Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Simulation.MagElmer.solve_FEA

import numpy as np
import subprocess

from numpy import (
    max as np_max,
    min as np_min,
    angle as np_angle,
from os.path import basename, splitext
from SciDataTool import DataTime, VectorField, Data1D
from os.path import join

from ....Functions.Winding.gen_phase_list import gen_name

from ....Classes.Magnetics import Magnetics
from ....Methods.Simulation.MagElmer import surface_label
from ....Functions.Winding.find_wind_phase_color import get_phase_id
from .... import __version__
from ....Functions.get_path_binary import get_path_binary

from ....Classes.HoleM50 import HoleM50
from ....Classes.HoleM51 import HoleM51
from ....Classes.HoleM52 import HoleM52
from ....Classes.HoleM53 import HoleM53
from ....Classes.MachineSIPMSM import MachineSIPMSM
from ....Classes.MachineIPMSM import MachineIPMSM
from ....Methods import NotImplementedYetError

def solve_FEA(self, output, sym, angle, time, angle_rotor, Is, Ir):
    Solve Elmer model to calculate airgap flux density, torque instantaneous/average/ripple values,
    flux induced in stator windings and flux density, field and permeability maps

    self: MagElmer
        A MagElmer object
    output: Output
        An Output object
    sym: int
        Spatial symmetry factor
    time: ndarray
        Time vector for calculation
    angle: ndarray
        Angle vector for calculation
    Is : ndarray
        Stator current matrix (qs,Nt) [A]
    Ir : ndarray
        Stator current matrix (qs,Nt) [A]
    angle_rotor: ndarray
        Rotor angular position vector (Nt,)

    project_name = self.get_path_save_fea(output)
    elmermesh_folder = project_name
    mesh_names_file = join(project_name, "mesh.names")
    boundaries = {}
    bodies = {}
    machine = output.simu.machine
    BHs = output.geo.stator.BH_curve  # Stator B(H) curve
    BHr = output.geo.rotor.BH_curve  # Rotor B(H) curve
    # Is = output.elec.Is  # Stator currents waveforms
    # Ir = output.elec.Ir  # Rotor currents waveforms
    Speed = output.elec.N0
    rotor_mat_file = join(project_name, "rotor_material.pmf")
    stator_mat_file = join(project_name, "stator_material.pmf")

    # TO-DO: Time vector must be greater than one
    timesize_str = np.array2string(
        np.diff(time), separator=" ", formatter={"float_kind": lambda x: "%.2e" % x}
    time = np.append(time, time[1] + time[-1])
    timesize_str = np.array2string(
        np.diff(time), separator=" ", formatter={"float_kind": lambda x: "%.2e" % x}
    timelen = len(time) - 1
    ones_str = np.array2string(
        np.ones(timelen), separator=" ", formatter={"int": lambda x: "%d" % x}
    timeinterval_str = ones_str.replace(".", "")

    with open(mesh_names_file, "rt") as f:
        for line in f:
            fields = line.strip().split()
            if fields[0] == "$":
                field_name = fields[1]
                field_value = fields[3]
                # update dictionary
                # _settings['Geometry'][field_name] = field_value
                if field_name.count("BOUNDARY"):
                    boundaries[field_name] = field_value
                    bodies[field_name] = {
                        "id": field_value,
                        "mat": 1,  # Air by Default
                        "eq": 1,  # RigidMeshMapper by Default
                        "bf": None,
                        "tg": None,

    with open(rotor_mat_file, "wt") as ro:
        ro.write("! File Generated by pyleecan v{0}\n".format(__version__))
            "! Material Name: {0}\n"
            "! B-H Curve Rotor Material\n"
            "Electric Conductivity = 0\n"
            "H-B Curve = Variable coupled iter\n"
            " Real\t\tCubic Monotone\n".format(
        for ii in range(BHr.shape[0]):
            ro.write("   {0}\t\t{1}\n".format(BHr[ii][1], BHr[ii][0]))

    with open(stator_mat_file, "wt") as ro:
        ro.write("! File Generated by pyleecan v{0}\n".format(__version__))
            "! Material Name: {0}\n"
            "! B-H Curve Stator Material\n"
            "Electric Conductivity = 0\n"
            "H-B Curve = Variable coupled iter\n"
            " Real\t\tCubic Monotone\n".format(
        for ii in range(BHs.shape[0]):
            ro.write("   {0}\t\t{1}\n".format(BHs[ii][1], BHs[ii][0]))

