Source code for Tests.Classes.test_classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os import chdir, listdir, remove
from os.path import isdir, join

import pytest
from cloudpickle import dumps
from numpy import array, array_equal
from pyleecan.Classes._check import CheckMaxError, CheckMinError, CheckTypeError
from pyleecan.Classes._frozen import FrozenClass, FrozenError
from pyleecan.Classes.import_all import *
from pyleecan.definitions import DOC_DIR, MAIN_DIR
from pyleecan.Generator import PYTHON_TYPE
from pyleecan.Generator.ClassGenerator.init_method_generator import get_mother_attr
from pyleecan.Generator.read_fct import read_all
from Tests import save_path
from Tests.find import find_test_value, is_type_dict, is_type_list

# Get the dict of all the classes and their information
gen_dict = read_all(DOC_DIR)  # dict of class dict
# Remove one list level (packages Machine, Simulation, Material...)
class_list = list(gen_dict.values())

This test check that all the classes matches the current documentation
It makes sure that the class generator works and was run

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_init_default(class_dict): """Check if every propeties in the doc is created by __init__ with the default value""" # Import and init the class # module = import_module( # "...Classes." + class_dict["package"] + "." + class_dict["name"] # ) # class_to_test = getattr(module, class_dict["name"]) test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") # Get the property to test prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: type_name = prop["type"] result = test_obj.__getattribute__(prop["name"]) if prop["value"] == "None": prop["value"] = None if type_name == "dict": # Default value is empty dict if prop["value"] == "": value = {} else: value = prop["value"] assert result == value, ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) elif type_name in PYTHON_TYPE: if type_name == "list" and prop["value"] == -1: assert result == [], ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) else: assert result == prop["value"], ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) elif is_type_list(type_name): # List of pyleecan type if prop["value"] == "": value = [] else: value = prop["value"] assert result == value, ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) elif is_type_dict(type_name): # Dict of pyleecan type if prop["value"] == "": value = {} else: value = prop["value"] assert result == value, ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) elif type_name == "ndarray": if type(prop["value"]) is list: expect = array(prop["value"]) else: expect = None assert array_equal(result, expect), ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"] ) elif type(prop["value"]) is str and "()" in prop["value"]: assert result == eval(prop["value"]), ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) elif prop["value"] != "": assert result == prop["value"], ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], ) else: # pyleecan type assert result == eval(type_name + "()"), ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"], )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_init_str(class_dict): """Check if the class can be initiate from a file""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") # Save the object in a file chdir(save_path) tmp_file = join(save_path, "tmp.json").replace("\\", "/") # Initate a second object from the saved file test_obj2 = eval(class_dict["name"] + "(init_str='tmp.json')") remove(tmp_file) # Compare the two objects assert test_obj == test_obj2
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_as_dict(class_dict): """Check if as_dict return the correct dict""" # Setup d = dict() prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] # Generated the expected result dict for prop in prop_list: if prop["type"] == "ndarray": if prop["value"] == "": d[prop["name"]] = None else: d[prop["name"]] = prop["value"] elif prop["value"] in ["None", None]: d[prop["name"]] = None elif type(prop["value"]) is str and "()" in prop["value"]: d[prop["name"]] = eval(prop["value"] + ".as_dict()") elif prop["type"] == "complex": d[prop["name"]] = str(prop["value"]) elif prop["type"] == "dict": if prop["value"] == "": d[prop["name"]] = {} else: d[prop["name"]] = prop["value"] elif prop["type"] == "list": if prop["value"] in ["", -1]: d[prop["name"]] = [] else: d[prop["name"]] = prop["value"] elif prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE: # PYTHON_TYPE and not dict or list d[prop["name"]] = prop["value"] elif "." in prop["type"]: # Imported type or list of imported type val = eval(prop["value"]) d[prop["name"]] = { "__class__": str(type(val)), "__repr__": str(val.__repr__()), "serialized": dumps(val).decode("ISO-8859-2"), } elif is_type_list(prop["type"]): # List of pyleecan type d[prop["name"]] = list() elif is_type_dict(prop["type"]): # Dict of pyleecan type d[prop["name"]] = dict() else: # pyleecan type d[prop["name"]] = eval(prop["type"] + "().as_dict()") d["__class__"] = class_dict["name"] test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") # Test result_dict = test_obj.as_dict() for key in result_dict: assert d[key] == result_dict[key], ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + key + ", expected: " + str(d[key]) + ", returned: " + str(result_dict[key]), ) assert d.keys() == result_dict.keys(), ( "Wrong as_dict keys for class " + class_dict["name"] + " returned " + str(result_dict.keys()) + " expected " + str(d.keys()) )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_set_None(class_dict): """Check that _set_None set to None every non pyleecantype properties""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") test_obj._set_None() prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: # ndarray set as None are set as array([]) if prop["type"] in PYTHON_TYPE or prop["type"] == "ndarray": assert test_obj.__getattribute__(prop["name"]) == None
