Source code for Tests.GUI.DMachineSetup.test_SMagnet_inset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from PySide2.QtTest import QTest
from numpy import pi

from pyleecan.Classes.LamSlotMag import LamSlotMag
from pyleecan.Classes.LamSlotWind import LamSlotWind
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineSIPMSM import MachineSIPMSM
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM10 import SlotM10
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM11 import SlotM11
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM12 import SlotM12
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM13 import SlotM13
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM14 import SlotM14
from pyleecan.Classes.Material import Material
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.MatLib import MatLib
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.SMSlot import SMSlot
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.PMSlot10.PMSlot10 import PMSlot10
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.PMSlot11.PMSlot11 import PMSlot11
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.PMSlot12.PMSlot12 import PMSlot12
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.PMSlot13.PMSlot13 import PMSlot13
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.PMSlot14.PMSlot14 import PMSlot14

import pytest

[docs]class TestSMSlot_inset(object): """Test that the widget SMSlot behave like it should (for SIPMSM)"""
[docs] @pytest.fixture def setup(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the gui""" if not QtWidgets.QApplication.instance(): = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) else: = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() test_obj = MachineSIPMSM(type_machine=7) # IPMSM # For comp_output compatibility test_obj.stator = LamSlotWind(Rint=0.95, Rext=0.99) test_obj.rotor = LamSlotMag(Rint=0.1, Rext=0.9) test_obj.rotor.slot = SlotM11( Zs=8, W0=pi / 24, H0=5e-3, Wmag=pi / 24, Hmag=3e-3 ) = "test3" matlib = MatLib() matlib.dict_mat["RefMatLib"] = [ Material(name="test1"), Material(name="test2"), Material(name="test3"), ] matlib.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][0].elec.rho = 0.31 matlib.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][1].elec.rho = 0.32 matlib.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][2].elec.rho = 0.33 widget = SMSlot(machine=test_obj, matlib=matlib, is_stator=False) yield {"widget": widget, "test_obj": test_obj}
[docs] def test_init(self, setup): """Check that the GUI initialize correctly""" assert setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentIndex() == 1 assert setup["widget"].w_slot.unit_Wmag.text() == "[rad]" assert setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.text() == "0.13089969" assert setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.text() == "0.003" assert setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.text() == "0.005" assert setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.text() == "0.13089969" assert setup["widget"].w_mat.in_mat_type.text() == "mat_mag:" assert setup["widget"].w_mat.c_mat_type.currentIndex() == 2 assert ( setup["widget"].w_slot.w_out.out_wind_surface.text() == "Active surface: 0.0003521 [m²]" )
[docs] def test_set_material(self, setup): """Check that you can change the material""" setup["widget"].w_mat.c_mat_type.setCurrentIndex(0) assert setup["test_obj"] == "test1" assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.magnet.mat_type.elec.rho == 0.31 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot11
[docs] def test_Magnet_Type_10_inset(self, setup): """Check that the Widget is able to set inset Magnet type 10""" setup["widget"].c_slot_type.setCurrentIndex(0) # Index 0 is 10 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot10 assert ( setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentText() == "Rectangular Magnet" ) # Index 0 is 10 assert type(setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot) == SlotM10 # Wmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag, "0.41") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Wmag == 0.41 # Hmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag, "0.42") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Hmag == 0.42 # H0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0, "0.415") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.H0 == 0.415 # W0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0, "0.415") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.W0 == 0.415 # type_magnetization set test setup["widget"].c_type_magnetization.setCurrentIndex(2) assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.magnet.type_magnetization == 2
[docs] def test_Magnet_Type_11_inset(self, setup): """Check that the Widget is able to set inset Magnet type 11""" setup["widget"].c_slot_type.setCurrentIndex(1) # Index 1 is 11 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot11 assert ( setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentText() == "Polar Magnet" ) # Index 2 is 11 assert type(setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot) == SlotM11 # Wmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag, "0.123") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Wmag == 0.123 # Hmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag, "0.44") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Hmag == 0.44 # H0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0, "0.425") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.H0 == 0.425 # W0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0, "0.4898") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.W0 == 0.4898 # type_magnetization set test setup["widget"].c_type_magnetization.setCurrentIndex(1) assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.magnet.type_magnetization == 1
[docs] def test_Magnet_Type_12_inset(self, setup): """Check that the Widget is able to set inset Magnet type 12""" setup["widget"].c_slot_type.setCurrentIndex(2) # Index 2 is 12 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot12 assert ( setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentText() == "Rectangular Magnet with polar top" ) # Index 2 is 12 assert type(setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot) == SlotM12 # Wmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag, "0.45") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Wmag == 0.45 # Hmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag, "0.46") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Hmag == 0.46 # H0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0, "0.435") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.H0 == 0.435 # W0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0, "0.4898") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.W0 == 0.4898 # type_magnetization set test setup["widget"].c_type_magnetization.setCurrentIndex(1) # 0 is the default index setup["widget"].c_type_magnetization.setCurrentIndex(0) assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.magnet.type_magnetization == 0
[docs] def test_Magnet_Type_13_inset(self, setup): """Check that the Widget is able to set inset Magnet type 13""" setup["widget"].c_slot_type.setCurrentIndex(3) # Index 3 is 13 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot13 assert ( setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentText() == "Rectangular Magnet with curved top" ) assert type(setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot) == SlotM13 # Wmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag, "0.47") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Wmag == 0.47 # Hmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag, "0.48") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Hmag == 0.48 # Rtopm set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm, "0.481") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Rtopm == 0.481 # H0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0, "0.445") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.H0 == 0.445 # W0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0, "0.4898") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.W0 == 0.4898
[docs] def test_Magnet_Type_14_inset(self, setup): """Check that the Widget is able to set inset Magnet type 14""" setup["widget"].c_slot_type.setCurrentIndex(4) # Index 4 is 14 assert type(setup["widget"].w_slot) == PMSlot14 assert ( setup["widget"].c_slot_type.currentText() == "Polar Magnet with curved top" ) # Index 4 is 14 assert type(setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot) == SlotM14 # Wmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag, "0.0491") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Wmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Wmag == 0.0491 # Hmag set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag, "0.492") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Hmag.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Hmag == 0.492 # Rtopm set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm, "0.493") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_Rtopm.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.Rtopm == 0.493 # H0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0, "0.455") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_H0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.H0 == 0.455 # W0 set test # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0, "0.4898") setup["widget"].w_slot.lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["test_obj"].rotor.slot.W0 == 0.4898