type default (-1) for prop in all_properties: # To overwrite the parameter from init_dict init_by_dict += TAB3 + 'if "' + prop["name"] + '" in list(init_dict.keys()):\n' init_by_dict += TAB4 + prop["name"] + ' = init_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"]\n' # For the argument with default value if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE: # Add => ", my_var = 10" to arg_list arg_list += ( ", " + prop["name"] + "=" + get_value_str(prop["value"], prop["type"]) ) elif prop["type"] == "ndarray": arg_list += ", " + prop["name"] + "=None" elif prop["type"][0] == "[" and prop["type"][-1] == "]": # List of pyleecan type arg_list += ", " + prop["name"] + "=list()" else: # pyleecan type if prop["value"] == "": arg_list += ", " + prop["name"] + "=-1" else: # Default value (most likely None) arg_list += ( ", " + prop["name"] + "=" + get_value_str(prop["value"], prop["type"]) ) # To initialize the pyleecan Type default (-1) init_MType += TAB2 + "if " + prop["name"] + " == -1:\n" init_MType += TAB3 + prop["name"] + " = " + prop["type"] + "()\n" # For check_init_dict if check_dict == "": # First variable check_dict += "'" + prop["name"] + "'" else: check_dict += ", '" + prop["name"] + "'" # Code generation in init_str init_str += TAB + "def __init__(self" + arg_list + ", init_dict=None):\n" init_str += TAB2 + '"""Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways ' ":\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "- __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters " "have name and default values\n" ) init_str += ( TAB3 + "for Matrix, None will initialise the property with " "an empty Matrix\n" ) init_str += TAB3 + "for pyleecan type, None will call the default " "constructor\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "- __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary " "wiht every properties as keys\n\n" ) init_str += TAB2 + "ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix\n" init_str += TAB2 + 'object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""\n\n' init_str += init_MType init_str += TAB2 + "if init_dict is not None: # Initialisation by dict\n" init_str += TAB3 + "check_init_dict(init_dict, [" + check_dict + "])\n" init_str += TAB3 + "# Overwrite default value with init_dict content\n" init_str += init_by_dict init_str += TAB2 + "# Initialisation by argument\n" init_str += init_by_var # Add the call to super __init__ if needed if class_dict["mother"] != "": init_str += TAB2 + "# Call " + class_dict["mother"] + " init\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "super(" + class_name + ", self).__init__(" + mother_arg_list + ")\n" ) init_str += ( TAB2 + "# The class is frozen (in " + class_dict["mother"] + " init), for now it's impossible " "to\n" + TAB2 + "# add new " "properties\n" ) else: init_str += ( "\n" + TAB2 + "# The class is frozen, for now it's " + "impossible to add new properties\n" ) init_str += TAB2 + "self._freeze()\n" return init_str
[docs]def generate_set_class_by_dict_list(prop_name, prop_type, daug_list): """Generate the code to set a list of pyleecan class property with a dictionary Parameters ---------- prop_name : str Name of the property to set prop_type : str Type of the property to set daug_list : list List of the Daughter of the class Returns ------- class_dict_str : str String containing the code to set a list of pyleecan class property with a dictionary """ class_dict_str = "" class_dict_str += TAB4 + "elif isinstance(obj, dict):\n" if len(daug_list) > 0: # Add the posibility to call the daughter init class_dict_str += ( TAB5 + "# Call the correct constructor according to " "the dict\n" ) class_dict_str += TAB5 + "load_dict = {" for daughter_name in daug_list: class_dict_str += '"' + daughter_name + '": ' + daughter_name + ", " class_dict_str += '"' + prop_type + '": ' + prop_type + "}\n" class_dict_str += TAB5 + "obj_class = obj.get('__class__')\n" class_dict_str += TAB5 + "if obj_class is None:\n" class_dict_str += ( TAB6 + "self." + prop_name + ".append(" + prop_type + "(init_dict=obj))\n" ) class_dict_str += TAB5 + "elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):\n" class_dict_str += ( TAB6 + "self." + prop_name + ".append(load_dict[" "obj_class](" "init_dict=obj))\n" ) class_dict_str += ( TAB5 + "else: # Avoid generation error or wrong " "modification in json\n" ) class_dict_str += ( TAB6 + 'raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name ' "in init_dict for " + prop_name + '")\n' ) else: # No daughter class_dict_str += ( TAB5 + "self." + prop_name + ".append(" + prop_type + "(init_dict=obj))\n" ) return class_dict_str
