Source code for Tests.Methods.Mesh.test_find_cell

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pytest

from pyleecan.Classes.CellMat import CellMat
from pyleecan.Classes.Interpolation import Interpolation
from pyleecan.Classes.MeshMat import MeshMat
from pyleecan.Classes.MeshSolution import MeshSolution
from pyleecan.Classes.PointMat import PointMat
from pyleecan.Classes.RefSegmentP1 import RefSegmentP1
from pyleecan.Classes.RefTriangle3 import RefTriangle3

[docs]@pytest.mark.MeshSol def test_line(): DELTA = 1e-10 mesh = MeshMat() mesh.cell["line"] = CellMat(nb_pt_per_cell=2) mesh.point = PointMat() mesh.point.add_point(np.array([0, 0])) mesh.point.add_point(np.array([1, 0])) mesh.point.add_point(np.array([0, 1])) mesh.add_cell(np.array([0, 1]), "line") mesh.add_cell(np.array([0, 2]), "line") mesh.add_cell(np.array([1, 2]), "line") c_line = mesh.cell["line"] c_line.interpolation = Interpolation() c_line.interpolation.ref_cell = RefSegmentP1() meshsol = MeshSolution() meshsol.mesh = [mesh] # This point is inside test_pt = np.array([0.7, 0]) sol = 0 cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1)[0][1] testA = np.sum(abs(cells - sol)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str(sol) assert testA == pytest.approx(0, abs=DELTA), msg # This point is outside but in the error margin, so it is considered "inside" test_pt = np.array([0.0001, 0.4]) sol = 1 cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1)[0][1] testA = np.sum(abs(cells - sol)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str(sol) assert testA == pytest.approx(0, abs=DELTA), msg # This point is outside any element, so it must return None test_pt = np.array([0.1, 0.4]) cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1) testA = cells == [None] msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str([None]) assert testA is True
[docs]@pytest.mark.MeshSol def test_triangle3(): DELTA = 1e-10 mesh = MeshMat(dimension=2) mesh.point = PointMat() mesh.point.add_point(np.array([0, 0])) mesh.point.add_point(np.array([2, 0])) mesh.point.add_point(np.array([2, 2])) mesh.point.add_point(np.array([0, 2])) mesh.cell["triangle"] = CellMat(nb_pt_per_cell=3) mesh.add_cell(np.array([0, 1, 2]), "triangle") mesh.add_cell(np.array([0, 3, 2]), "triangle") c_tgl = mesh.cell["triangle"] c_tgl.interpolation = Interpolation() c_tgl.interpolation.ref_cell = RefTriangle3() meshsol = MeshSolution() meshsol.mesh = [mesh] # This point is inside cell 0 test_pt = np.array([1, 0.5]) sol = 0 cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1)[0][1] testA = np.sum(abs(cells - sol)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str(sol) assert testA == pytest.approx(0, abs=DELTA), msg # This point is inside cell 1 test_pt = np.array([0.5, 1]) sol = 1 cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1)[0][1] testA = np.sum(abs(cells - sol)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str(sol) assert testA == pytest.approx(0, abs=DELTA), msg # This point is outside but in the error margin, so it is considered "inside" test_pt = np.array([-0.0001, 0.4]) sol = 1 cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1)[0][1] testA = np.sum(abs(cells - sol)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str(sol) assert testA == pytest.approx(0, abs=DELTA), msg # This point is outside any element, so it must return None test_pt = np.array([-0.1, 10]) cells = mesh.find_cell(test_pt, 1) testA = cells == [None] msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(cells) + ", expected: " + str([None]) assert testA is True
if __name__ == "__main__": test_line() test_triangle3()