Source code for Tests.Functions.test_gmsh

from os import remove, getcwd
from os.path import isfile, join
import pytest

    from pyleecan.Functions.GMSH.gen_3D_mesh import gen_3D_mesh
    gen_3D_mesh = ImportError

from pyleecan.Classes.LamSlotWind import LamSlotWind
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotW10 import SlotW10
from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path

[docs]@pytest.mark.GMSH @pytest.mark.long_5s def test_slot_10(): """Check generation of the 3D mesh of Slot 10 with gmsh""" if isinstance(gen_3D_mesh, ImportError): raise ImportError("Fail to import gen_3D_mesh (gmsh package missing)") # SetUp stator = LamSlotWind( Rint=0.1325, Rext=0.2, Nrvd=0, L1=0.35, Kf1=0.95, is_internal=False, is_stator=True, ) stator.slot = SlotW10( Zs=36, H0=1e-3, H1=1.5e-3, H2=30e-3, W0=12e-3, W1=14e-3, W2=12e-3 ) gen_3D_mesh( lamination=stator, save_path=join(save_path, "Lamination.msh"), mesh_size=5e-3, Nlayer=20, display=False, )