[docs]def generate_set_class_by_dict(prop_name, prop_type, daug_list): """Generate the code to set a pyleecan class property with a dictionary Parameters ---------- prop_name : str Name of the property to set prop_type : str Type of the property to set daug_list : list List of the Daughter of the class Returns ------- class_dict_str : str String containing the code to set a pyleecan class property with a dictionary """ class_dict_str = "" class_dict_str += TAB2 + "if isinstance(" + prop_name + ", dict):\n" if len(daug_list) > 0: # Add the posibility to call the daughter init class_dict_str += ( TAB3 + "# Call the correct constructor according to " "the dict\n" ) class_dict_str += TAB3 + "load_dict = {" for daughter_name in daug_list: class_dict_str += '"' + daughter_name + '": ' + daughter_name + ", " class_dict_str += '"' + prop_type + '": ' + prop_type + "}\n" class_dict_str += TAB3 + "obj_class = " + prop_name + ".get('__class__')\n" class_dict_str += TAB3 + "if obj_class is None:\n" class_dict_str += ( TAB4 + "self." + prop_name + " = " + prop_type + "(init_dict=" + prop_name + ")\n" ) class_dict_str += TAB3 + "elif obj_class in list(load_dict.keys()):\n" class_dict_str += ( TAB4 + "self." + prop_name + " = load_dict[obj_class](" "init_dict=" + prop_name + ")\n" ) class_dict_str += ( TAB3 + "else: # Avoid generation error or wrong " "modification in json\n" ) class_dict_str += ( TAB4 + 'raise InitUnKnowClassError("Unknow class name ' "in init_dict for " + prop_name + '")\n' ) else: # No daughter class_dict_str += ( TAB3 + "self." + prop_name + " = " + prop_type + "(init_dict=" + prop_name + ")\n" ) return class_dict_str
[docs]def generate_init_void(): """Generate the code for the init method with no property Returns ------- init_str : str String containing the code to initialize a class with no property """ init_str = "" init_str += TAB + "def __init__(self, init_dict=None):\n" init_str += TAB2 + '"""Constructor of the class. Can be use in two ways ' ":\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "- __init__ (arg1 = 1, arg3 = 5) every parameters " "have name and default values\n" ) init_str += ( TAB3 + "for Matrix, None will initialise the property with " "an empty Matrix\n" ) init_str += TAB3 + "for pyleecan type, None will call the default " "constructor\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "- __init__ (init_dict = d) d must be a dictionnary " "wiht every properties as keys\n\n" ) init_str += TAB2 + "ndarray or list can be given for Vector and Matrix\n" init_str += TAB2 + 'object or dict can be given for pyleecan Object"""\n\n' init_str += TAB2 + "if init_dict is not None: # Initialisation by dict\n" init_str += TAB3 + "check_init_dict(init_dict, [])\n" init_str += ( TAB2 + "# The class is frozen, for now it's impossible to " "add new properties\n" ) init_str += TAB2 + "self.parent = None\n" init_str += TAB2 + "self._freeze()\n" return init_str
[docs]def generate_str(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the __str__ method of the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- str_str : str String containing the code for the __str__ method of the class """ class_name = class_dict["name"] str_str = "" # This string is for the generated code var_str = "" # For the creation of the return string (in __str__) # Display parent only in the top mother class __str__ method if class_dict["mother"] == "": var_str += TAB2 + "if self.parent is None:\n" var_str += TAB3 + class_name + '_str += "parent = None " + linesep\n' var_str += TAB2 + "else:\n" var_str += ( TAB3 + class_name + '_str += "parent = " + ' + 'str(type(self.parent)) + " object" + linesep\n' ) for ii, prop in enumerate(class_dict["properties"]): if prop["type"] == "str": # Add => < MyClass_str += 'my_var = "'+self.MyVar+'"' >to var_str var_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + "_str += '" + prop["name"] + ' = "' + "' + str(self." + prop["name"] + ") + " + """'"'""" ) elif prop["type"] in ["int", "float", "bool", "complex"]: # Add => < MyClass_str += "my_var = "+str(self.my_var) >to var_str var_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + '_str += "' + prop["name"] + ' = " + str(self.' + prop["name"] + ")" ) elif prop["type"] == "ndarray": # For Matrix (skip a line then print the matrix) # Add => < MyClass_str += "my_var = "+ linesep + str( # self.my_var) >to var_str var_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + '_str += "' + prop["name"] + ' = " + linesep + str(self.' + prop["name"] + ")" ) elif is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): var_str += TAB2 + "if len(self." + prop["name"] + ") == 0:\n" var_str += TAB3 + class_name + '_str += "' + prop["name"] + ' = []"\n' var_str += TAB2 + "for ii in range(len(self." + prop["name"] + ")):\n" var_str += ( TAB3 + class_name + '_str += "' + prop["name"] + '["+str(ii)+"] = "+str(self.' + prop["name"] + '[ii].as_dict())+"\\n"' ) else: # For pyleecan type print the dict (from as_dict) # Add => < "MyClass = "+str(self.my_var.as_dict()) >to var_str var_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + '_str += "' + prop["name"] + ' = " + str(self.' + prop["name"] + ".as_dict())" ) # Add linesep except for the last line if ii == len(class_dict["properties"]) - 1: var_str += "\n" else: if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE: var_str += " + linesep\n" else: # Skip two lines for pyleecan type and ndarray var_str += " + linesep + linesep\n" # Code generation str_str += TAB + "def __str__(self):\n" str_str += ( TAB2 + '"""Convert this objet in a readeable string ' + '(for print)"""\n\n' ) str_str += TAB2 + class_name + "_str = ''\n" if class_dict["mother"] != "": str_str += ( TAB2 + "# Get the properties inherited from " + class_dict["mother"] + "\n" ) # Add => "Class_str += super(Class, self).