    elmer_sim_file = join(project_name, "pyleecan_elmer.sif")
    pp = machine.stator.winding.p
    wind_mat = machine.stator.winding.comp_connection_mat(machine.stator.slot.Zs)
    surf_wind = machine.stator.slot.comp_surface_active()
    ror = machine.rotor.comp_radius_mec()
    sir = machine.stator.comp_radius_mec()
    with open(elmer_sim_file, "wt") as fo:
        fo.write("! File Generated by pyleecan v{0}\n".format(__version__))
            "$ WM = 2*pi*{0}/60        ! Mechanical Frequency [rad/s]\n".format(Speed)
        fo.write("$ PP = {0}                ! Pole pairs\n".format(pp))
        fo.write("$ WE = PP*WM              ! Electrical Frequency [Hz]\n")

        if isinstance(machine, MachineSIPMSM):
            # magnet_0 = machine.rotor.slot.magnet[0]
            magnet_0 = machine.rotor.magnet
        elif isinstance(machine, MachineIPMSM):
            magnet_dict = machine.rotor.hole[0].get_magnet_dict()
            magnet_0 = magnet_dict["magnet_0"]
            self.get_logger().info("ElmerSolver [Error]: Unsupported Machine Geometry")
            return False

        surf_list = machine.build_geometry(sym=sym)
        pm_index = 6
        Mangle = list()
        Ncond_Aplus = 1
        Ncond_Aminus = 1
        Ncond_Bplus = 1
        Ncond_Bminus = 1
        Ncond_Cplus = 1
        Ncond_Cminus = 1
        Ncond_Dplus = 1
        Ncond_Dminus = 1
        Ncond_Eplus = 1
        Ncond_Eminus = 1
        Ncond_Fplus = 1
        Ncond_Fminus = 1
        Npcpp = machine.stator.winding.Npcpp
        for surf in surf_list:
            label = surface_label.get(surf.label, "UNKNOWN")
            if "H_MAGNET" in label:  # LamHole
                if "PAR" in label:
                    lam = machine.rotor
                    magnetization_type = "parallel"
                    point_ref = surf.point_ref
                    # calculate pole angle and angle of pole middle
                    alpha_p = 360 / lam.hole[0].Zh
                    mag_0 = (
                        floor_divide(np_angle(point_ref, deg=True), alpha_p) + 0.5
                    ) * alpha_p

                    # HoleM50 or HoleM53
                    if (type(lam.hole[0]) == HoleM50) or (type(lam.hole[0]) == HoleM53):
                        if "T0" in label:
                            mag = mag_0 + lam.hole[0].comp_alpha() * 180 / pi
                            mag = mag_0 - lam.hole[0].comp_alpha() * 180 / pi

                    # HoleM51
                    if type(lam.hole[0]) == HoleM51:
                        if "T0" in label:
                            mag = mag_0 + lam.hole[0].comp_alpha() * 180 / pi
                        elif "T1" in label:
                            mag = mag_0
                            mag = mag_0 - lam.hole[0].comp_alpha() * 180 / pi

