Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Simulation.ForceMT.comp_force

from numpy import pi, all as np_all

def comp_force(self, output, axes_dict):
    """Compute the air-gap surface force based on Maxwell Tensor (MT).

    self : ForceMT
        A ForceMT object
    output : Output
        an Output object (to update)
    axes_dict: {Data}
        Dict of axes used for force calculation

    out_dict: dict
        Dict containing the following quantities:
            AGSF_r : ndarray
                Airgap radial Maxwell stress (Nt,Na,Nz) [N/m²]
            AGSF_t : ndarray
                Airgap tangential Maxwell stress (Nt,Na,Nz) [N/m²]
            AGSF_z : ndarray
                Airgap axial Maxwell stress (Nt,Na,Nz) [N/m²]


    # Init output dict
    out_dict = dict()

    Rag = output.mag.Rag
    out_dict["Rag"] = Rag

    # Get time and angular axes
    Angle = axes_dict["Angle"]
    Time = axes_dict["Time"]

    # Import angular vector from Angle Data object
    is_periodicity_a, is_antiper_a = Angle.get_periodicity()

    if self.is_periodicity_a is not None:
        is_periodicity_a = self.is_periodicity_a

    angle = Angle.get_values(
        is_antiperiod=is_antiper_a and is_periodicity_a,

    if self.is_periodicity_t is not None:
        is_periodicity_t = self.is_periodicity_t

    # Import time vector from Time Data object
    is_periodicity_t, is_antiper_t = Time.get_periodicity()
    time = Time.get_values(
        is_antiperiod=is_antiper_t and is_periodicity_t,

    # Load magnetic flux
    Brphiz = output.mag.B.get_rphiz_along(
        axis_data={"time": time, "angle": angle},
    Br = Brphiz["radial"]

    # Magnetic void permeability
    mu_0 = 4 * pi * 1e-7

    # Get flux density component lists
    comp_list = list(output.mag.B.components.keys())

    # Calculate Maxwell Stress Tensor
    if "radial" in comp_list:
        if "tangential" not in comp_list and "axial" not in comp_list:
            out_dict["AGSF_r"] = -Br * Br / (2 * mu_0)

        elif "tangential" in comp_list:
            Bt = Brphiz["tangential"]
            out_dict["AGSF_t"] = -Br * Bt / mu_0

            if "axial" not in comp_list:
                out_dict["AGSF_r"] = -(Br * Br - Bt * Bt) / (2 * mu_0)

                Bz = Brphiz["axial"]
                out_dict["AGSF_r"] = -(Br * Br - Bt * Bt - Bz * Bz) / (2 * mu_0)
                out_dict["AGSF_z"] = -Br * Bz / mu_0

    return out_dict