Source code for Tests.GUI.DMachineSetup.test_DMachineSetup

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os.path import join, isfile
from os import remove
import sys

import mock  # for unittest of raw_input
from PySide2 import QtWidgets

from pyleecan.Classes.MachineSyRM import MachineSyRM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineIPMSM import MachineIPMSM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineDFIM import MachineDFIM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineSCIM import MachineSCIM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineSIPMSM import MachineSIPMSM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineWRSM import MachineWRSM
from pyleecan.Classes.MachineSRM import MachineSRM
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.DMachineSetup import DMachineSetup
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.DMatLib import DMatLib
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.MatLib import MatLib
from Tests import save_gui_path as save_path

from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMachineType.SMachineType import SMachineType
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMSlot.SMSlot import SMSlot
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWindParam.SWindParam import SWindParam
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWindCond.SWindCond import SWindCond
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SBar.SBar import SBar
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWSlot.SWSlot import SWSlot
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMHoleMag.SMHoleMag import SMHoleMag
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Tests import TEST_DATA_DIR

load_test = list()
load_test.append(  # 1
    {"type": "SCIM", "index": 0, "name": "SCIM_001", "p": 1, "count": 11}
load_test.append(  # 2
    {"type": "DFIM", "index": 1, "name": "DFIM_001", "p": 2, "count": 13}
load_test.append(  # 3
    {"type": "SynRM", "index": 2, "name": "SynRM_001", "p": 2, "count": 10}
load_test.append(  # 4
    {"type": "SPMSM", "index": 3, "name": "SIPMSM_008", "p": 4, "count": 10}
load_test.append(  # 5
    {"type": "IPMSM", "index": 4, "name": "machine_Toyota_Prius", "p": 5, "count": 10}
load_test.append(  # 6
    {"type": "WRSM", "index": 5, "name": "WRSM_001", "p": 6, "count": 13}
load_test.append(  # 7
    {"type": "SRM", "index": 6, "name": "SRM_test_load", "p": 10, "count": 10}
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt

ENABLE_ITEM = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled

import pytest

matlib_path = join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "Material")

[docs]class TestDMachineSetup(object): """Test that the widget DMachineSetup behave like it should"""
[docs] @pytest.fixture def setup(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the gui""" if not QtWidgets.QApplication.instance(): = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) else: = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() # MatLib widget matlib = MatLib(matlib_path) dmatlib = DMatLib(matlib=matlib) widget = DMachineSetup( dmatlib=dmatlib, machine_path=join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "Machine") ) yield {"widget": widget}
[docs] @pytest.mark.skip @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", load_test) def test_load(self, setup, test_dict): """Check that you can load a machine""" return_value = ( join(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "Load_GUI"), test_dict["name"] + ".json"), "Json (*.json)", ) with mock.patch( "PySide2.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName", return_value=return_value ): # To trigger the slot setup["widget"].b_load.clicked.emit() setup["widget"].nav_step.setCurrentRow(0) # To remember to update when adding a new machine type assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.count() == 7 # Check load MachineType assert type(setup["widget"].w_step) == SMachineType assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentIndex() == test_dict["index"] assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == test_dict["type"] assert setup["widget"].w_step.si_p.value() == test_dict["p"] assert setup["widget"].w_step.le_name.text() == test_dict["name"] # Check that the nav_step is correct assert setup["widget"].nav_step.count() == test_dict["count"]
[docs] def test_set_save_machine_type(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to change the machine type and save""" # Check that all the machine type are available assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.count() == 7 # DFIM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(1) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "DFIM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineDFIM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_dfim_save") # SynRM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(2) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "SynRM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineSyRM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_synrm_save") # SIPMSM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(3) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "SPMSM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineSIPMSM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_sipmsm_save") # IPMSM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(4) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "IPMSM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineIPMSM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_ipmsm_save") # WRSM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(5) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "WRSM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineWRSM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_wrsm_save") # SRM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(6) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "SRM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineSRM save_function(setup["widget"], "test_srm_save") # SCIM setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.setCurrentIndex(0) assert setup["widget"].w_step.c_type.currentText() == "SCIM" assert type(setup["widget"].machine) == MachineSCIM
[docs]def save_function(widget, file_name): """Function to save a machine from the GUI""" file_path = join(save_path, file_name + ".json") # Check that the file didn't already exist if isfile(file_path): remove(file_path) assert not isfile(file_path) return_value = (file_path, "Json (*.json)") with mock.patch( "PySide2.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName", return_value=return_value ): # To trigger the slot widget.b_save.clicked.emit() # Check that the file now exist => delete for next test assert isfile(file_path) remove(file_path) # Check that the GUI have been updated assert type(widget.w_step) == SMachineType assert widget.w_step.le_name.text() == file_name