                    # HoleM52
                    if type(lam.hole[0]) == HoleM52:
                        mag = mag_0

                    # modifiy magnetisation of south poles
                    if "_S_" in label:
                        mag = mag + 180
                    raise NotImplementedYetError(
                        "Only parallele magnetization are available for HoleMagnet"
                if bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                    bodies[label]["mat"] = pm_index
                    bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                    bodies[label]["bf"] = 1
                    bodies[label]["tg"] = 1
                    pm_index = pm_index + 1
            elif "MAGNET" in label:
                point_ref = surf.point_ref
                if "RAD" in label and "_N_" in label:  # Radial magnetization
                    mag = 0  # North pole magnet
                    magnetization_type = "radial"
                elif "RAD" in label:
                    mag = 180  # South pole magnet
                    magnetization_type = "radial"
                elif "PAR" in label and "_N_" in label:
                    mag = np_angle(point_ref) * 180 / pi  # North pole magnet
                    magnetization_type = "parallel"
                elif "PAR" in label:
                    mag = np_angle(point_ref) * 180 / pi + 180  # South pole magnet
                    magnetization_type = "parallel"
                elif "HALL" in label:
                    Zs = machine.rotor.slot.Zs
                    mag = str(-(Zs / 2 - 1)) + " * theta + 90 "
                    magnetization_type = "hallback"
                if bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                    bodies[label]["mat"] = pm_index
                    bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                    bodies[label]["bf"] = 1
                    bodies[label]["tg"] = 1
                    pm_index = pm_index + 1
            elif "W_STA" in label:
                st = label.split("_")
                Nrad_id = int(st[2][1:])  # zone radial coordinate
                Ntan_id = int(st[3][1:])  # zone tangential coordinate
                Zs_id = int(st[4][1:])  # Zone slot number coordinate
                # Get the phase value in the correct slot zone
                q_id = get_phase_id(wind_mat, Nrad_id, Ntan_id, Zs_id)
                Ncond = wind_mat[Nrad_id, Ntan_id, Zs_id, q_id]
                s = sign(Ncond)
                if bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                    bodies[label]["mat"] = 5
                    bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                    if q_id == 0 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 2
                        Ncond_Aplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 0 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 3
                        Ncond_Aminus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 1 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 4
                        Ncond_Bplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 1 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 5
                        Ncond_Bminus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 2 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 6
                        Ncond_Cplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 2 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 7
                        Ncond_Cminus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 3 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 8
                        Ncond_Dplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 3 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 9
                        Ncond_Dminus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 4 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 10
                        Ncond_Eplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 4 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 11
                        Ncond_Eminus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 5 and s == 1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 12
                        Ncond_Fplus = abs(Ncond)
                    elif q_id == 5 and s == -1:
                        bodies[label]["bf"] = 13
                        Ncond_Fminus = abs(Ncond)
            elif "ROTOR_LAM" in label and bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                bodies[label]["mat"] = 4
                bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                bodies[label]["bf"] = 1
                bodies[label]["tg"] = 1
            elif "STATOR_LAM" in label and bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                bodies[label]["mat"] = 3
                bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
            elif "SHAFT" in label and bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                bodies[label]["mat"] = 1
                bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                bodies[label]["bf"] = 1
                bodies[label]["tg"] = 1
            elif "H_ROTOR" in label and bodies.get(label, None) is not None:
                bodies[label]["mat"] = 1
                bodies[label]["eq"] = 1
                bodies[label]["bf"] = 1
                bodies[label]["tg"] = 1

        # The following bodies are not in the dictionary
        bodies["AG_INT"]["bf"] = 1
        bodies["SB_INT"]["bf"] = 1

        No_Magnets = pm_index - 6
        magnet_temp = 20.0  # Magnet Temperature Fixed for now
        Hcm20 = magnet_0.mat_type.mag.Hc
        Brm20 = magnet_0.mat_type.mag.Brm20
        kt = 0.01  # Br Temperature Coefficient fixed for now
        Br = Brm20 * (1 + kt * 0.01 * (magnet_temp - 20.0))
        magnet_permeability = magnet_0.mat_type.mag.mur_lin
        rho20_m = magnet_0.mat_type.elec.rho
        kt_m = 0.01  # Rho Temperature Coefficient fixed for now
        rho_m = rho20_m * (1 + kt_m * (magnet_temp - 20.0))
        conductivity_m = 0.0 * 1.0 / rho_m

        skip_steps = 1  # Fixed for now
        degrees_step = 1  # Fixed for now
        current_angle = 0 - pp * degrees_step * skip_steps
        angle_shift = self.angle_rotor_shift - self.angle_stator_shift
        rotor_init_pos = machine.comp_angle_offset_initial() + angle_shift
        rotor_d_axis = machine.rotor.comp_angle_d_axis() * 180.0 / pi
        Ncond = 1  # Fixed for Now
        Cp = 1  # Fixed for Now
        qs = len(machine.stator.get_name_phase())

