Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.Output.plot.plot_2D_Data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .....Functions.Plot.plot_2D_Data import plot_2D_Data as plot_2D_Data_fct
from .....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from SciDataTool import VectorField

[docs]def plot_2D_Data( self, Data_str, *arg_list, is_norm=False, unit="SI", data_list=[], component_list=None, legend_list=[], color_list=[], save_path=None, x_min=None, x_max=None, y_min=None, y_max=None, is_logscale_x=False, is_logscale_y=False, is_disp_title=True, is_grid=True, is_auto_ticks=True, fig=None, ax=None, barwidth=100, type_plot=None, fund_harm_dict=None, is_show_fig=None, ): """Plots a field as a function of time Parameters ---------- self : Output an Output object Data_str : str name of the Data Object to plot (e.g. "mag.Br") *arg_list : list of str arguments to specify which axes to plot is_norm : bool boolean indicating if the field must be normalized unit : str unit in which to plot the field data_list : list list of Data objects to compare component_list : list list of component names to plot in separate figures legend_list : list list of legends to use for each Data object (including reference one) instead of color_list : list list of colors to use for each Data object save_path : str full path of the png file where the figure is saved if save_path is not None x_min : float minimum value for the x-axis x_max : float maximum value for the x-axis y_min : float minimum value for the y-axis y_max : float maximum value for the y-axis is_logscale_x : bool boolean indicating if the x-axis must be set in logarithmic scale is_logscale_y : bool boolean indicating if the y-axis must be set in logarithmic scale is_disp_title : bool boolean indicating if the title must be displayed is_grid : bool boolean indicating if the grid must be displayed is_auto_ticks : bool in fft, adjust ticks to freqs (deactivate if too close) fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object ax on which to plot the data barwidth : float barwidth scaling factor, only if type_plot = "bargraph" type_plot : str type of 2D graph : "curve", "bargraph", "barchart" or "quiver" fund_harm_dict : dict Dict containing axis name as key and frequency/order/wavenumber of fundamental harmonic as value to display fundamental harmonic in red in the fft is_show_fig : bool True to show figure after plot """ # Get Data object names data = self.get_data_from_str(data_str=Data_str) # Get fundamental harmonic properties from Output if fund_harm_dict is None: fund_harm_dict = self.get_fund_harm(data) # Call the plot function if isinstance(data, VectorField): if component_list is None: # default: extract all components component_list = data.components.keys() for i, comp in enumerate(component_list): # (fig, axes, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(None, shape="rectangle") if save_path is not None: save_path_comp = ( save_path.split(".")[0] + "_" + comp + "." + save_path.split(".")[1] ) else: save_path_comp = None plot_2D_Data_fct( data.components[comp], arg_list, is_norm=is_norm, unit=unit, data_list=[dat.components[comp] for dat in data_list], legend_list=legend_list, color_list=color_list, save_path=save_path_comp, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, is_logscale_x=is_logscale_x, is_logscale_y=is_logscale_y, is_disp_title=is_disp_title, is_grid=is_grid, is_auto_ticks=is_auto_ticks, fig=fig, ax=ax, barwidth=barwidth, type_plot=type_plot, fund_harm_dict=fund_harm_dict, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, ) else: # (fig, axes, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(None, shape="rectangle") plot_2D_Data_fct( data, arg_list, is_norm=is_norm, unit=unit, data_list=data_list, legend_list=legend_list, color_list=color_list, save_path=save_path, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, is_logscale_x=is_logscale_x, is_logscale_y=is_logscale_y, is_disp_title=is_disp_title, is_grid=is_grid, is_auto_ticks=is_auto_ticks, fig=fig, ax=ax, barwidth=barwidth, type_plot=type_plot, fund_harm_dict=fund_harm_dict, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, )