Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Mesh.ElementMat.get_all_connectivity

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from numpy import int32

[docs]def get_all_connectivity(self, group=None): """Return the connectivity and tags for a selected group of elements Parameters ---------- self : ElementMat an ElementMat object group : numpy.array one or several group number Returns ------- connect_select: ndarray Selected connectivity tag_select: ndarray Selected element tags """ connect = self.connectivity elem_groups = elem_tags = self.tag connect_select = np.array([], dtype=int) tag_select = np.array([], dtype=int) if group is not None: group = int32(group) if isinstance(group, (int, int32, float, complex)): group = np.array([group], dtype=int) if type(group) is list or type(group) is np.ndarray: for grp in group: Ipos_select = np.where(elem_groups == grp)[0] tag_select = np.concatenate([tag_select, elem_tags[Ipos_select]]) k = 0 for Ipos in Ipos_select: if k == 0: connect_select = np.append( connect_select, connect[Ipos, :], axis=0 ) k += 1 else: connect_select = np.vstack((connect_select, connect[Ipos, :])) k += 1 elif group is None: connect_select = connect tag_select = elem_tags else: return None, None return connect_select, tag_select