            "$ H_PM = {0}              ! Magnetization [A/m]\n".format(round(Hcm20, 2))
        fo.write("$ Shift = 2*pi/{0}        ! N-phase machine [rad]\n".format(qs))
            "$ Gamma = {0}*pi/180      ! Current Angle [rad]\n".format(
                round(current_angle, 2)
        fo.write("$ Ncond = {0}             ! Conductors per coil\n".format(Ncond))
        fo.write("$ Cp = {0}                ! Parallel paths\n".format(Cp))
        fo.write("$ Is = {0}                ! Stator current [A]\n".format(0.0))
        fo.write("$ Aaxis = {0}             ! Axis Coil A [deg]\n".format(0.0))
            "$ Carea = {0}             ! Coil Side Conductor Area [m2]\n".format(

        for mm in range(1, No_Magnets + 1):
                "$ Mangle{0} = {1}     ! Magnetization Angle [deg]\n".format(
                    mm, round(Mangle[mm - 1], 2)

        fo.write("$ Nsteps = {0}            !\n".format(2))
        fo.write("$ StepDegrees = {0}       !\n".format(degrees_step))
        fo.write("$ DegreesPerSec = WM*180.0/pi  !\n")
        fo.write("$ RotorInitPos = {}!\n".format(round(rotor_init_pos * 180.0 / pi, 2)))

            "\tCHECK KEYWORDS Warn\n"
            '\tMesh DB "{0}"\n'
            '\tInclude Path "."\n'
            '\tResults Directory "{1}"\n'
            "End\n".format(elmermesh_folder, elmermesh_folder)

        fo.write("\nConstants\n" "\tPermittivity of Vacuum = 8.8542e-12\n" "End\n")

            "\tMax Output Level = 4\n"
            "\tCoordinate System = Cartesian 2D\n"
            "\tCoordinate Scaling = {0}\n"
            "\tSimulation Type = Transient\n"
            "\tTimestepping Method = BDF\n"
            "\tBDF Order = 2\n"
            #                 "\tTimestep Sizes = $ (StepDegrees / DegreesPerSec)  ! sampling time\n"
            #                 "\tTimestep Intervals = $ Nsteps              ! steps\n"
            #                 "\tOutput Intervals = 1\n"
            "\tTimestep Sizes({1}) = {2}\n"
            "\tTimestep Intervals({1}) = {3}\n"
            "\tUse Mesh Names = Logical True\n"
            "End\n".format(1.0, timelen, timesize_str[1:-1], timeinterval_str[1:-1])

        fo.write("\n!--- MATERIALS ---\n")
            "Material 1\n"
            '\tName = "Air"\n'
            "\tRelative Permeability = 1\n"
            "\tElectric Conductivity = 0\n"

            "\nMaterial 2\n"
            '\tName = "Insulation"\n'
            "\tRelative Permeability = 1\n"
            "\tElectric Conductivity = 0\n"

            "\nMaterial 3\n"
            '\tName = "StatorMaterial"\n'
            '\tInclude "{0}"\n'

            "\nMaterial 4\n"
            '\tName = "RotorMaterial"\n'
            '\tInclude "{0}"\n'

        winding_temp = 20.0  # Fixed for Now
        rho20 = machine.stator.winding.conductor.cond_mat.elec.rho
        kt = 0.01  # Br Temperature Coefficient fixed for now
        rho = rho20 * (1 + kt * (winding_temp - 20.0))
        conductivity = 0.0 * 1.0 / rho

            "\nMaterial 5\n"
            '\tName = "Copper"\n'
            "\tRelative Permeability = 1\n"
            "\tElectric Conductivity = {0}\n"
            "End\n".format(round(conductivity, 2))

