Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Output.Output.plot.plot_A_space_compare

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from .....Functions.Plot.plot_A_2D import plot_A_2D
from numpy import array, squeeze

[docs]def plot_A_space_compare( self, Data_str, t=None, t_index=0, is_deg=True, is_fft=False, is_spaceorder=False, r_max=100, fund_harm=None, is_norm=False, unit="SI", index_list=[], ): """Plots a field as a function of space (angle) Parameters ---------- self : Output an Output object Data_str : str name of the Data Object to plot (e.g. "mag.Br") t : float time value at which to slice t_index : int time index at which to slice is_deg : bool boolean indicating if the angle must be converted to degrees is_fft : bool boolean indicating if we want to plot the space-fft below the plot is_spaceorder : bool boolean indicating if we want to use the spatial order for the fft axis r_max : int maximum value of the wavenumber for the fft axis fund_harm : float frequency of the fundamental harmonic is_norm : bool boolean indicating if the field must be normalized unit : str unit in which to plot the field index_list : list list of indices to compare """ # Get Data object names Phys = getattr(self, Data_str.split(".")[0]) A = getattr(Phys, Data_str.split(".")[1]) # Set plot (fig, axes, patch_leg, label_leg) = init_fig(None, shape="rectangle") list_str = A.axes[0].name legend_list = ["Overall"] color_list = ["k-", "b--", "r--", "g--", "o--", "p--"] if is_deg: xlabel = "Angle [°]" else: xlabel = "Angle [rad]" if unit == "SI": unit = A.unit if is_norm: ylabel = r"$\frac{" + A.symbol + "}{" + A.symbol + "_0}\, [" + unit + "]$" else: ylabel = r"$" + A.symbol + "\, [" + unit + "]$" # Extract the fields if t != None: t_str = "time=" + str(t) else: t_str = "time[" + str(t_index) + "]" Ydatas = [] if is_deg: for i in index_list: (angle, Ydata) = A.compare_along( "angle{°}", t_str, list_str + "[" + str(i) + "]", unit=unit, is_norm=is_norm, ) Ydatas.append(array(Ydata)) legend_list.append(A.axes[0].values[i]) else: for i in index_list: (angle, axis_i, Ydata) = A.compare_along( "angle", t_str, list_str + "[" + str(i) + "]", unit=unit, is_norm=is_norm, ) Ydatas.append(array(Ydata)) legend_list.append(A.axes[0].values[i]) Ydata = squeeze(Ydatas) title = + " over space at " + t_str # Plot the original graph plot_A_2D( angle, Ydata, legend_list=legend_list, color_list=color_list, fig=fig, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, ) if is_fft: # FFT of first axis only title = "FFT of " + ylabel = r"$|\widehat{" + A.symbol + "}|\, [" + unit + "]$" if is_spaceorder: order_max = r_max / A.normalizations.get("space_order") xlabel = "Space order []" (wavenumber, Ydata) = A.compare_magnitude_along( "wavenumber=[0," + str(order_max) + "]{space_order}", t_str, unit=unit, is_norm=False, ) else: xlabel = "Wavenumber []" (wavenumber, Ydata) = A.compare_magnitude_along( "wavenumber=[0," + str(r_max) + "]", t_str, unit=unit, is_norm=False ) plot_A_2D( wavenumber, Ydata, legend_list=legend_list, color_list=color_list, fig=fig, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, type="bargraph", is_fund=True, fund_harm=fund_harm, )