Source code for pyleecan.Tests.Methods.Geometry.test_Trapeze_meth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from unittest import TestCase
from ....Classes.Trapeze import Trapeze
from ....Classes.Segment import Segment
from mock import MagicMock
from numpy import pi

[docs]class test_Trapeze_meth(TestCase): """Unittest for the Trapeze methods"""
[docs] def test_rotate(self): """Check that you can rotate the trapeze """ surface = Trapeze(point_ref=1j, label="test", height=6, W2=6, W1=3) surface.rotate(pi / 2) expected = -1 self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(surface.point_ref - expected), 0)
[docs] def test_comp_length(self): """Check that you can compute the length of the trapeze """ surface = Trapeze(point_ref=1j, label="test", height=6, W2=6, W1=3) surface.get_lines = MagicMock(return_value=[Segment(begin=0, end=1)]) length = surface.comp_length() expected = 1 self.assertEqual(length, expected)
[docs] def test_translate(self): """Check that you can translate the Trapeze """ surface = Trapeze(point_ref=1j, label="test", height=6, W2=6, W1=3) surface.translate(-2) expected = -2 + 1j self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(surface.point_ref - expected), 0)
[docs] def test_get_lines(self): """Check that you get the correct lines to draw the trapeze """ surface = Trapeze(point_ref=1j, label="test", height=6, W2=6, W1=3) lines = surface.get_lines() cpt_Segment = 0 for line in lines: self.assertTrue(type(line) in [Segment]) cpt_Segment += 1 self.assertEqual(cpt_Segment, 4)