        magnets_per_pole = No_Magnets  # TO-DO: Assumes only one pole drawn
        for m in range(1, magnets_per_pole + 1):
            mat_number = 5 + m
            if magnetization_type == "parallel":
                    "\nMaterial {0}\n"
                    '\tName = "PM_{1}"\n'
                    "\tRelative Permeability = {2}\n"
                    "\tMagnetization 1 = Variable time, timestep size\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC  "H_PM*cos(WM*(tx(0)-tx(1)) + {3}*pi/PP + {3}*pi + (RotorInitPos + Mangle{1})*pi/180)"\n'
                    "\tMagnetization 2 = Variable time, timestep size\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC "H_PM*sin(WM*(tx(0)-tx(1)) + {3}*pi/PP + {3}*pi + (RotorInitPos + Mangle{1})*pi/180)"\n'
                    "\tElectric Conductivity = {4}\n"
                        int((m - 1) / magnets_per_pole),
                        round(conductivity_m, 2),
            elif magnetization_type == "radial":
                    "\nMaterial {0}\n"
                    '\tName = "PM_{1}"\n'
                    "\tRelative Permeability = {2}\n"
                    "\tMagnetization 1 = Variable Coordinate\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC  "H_PM*cos(atan2(tx(1),tx(0)) + {3}*pi + Mangle{1}*pi/180)"\n'
                    "\tMagnetization 2 = Variable Coordinate\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC "H_PM*sin(atan2(tx(1),tx(0)) + {3}*pi + Mangle{1}*pi/180)"\n'
                    "\tElectric Conductivity = {4}\n"
                        m - 1,
                        round(conductivity_m, 2),
            elif magnetization_type == "perpendicular":
                    "\nMaterial {0}\n"
                    '\tName = "PM_{1}"\n'
                    "\tRelative Permeability = {2}\n"
                    "\tMagnetization 1 = Variable time, timestep size\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC  "H_PM*cos(WM*(tx(0)-tx(1)) + {3}*pi/PP + {3}*pi + Aaxis*pi/180 + (Mangle{1}*pi/180))"\n'
                    "\tMagnetization 2 = Variable time, timestep size\n"
                    '\t\tReal MATC "H_PM*sin(WM*(tx(0)-tx(1)) + {3}*pi/PP + {3}*pi + Aaxis*pi/180 + (Mangle{1}*pi/180))"\n'
                    "\tElectric Conductivity = {4}\n"
                        int((m - 1) / magnets_per_pole),
                        round(conductivity_m, 2),
                    "\nMaterial {0}\n"
                    '\tName = "PM_{1}"\n'
                    "\tRelative Permeability = {2}\n"
                    "\tElectric Conductivity = {4}\n"
                        mat_number, m, magnet_permeability, round(conductivity_m, 2)

        fo.write("\n!--- BODY FORCES ---\n")

        # fo.write("Body Force 1\n"
        #          "\tName = \"BodyForce_Rotation\"\n"
        #          "\t$omega = (180/pi)*WM\n"
        #          "\tMesh Rotate 3 = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"omega*(tx(0)-tx(1)) + RotorInitPos\"\n"
        #          "End\n")
            "Body Force 1\n"
            '\tName = "BodyForce_Rotation"\n'
            "\tMesh Rotate 3 = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], angle_rotor[tt - 1] * 180.0 / pi
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

        # fo.write("Body Force 2\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_A_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Aplus))

        # fo.write("Body Force 3\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_A_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Aminus))

        # fo.write("Body Force 4\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_B_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Bplus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 5\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_B_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Bminus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 6\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_C_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 2*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Cplus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 7\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_C_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 2*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Cminus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 8\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_D_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 3*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Dplus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 9\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_D_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 3*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Dminus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 10\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_E_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 4*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Eplus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 11\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_E_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 4*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Eminus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 12\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_F_PLUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 5*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Fplus))
        # fo.write("Body Force 13\n"
        #          "\tName = \"J_F_MINUS\"\n"
        #          "\tCurrent Density = Variable time, timestep size\n"
        #          "\t\tReal MATC \"-(Is/Carea) * ({0}/Cp) * sin(WE * (tx(0)-tx(1)) - 5*Shift + Gamma)\"\n"
        #          "End\n".format(Ncond_Fminus))

            "Body Force 2\n"
            '\tName = "J_A_PLUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], Ncond_Aplus * Is[0, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

            "Body Force 3\n"
            '\tName = "J_A_MINUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], -Ncond_Aminus * Is[0, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

            "Body Force 4\n"
            '\tName = "J_B_PLUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], Ncond_Bplus * Is[1, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

            "Body Force 5\n"
            '\tName = "J_B_MINUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], -Ncond_Bminus * Is[1, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

            "Body Force 6\n"
            '\tName = "J_C_PLUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], Ncond_Cplus * Is[2, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

            "Body Force 7\n"
            '\tName = "J_C_MINUS"\n'
            "\tCurrent Density = Variable time\n"
        for tt in range(1, timelen + 1):
                    time[tt], -Ncond_Cminus * Is[2, tt - 1] / surf_wind
        fo.write("\tEnd\n" "End\n")

        fo.write("\n!--- BODIES ---\n")
        for k, v in bodies.items():
            bid = bodies[k]["id"]
            beq = bodies[k]["eq"]
            bmat = bodies[k]["mat"]
            bf = bodies[k]["bf"]
            btg = bodies[k]["tg"]
                "Body {0}\n"
                "\tName = {1}\n"
                "\tEquation = {2}\n"
                "\tMaterial = {3}\n".format(bid, k, beq, bmat)
            if bf is not None:
                fo.write("\tBody Force = {0}\n".format(bf))
            if btg is not None:
                fo.write("\tTorque Groups = Integer {0}\n".format(btg))
            if k == "SB_INT":
                    "\tR Inner = Real {0}\n" "\tR Outer = Real {1}\n".format(ror, sir)

