Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Machine.Machine.plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from ....definitions import config_dict


[docs]def plot( self, fig=None, ax=None, sym=1, alpha=0, delta=0, is_edge_only=False, edgecolor=None, is_add_arrow=False, comp_machine=None, comp_legend=None, is_show_fig=True, save_path=None, win_title=None, fig_title=None, is_max_sym=False, is_clean_plot=False, is_winding_connection=False, ): """Plot the Machine in a matplotlib fig Parameters ---------- self : Machine A Machine object fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis on which to plot the data sym : int Symmetry factor (1= full machine, 2= half of the machine...) alpha : float Angle for rotation [rad] delta : complex Complex value for translation is_edge_only: bool To plot transparent Patches edgecolor: Color of the edges if is_edge_only=True comp_machine : Machine A machine to plot in transparency on top of the self machine comp_legend : str Name of the compare machine to set in the legeng (comp_machine != None) is_show_fig : bool To call show at the end of the method save_path : str full path including folder, name and extension of the file to save if save_path is not None win_title : str Name of the Window (default machine name) fig_title : str Name of the figure (default machine name) is_max_sym : bool True: overwrite sym parameter with max periodicity of the machine is_clean_plot : bool True to remove title, legend, axis (only machine on plot with white background) is_winding_connection : bool True to display winding connections Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object Axis containing the plot """ # Get maximum symetry for plot if is_max_sym: pera, is_apera = self.comp_periodicity_spatial() sym = 2 * pera if is_apera else pera if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = "k" # Default is black (fig, ax, _, _) = init_fig(fig=fig, ax=ax, shape="square") # Call each plot method to properly set the legend if self.frame is not None: self.frame.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, is_edge_only=is_edge_only, edgecolor=edgecolor, is_show_fig=False, ) Wfra = self.frame.comp_height_eq() else: Wfra = 0 # Determin order of plotting parts lam_list = self.get_lam_list(is_int_to_ext=True) Rext = lam_list[-1].Rext for lam in lam_list[::-1]: lam.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, is_edge_only=is_edge_only, edgecolor=edgecolor, is_add_arrow=is_add_arrow, is_show_fig=False, is_winding_connection=is_winding_connection, ) if lam_list[0].Rint > 0 and self.shaft is not None and self.shaft.Drsh is not None: self.shaft.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, is_edge_only=is_edge_only, edgecolor=edgecolor, is_show_fig=False, ) if comp_machine is not None: comp_machine.rotor.plot( fig, ax, sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, is_edge_only=True, edgecolor=COMP_EDGE_COLOR, is_add_arrow=is_add_arrow, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, ) comp_machine.stator.plot( fig, ax, sym=sym, alpha=alpha, delta=delta, is_edge_only=True, edgecolor=COMP_EDGE_COLOR, is_add_arrow=is_add_arrow, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, ) patch_leg = [ Patch(facecolor=PATCH_COLOR_ALPHA, edgecolor="k"), Patch(facecolor=PATCH_COLOR_ALPHA, edgecolor="r", linestyle="--"), ] if comp_legend is None: comp_legend = "Compared machine" label_leg = ["Reference", comp_legend] ax.set_axis_off() ax.legend(patch_leg, label_leg) ax.set_xlabel("Position along x-axis [m]") ax.set_ylabel("Position along y-axis [m]") if fig_title is None: fig_title = ax.set_title(fig_title) # Axis Setup ax.axis("equal") # The Lamination is centered in the figure Lim = (Rext + Wfra) * 1.5 # Axes limit for plot if sym > 2: ax.set_xlim(-Lim * 0.1, Lim) ax.set_ylim(-Lim * 0.1, Lim) elif sym == 2: ax.set_xlim(-Lim, Lim) ax.set_ylim(-Lim * 0.1, Lim) else: ax.set_xlim(-Lim, Lim) ax.set_ylim(-Lim, Lim) # Set Windows title if not in ["", None] and win_title is None: win_title = + " plot machine" # Clean figure if is_clean_plot: ax.set_axis_off() ax.axis("equal") if ax.get_legend() is not None: ax.get_legend().remove() ax.set_title("") if save_path is not None: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig=fig) if is_show_fig: if win_title: manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() if manager is not None: manager.set_window_title(win_title) return fig, ax