__str__() + linesep str_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + "_str += super(" + class_name + ", self).__str__() + linesep\n" ) str_str += var_str str_str += TAB2 + "return " + class_name + "_str\n" return str_str
[docs]def generate_eq(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the __eq__ method of the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- eq_str : str String containing the code for the __eq__ method of the class """ class_name = class_dict["name"] eq_str = "" # This string is for the generated code # Code generation eq_str += TAB + "def __eq__(self, other):\n" eq_str += TAB2 + '"""Compare two objects (skip parent)"""\n\n' # Check the type eq_str += TAB2 + "if type(other) != type(self):\n" eq_str += TAB3 + "return False\n" # Call mother eq if class_dict["mother"] != "": eq_str += ( TAB2 + "\n# Check the properties inherited from " + class_dict["mother"] + "\n" ) eq_str += TAB2 + "if not super(" + class_name + ", self).__eq__(other):\n" eq_str += TAB3 + "return False\n" # Check that all the propoperties (except parent) are equal for prop in class_dict["properties"]: eq_str += TAB2 + "if other." + prop["name"] + " != self." + prop["name"] + ":\n" eq_str += TAB3 + "return False\n" eq_str += TAB2 + "return True\n" return eq_str
[docs]def generate_as_dict(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the as_dict method of the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- dict_str : str String containing the code for the as_dict method of the class """ class_name = class_dict["name"] dict_str = "" # This string is for the generated code var_str = "" # For the creation of the return dict (in as_dict) for prop in class_dict["properties"]: if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE: # Add => "class_name ["var_name"] = self.var_name" to var_str var_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = self.' + prop["name"] + "\n" ) elif prop["type"] == "ndarray": # Add => "class_name ["var_name"] = self.var_name.tolist()" to # var_str var_str += TAB2 + "if self." + prop["name"] + " is None:\n" var_str += TAB3 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = None\n' var_str += TAB2 + "else:\n" var_str += ( TAB3 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = self.' + prop["name"] + ".tolist()\n" ) elif is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): var_str += TAB2 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = list()\n' var_str += TAB2 + "for obj in self." + prop["name"] + ":\n" var_str += ( TAB3 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"].append(obj.as_dict())\n' ) else: # Add => "class_name ["var_name"] = self.var_name.as_dict()" to # var_str var_str += TAB2 + "if self." + prop["name"] + " is None:\n" var_str += TAB3 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = None\n' var_str += TAB2 + "else:\n" var_str += ( TAB3 + class_name + '_dict["' + prop["name"] + '"] = self.' + prop["name"] + ".as_dict()\n" ) # Code generation dict_str += TAB + "def as_dict(self):\n" dict_str += ( TAB2 + '"""Convert this objet in a json seriable dict (can ' "be use in __init__)\n" + TAB2 + '"""\n\n' ) if class_dict["mother"] != "": # Get the properties of the mother class (if needed) dict_str += ( TAB2 + "# Get the properties inherited from " + class_dict["mother"] + "\n" ) dict_str += ( TAB2 + class_name + "_dict = super(" + class_name + ", self).as_dict()\n" ) else: dict_str += TAB2 + class_name + "_dict = dict()\n" dict_str += var_str dict_str += ( TAB2 + "# The class name is added to the dict for" + "deserialisation purpose\n" ) if class_dict["mother"] != "": dict_str += TAB2 + "# Overwrite the mother class name\n" dict_str += TAB2 + class_name + "_dict['__class__'] = '" + class_name + "'\n" dict_str += TAB2 + "return " + class_name + "_dict\n" return dict_str