            "Equation 1\n"
            '\tName = "Model_Domain"\n'
            "\tActive Solvers(6) = 1 2 3 4 5 6\n"

        fo.write("\n!--- SOLVERS ---\n")
            "Solver 1\n"
            "\tExec Solver = Before Timestep\n"
            "\tEquation = MeshDeform\n"
            '\tProcedure = "RigidMeshMapper" "RigidMeshMapper"\n'

            "\nSolver 2\n"
            "\tEquation = MgDyn2D\n"
            '\tProcedure = "MagnetoDynamics2D" "MagnetoDynamics2D"\n'
            "\tExec Solver = Always\n"
            "\tVariable = A\n"
        fo.write("\tNonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = {0}\n".format(1e-6))
        fo.write("\tNonlinear System Max Iterations = {0}\n".format(100))
        fo.write("\tNonlinear System Min Iterations = {0}\n".format(1))
        fo.write("\tNonlinear System Newton After Iterations = {0}\n".format(5))
        fo.write("\tNonlinear System Relaxation Factor = {0}\n".format(0.9))
            "\tNonlinear System Convergence Without Constraints = {0}\n".format(
                "Logical True"
        fo.write("\tExport Lagrange Multiplier = {0}\n".format("Logical True"))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Abort Not Converged = {0}\n".format("Logical False"))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Solver = {0}\n".format("Direct"))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Direct Method = {0}\n".format("umfpack"))
        fo.write("\tOptimize Bandwidth = {0}\n".format("Logical True"))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Preconditioning =  {0}\n".format("ILU2"))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Max Iterations =  {0}\n".format(5000))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Residual Output =  {0}\n".format(20))
        fo.write("\tLinear System Convergence Tolerance =  {0}\n".format(1e-7))
        fo.write("\tMortar BCs Additive =  {0}\n".format("Logical True"))

            "\nSolver 3\n"
            "\tExec Solver = Always\n"
            "\tEquation = CalcFields\n"
            '\tPotential Variable = "A"\n'
            '\tProcedure = "MagnetoDynamics" "MagnetoDynamicsCalcFields"\n'
            "\tCalculate Nodal Forces = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate Magnetic Vector Potential = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate Winding Voltage = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate Current Density = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate Maxwell Stress = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate JxB = Logical True\n"
            "\tCalculate Magnetic Field Strength = Logical True\n"

            "\nSolver 4\n"
            "\tExec Solver = After Timestep\n"
            '\tProcedure = "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n'
            '\tOutput File Name = "{0}"\n'
            "\tVtu Format = True\n"
            "\tBinary Output = True\n"
            "\tSingle Precision = True\n"
            "\tSave Geometry Ids = True\n"
            "\tShow Variables = True\n"

            "\nSolver 5\n"
            "\tExec Solver = After Timestep\n"
            "\tEquation = SaveLine\n"
            '\tFilename = "{0}"\n'
            '\tProcedure = "SaveData" "SaveLine"\n'
            "\tVariable 1 = Magnetic Flux Density 1\n"
            "\tVariable 2 = Magnetic Flux Density 2\n"
            "\tVariable 3 = Magnetic Flux Density 3\n"
            "\tVariable 4 = Magnetic Flux Density e 1\n"
            "\tVariable 5 = Magnetic Flux Density e 2\n"
            "\tVariable 6 = Magnetic Flux Density e 3\n"

