Source code for pyleecan.Tests.Methods.Geometry.test_Circle_meth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from unittest import TestCase
from ....Classes.Circle import Circle
from ....Classes.Arc3 import Arc3
from ....Methods.Geometry.Circle.rotate import AngleRotationCircleError
from ....Methods.Geometry.Circle.translate import PointTranslateCircleError
from numpy import pi, sqrt, exp, linspace
from ddt import ddt, data

# Dictionary to test comp_length
comp_length_test = list()
comp_length_test.append({"center": 0, "radius": 5, "ref": 0, "expect": 2 * 5 * pi})
    {"center": 10 + 2j, "radius": 2, "ref": 9, "expect": 2 * 2 * pi}
comp_length_test.append({"center": -5, "radius": 10, "ref": -15, "expect": 2 * 10 * pi})

# Dictionary to test rotate
rotate_test = list()
    {"center": 1j, "radius": 1, "ref": 0, "alpha": pi / 2, "exp_center": -1}
    {"center": 0, "radius": 2, "ref": 1, "alpha": pi / 2, "exp_center": 0}
        "center": -10 - 10j,
        "radius": 10,
        "ref": -6,
        "alpha": pi / 4,
        "exp_center": -sqrt(200) * 1j,
        "center": -10 - 10j,
        "radius": 10,
        "ref": -10 - 10j,
        "alpha": -pi / 4,
        "exp_center": -sqrt(200),

# Dictionary to test translate
translate_test = list()
    {"center": 1j, "radius": 1, "ref": 0, "delta": -6, "exp_center": -6 + 1j}
    {"center": 0, "radius": 2, "ref": 0, "delta": 5 + 10j, "exp_center": 5 + 10j}
    {"center": -10 - 10j, "radius": 10, "ref": -10, "delta": 0, "exp_center": -10 - 10j}

# Dictionary to test get_lines
lines_test = list()
lines_test.append({"center": 0, "radius": 1, "ref": 0})
lines_test[0]["result"] = [
    Arc3(begin=1, end=-1, is_trigo_direction=True),
    Arc3(begin=-1, end=1, is_trigo_direction=True),
lines_test.append({"center": 5 + 5j, "radius": 1, "ref": 4})
lines_test[1]["result"] = [
    Arc3(begin=6 + 5j, end=4 + 5j, is_trigo_direction=True),
    Arc3(begin=4 + 5j, end=6 + 5j, is_trigo_direction=True),

# Dictionary to test discretize
disc_test = list()
disc_test.append({"center": 0, "radius": 1, "ref": 0})
disc_test[0]["result"] = exp(1j * linspace(0, 2 * pi, 200, endpoint=False))
disc_test.append({"center": 5 + 5j, "radius": 1, "ref": 4})
disc_test[1]["result"] = exp(1j * linspace(0, 2 * pi, 200, endpoint=False)) + 5 + 5j

[docs]@ddt class test_Circle_meth(TestCase): """Unittest for Class Circle""" @data(*comp_length_test) def test_comp_length(self, test_dict): """Check that you can compute the circle length """ circle = Circle( center=test_dict["center"], point_ref=test_dict["ref"], radius=test_dict["radius"], ) result = circle.comp_length() self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(result - test_dict["expect"]), 0)
[docs] def test_rotate_fail(self): """Check that the rotate method can detect a wrong arg """ circle = Circle(point_ref=1j, radius=1) with self.assertRaises(AngleRotationCircleError): circle.rotate("")
@data(*rotate_test) def test_rotate(self, test_dict): """Check that you can rotate a circle """ circle = Circle( center=test_dict["center"], point_ref=test_dict["ref"], radius=test_dict["radius"], ) circle.rotate(test_dict["alpha"]) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(test_dict["radius"] - circle.radius), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(test_dict["exp_center"] -, 0)
[docs] def test_translate_fail(self): """Check that the translate method can detect a wrong arg """ circle = Circle(point_ref=1j, radius=1) with self.assertRaises(PointTranslateCircleError): circle.translate("")
@data(*translate_test) def test_translate(self, test_dict): """Check that you can translate a circle """ circle = Circle( center=test_dict["center"], point_ref=test_dict["ref"], radius=test_dict["radius"], ) circle.translate(test_dict["delta"]) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(test_dict["radius"] - circle.radius), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(test_dict["exp_center"] -, 0) @data(*lines_test) def test_get_lines(self, test_dict): """Check that you get the correct lines to draw the circle """ circle = Circle( center=test_dict["center"], point_ref=test_dict["ref"], radius=test_dict["radius"], ) lines = circle.get_lines() self.assertEqual(lines, test_dict["result"]) @data(*disc_test) def test_discretize(self, test_dict): """Check that you can discretize the circle """ circle = Circle( center=test_dict["center"], point_ref=test_dict["ref"], radius=test_dict["radius"], ) points = circle.discretize() self.assertEqual(len(points), len(test_dict["result"])) for ii in range(len(points)): self.assertAlmostEqual(points[ii], test_dict["result"][ii], delta=1e-6)