[docs]def generate_set_None(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the _set_None method of the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- None_str : str String containing the code for the _set_None method of the class """ class_name = class_dict["name"] None_str = "" # This string is for the generated code # Code line to set every properties to None (except pyleecan object) var_str = "" for prop in class_dict["properties"]: if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE or prop["type"] == "ndarray": var_str += TAB2 + "self." + prop["name"] + " = None\n" elif is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): var_str += TAB2 + "for obj in self." + prop["name"] + ":\n" var_str += TAB3 + "obj._set_None()\n" else: # Pyleecan type var_str += TAB2 + "if self." + prop["name"] + " is not None:\n" var_str += TAB3 + "self." + prop["name"] + "._set_None()\n" # Code generation None_str += TAB + "def _set_None(self):\n" None_str += ( TAB2 + '"""Set all the properties to None (except ' + 'pyleecan object)"""\n\n' ) None_str += var_str if class_dict["mother"] != "": # Get the properties of the mother class (if needed) None_str += ( TAB2 + "# Set to None the properties inherited from " + class_dict["mother"] + "\n" ) None_str += TAB2 + "super(" + class_name + ", self)._set_None()\n" return None_str
[docs]def generate_properties(gen_dict, class_dict): """Generate the code for the getter and setter of the properties of the class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) Returns ------- prop_str : str String containing the code for the getter and setter of the properties of the class """ prop_str = "" # This string is for the generated code for prop in class_dict["properties"]: # Getter prop_str += TAB + "def _get_" + prop["name"] + "(self):\n" prop_str += TAB2 + '"""getter of ' + prop["name"] + '"""\n' if is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): # TODO: Update the parent should be done only in the setter but # their is an issue with .append for list of pyleecan type prop_str += TAB2 + "for obj in self._" + prop["name"] + ":\n" prop_str += TAB3 + "if obj is not None:\n" prop_str += TAB4 + "obj.parent = self\n" prop_str += TAB2 + "return self._" + prop["name"] + "\n\n" # Setter prop_str += TAB + "def _set_" + prop["name"] + "(self, value):\n" prop_str += TAB2 + '"""setter of ' + prop["name"] + '"""\n' # Convert ndarray if needed if prop["type"] == "ndarray": prop_str += TAB2 + "if type(value) is list:\n" prop_str += TAB3 + "try:\n" prop_str += TAB4 + "value = array(value)\n" prop_str += TAB3 + "except:\n" prop_str += TAB4 + "pass\n" # Add check_var("var_name",value, "var_type", min=var_min, max=var_max) prop_str += ( TAB2 + 'check_var("' + prop["name"] + '", value, "' + prop["type"] + '"' ) # Min and max are added only if needed if prop["type"] in ["float", "int", "ndarray"]: if str(prop["min"]) is not "": prop_str += ", Vmin=" + str(prop["min"]) if str(prop["max"]) is not "": prop_str += ", Vmax=" + str(prop["max"]) prop_str += ")\n" prop_str += TAB2 + "self._" + prop["name"] + " = value\n\n" if is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]): # List of pyleecan type prop_str += TAB2 + "for obj in self._" + prop["name"] + ":\n" prop_str += TAB3 + "if obj is not None:\n" prop_str += TAB4 + "obj.parent = self\n" elif prop["type"] not in PYTHON_TYPE and prop["type"] != "ndarray": # pyleecan type prop_str += TAB2 + "if self._" + prop["name"] + " is not None:\n" prop_str += TAB3 + "self._" + prop["name"] + ".parent = self\n" # Property declaration # For doxygen : TODO: still needed for sphinx ? prop_str += TAB + "# " + prop["desc"] + "\n" prop_str += TAB + "# Type : " + prop["type"] if str(prop["min"]) is not "": prop_str += ", min = " + str(prop["min"]) if str(prop["max"]) is not "": prop_str += ", max = " + str(prop["max"]) prop_str += "\n" # Add "var_name = property(fget=_get_var_name, fset=_set_var_name, # doc = "this is doc")" prop_str += TAB + prop["name"] + " = property(fget=_get_" + prop["name"] prop_str += ", fset=_set_" + prop["name"] # "Clean" the doc string from excel prop_str += ",\n" + TAB4 for ii in range(len(prop["name"])): # Align doc with fget prop_str += " " prop_str += 'doc=u"""' + prop["desc"] + '""")\n\n' return prop_str[:-2] # Remove last \n\n
[docs]def get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, key): """Get the list of the key value from the class, including mother ones. Used to get all the properties or method of a class Parameters ---------- gen_dict : dict Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...) class_dict : dict Dictionnary of the class to generate (keys are name, package, properties, methods...) key : str Key to extract from the mother class(es) ("properties" or "methods") Returns ------- (all_list, mother_list) : tuple all_list: List of all the "key" of the class including mother class(es) ones mother_list: List of the "key" from the mother class(es) only """ # Load all the mother properties all_list = list(class_dict[key]) mother_list = list() while class_dict["mother"] != "": class_dict = gen_dict[class_dict["mother"]] mother_list.extend(class_dict[key]) all_list.extend(mother_list) return (all_list, mother_list)