            "\nSolver 6\n"
            "\tExec Solver = After Timestep\n"
            '\tFilename = "{0}"\n'
            '\tProcedure = "SaveData" "SaveScalars"\n'
            "\tShow Norm Index = 1\n"

        fo.write("\n!--- BOUNDARIES ---\n")
        for k, v in boundaries.items():
            if k == "VP0_BOUNDARY":
                    "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                    "\tName = {1}\n"
                    "\tA = Real 0\n"
                    "End\n\n".format(v, k)
            elif k == "MASTER_STATOR_BOUNDARY":
                for k1, v1 in boundaries.items():
                    if k1 == "SLAVE_STATOR_BOUNDARY":
                        slave = v1
                if not self.is_periodicity_a:
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC Static = Logical True\n"
                        "\tRadial Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC Static = Logical True\n"
                        "\tAnti Radial Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
            elif k == "MASTER_ROTOR_BOUNDARY":
                for k1, v1 in boundaries.items():
                    if k1 == "SLAVE_ROTOR_BOUNDARY":
                        slave = v1
                if not self.is_periodicity_a:
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC Static = Logical True\n"
                        "\tRadial Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC Static = Logical True\n"
                        "\tAnti Radial Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
            elif k == "SB_STATOR_BOUNDARY":
                for k1, v1 in boundaries.items():
                    if k1 == "SB_ROTOR_BOUNDARY":
                        slave = v1
                if not self.is_periodicity_a:
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tRotational Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
                        "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                        "\tName = {1}\n"
                        "\tMortar BC = Integer {2}\n"
                        "\tAnti Rotational Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "\tGalerkin Projector = Logical True\n"
                        "End\n\n".format(v, k, slave)
            elif k == "AIRGAP_ARC_BOUNDARY":
                    "Boundary Condition {0}\n"
                    "\tName = {1}\n"
                    "\tSave Line = True\n"
                    "End\n\n".format(v, k)
                    "Boundary Condition {0}\n" "\tName = {1}\n" "End\n\n".format(v, k)

    # setup Elmer solver
    # ElmerSolver v8.4 must be installed and in the PATH

    elmer_settings = join(project_name, "pyleecan_elmer.sif")
    ElmerSolver_binary = get_path_binary("ElmerSolver")
    cmd_elmersolver = [
        "Calling ElmerSolver: " + " ".join(map(str, cmd_elmersolver))
    elmersolver = subprocess.Popen(
        cmd_elmersolver, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
    (stdout, stderr) = elmersolver.communicate()
    if elmersolver.returncode != 0:
        self.get_logger().info("ElmerSolver [Error]: " + stderr.decode("UTF-8"))
        return False
    self.get_logger().info("ElmerSolver call complete!")


    Na = angle.size
    Nt = time.size - 1

    # Loading parameters for readibility
    L1 = output.simu.machine.stator.comp_length()
    save_path = self.get_path_save(output)

    scalars_file = join(elmermesh_folder, "scalars.dat")
    ecp, mfe, agt, iv, im, tq = loadtxt(
        scalars_file, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    # ecp: eddy current power
    # mfe: magnetic field energy
    # agt: air gap torque
    # iv: inertial volume
    # im: inertial moment
    # tq: group 1 torque

    # TODO Load Air gap flux density

    # FEM_dict = output.mag.FEM_dict
    if (
        hasattr(output.simu.machine.stator, "winding")
        and output.simu.machine.stator.winding is not None
        qs = output.simu.machine.stator.winding.qs  # Winding phase number
        Phi_wind_stator = zeros((Nt, qs))
        Phi_wind_stator = None

    # Initialize results matrix
    Br = zeros((Nt, Na))
    Bt = zeros((Nt, Na))
    Bz = zeros((Nt, Na))
    Tem = tq * sym * L1

    # Phi_wind_stator = zeros((Nt, qs))

    # compute the data for each time step
    # TODO Other than FEMM, in Elmer I think it's possible to compute
    #      all time steps at once
    self.get_logger().debug("Solving Simulation")

    # run the computation
    if self.nb_worker > 1:
        # TODO run solver in parallel
        # TODO run solver 'normal'

    # get the air gap flux result
    # TODO add function (or method)
    # ii -> Time, jj -> Angle
    # Br[ii, jj], Bt[ii, jj] = get_airgap_flux()

    # get the torque
    # TODO add function (or method)
    # Tem[ii] = comp_Elmer_torque(FEM_dict, sym=sym)

    # flux linkage computation
    # if Phi_wind_stator is not None:
    #     # TODO
    #     # Phi_wind[ii, :] = comp_Elmer_Phi_wind()
    #     pass

    return Br, Bt, Bz, Tem, Phi_wind_stator