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_frozen(class_dict): """Check if the class is frozen after __init__""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") with pytest.raises(FrozenError): test_obj.UnKnow_Property_For_Frozen_Test = 10
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_inherit(class_dict): """Check if the class inherit of its mother class""" if class_dict["mother"] != "": assert ( eval("issubclass(" + class_dict["name"] + ", " + class_dict["mother"] + ")") == True ) else: assert eval("issubclass(" + class_dict["name"] + ", FrozenClass)") == True
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_methods(class_dict): """Check if the class has all its methods""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") meth_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "methods")[0] for meth in meth_list: meth = meth.split(".")[-1] # Get the methods name if in a folder # Check if the method exists, shouldn't be raised because of the class generator assert eval("hasattr(" + class_dict["name"] + ", '" + meth + "')") == True, ( class_dict["name"] + " has no method: " + meth ) meth_obj = eval("getattr(" + class_dict["name"] + ", '" + meth + "')") assert not isinstance(meth_obj, property), meth_obj.fget("")
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_uncleaned_methods(class_dict): """Check if all the method in the class folder is in the csv""" folder_path = join(MAIN_DIR, "Methods", class_dict["package"], class_dict["name"]) meth_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "methods")[0] if len(meth_list) == 0 and isdir(folder_path): raise Exception( class_dict["name"] + " has no method in the csv but the method folder exist: " + folder_path ) elif len(meth_list) != 0 and isdir(folder_path): dir_list = listdir(folder_path) if "" in dir_list: dir_list.remove("") if "__pycache__" in dir_list: dir_list.remove("__pycache__") # Get only python file file_list = [path for path in dir_list if path[-3:] == ".py"] # Add subfolder for path in dir_list: if isdir(join(folder_path, path)): file_list.extend( [ path + "." + name for name in listdir(join(folder_path, path)) if name[-3:] == ".py" ] ) if path + "" in file_list: file_list.remove(path + "") # Check if all files are methods for file_name in file_list: assert file_name[:-3] in meth_list, ( class_dict["name"] + " method folder contains a file not referenced in the csv: " + file_name ) assert len(set(class_dict["methods"])) == len(class_dict["methods"]), ( class_dict["name"] + " check for duplicate method in csv" )
# else : no method and no folder => Ok
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_type_float(class_dict): """Check if the setter is type sensitive for float""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: value = find_test_value(prop, "float") msg = "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " with " + prop["name"] # Check the doc to know if it should raise an error or not if prop["type"] in ["float", "complex", "", None]: # No error expected test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], value) assert test_obj.__getattribute__(prop["name"]) == value, msg else: # CheckTypeError expected with pytest.raises( CheckTypeError, ): # print(msg) test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], value)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_min(class_dict): """Check if the setter respect the specified min""" # Setup test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: if prop["min"] != "" and prop["type"] in ["float", "int"]: min_val = eval(prop["type"] + "(" + str(prop["min"]) + ")") # Test Ok test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], min_val) assert test_obj.__getattribute__(prop["name"]) == min_val, ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"] ) # Test Fail with pytest.raises(CheckMinError): test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], min_val - 1)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_max(class_dict): """Check if the setter respect the specified max""" # Setup test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: if prop["max"] != "" and prop["type"] in ["float", "int"]: max_val = eval(prop["type"] + "(" + str(prop["max"]) + ")") # Test Ok test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], max_val) assert test_obj.__getattribute__(prop["name"]) == max_val, ( "Error for class " + class_dict["name"] + " for property: " + prop["name"] ) # Test Fail with pytest.raises(CheckMaxError): test_obj.__setattr__(prop["name"], max_val + 1)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_prop_doc(class_dict): """Check if the property's doc is the same as in the doc file Works with multiline doc and specifics caracters""" prop_list = get_mother_attr(gen_dict, class_dict, "properties")[0] for prop in prop_list: result = eval( "getattr(" + class_dict["name"] + ", '" + prop["name"] + "').__doc__.splitlines()" ) # Check only the part from the csv type_index = 2 for line in result[2:]: if ":Type:" in line: break else: type_index += 1 assert result[: type_index - 1] == prop["desc"].split("\\n")
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("class_dict", class_list) def test_class_copy(class_dict): """Check if the copy method is correct""" test_obj = eval(class_dict["name"] + "()") result = test_obj.copy() assert test_obj == result
if __name__ == "__main__": test_class_as_dict(class_list[144])