Source code for Tests.GUI.DMachineSetup.test_PHoleM57

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@date Created on Wed Jan 20 14:10:24 2016
@copyright (C) 2015-2016 EOMYS ENGINEERING.
@author pierre_b

import sys
from random import uniform

from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from PySide2.QtTest import QTest

from pyleecan.Classes.LamHole import LamHole
from pyleecan.Classes.HoleM57 import HoleM57
from pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SMHoleMag.PHoleM57.PHoleM57 import PHoleM57
from Tests.GUI import gui_option  # Set unit to m

import pytest

[docs]class TestPHoleM57(object): """Test that the widget PHoleM57 behave like it should"""
[docs] @pytest.fixture def setup(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the gui""" if not QtWidgets.QApplication.instance(): = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) else: = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() test_obj = LamHole(Rint=0.1, Rext=0.2) test_obj.hole = list() test_obj.hole.append( HoleM57(H1=0.11, H2=0.12, W0=0.13, W1=0.14, W2=0.15, W3=0.17, W4=0.19) ) test_obj.hole.append( HoleM57( H1=0.11, H2=0.12, W0=0.13, W1=0.14, W2=0.15, W3=0.17, W4=0.19, magnet_0=None, ) ) widget = PHoleM57(test_obj.hole[0]) widget2 = PHoleM57(test_obj.hole[1]) yield {"widget": widget, "widget2": widget2, "test_obj": test_obj}
[docs] def test_init(self, setup): """Check that the Widget spinbox initialise to the lamination value""" assert setup["widget"].lf_H1.value() == 0.11 assert setup["widget"].lf_H2.value() == 0.12 assert setup["widget"].lf_W0.value() == 0.13 assert setup["widget"].lf_W1.value() == 0.14 assert setup["widget"].lf_W2.value() == 0.15 assert setup["widget"].lf_W3.value() == 0.17 assert setup["widget"].lf_W4.value() == 0.19 assert setup["widget"].w_mat_1.isHidden() == False setup["test_obj"].hole[0] = HoleM57( H1=0.21, H2=0.22, W0=0.23, W1=0.24, W2=0.25, W3=0.27, W4=0.29 ) setup["widget"] = PHoleM57(setup["test_obj"].hole[0]) assert setup["widget"].lf_H1.value() == 0.21 assert setup["widget"].lf_H2.value() == 0.22 assert setup["widget"].lf_W0.value() == 0.23 assert setup["widget"].lf_W1.value() == 0.24 assert setup["widget"].lf_W2.value() == 0.25 assert setup["widget"].lf_W3.value() == 0.27 assert setup["widget"].lf_W4.value() == 0.29 assert setup["widget2"].w_mat_1.isHidden() == True
[docs] def test_set_W0(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update W0""" # Clear the field before writing the new value setup["widget"].lf_W0.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_W0, "0.31") setup["widget"].lf_W0.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.W0 == 0.31 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].W0 == 0.31
[docs] def test_set_W1(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update W1""" setup["widget"].lf_W1.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_W1, "0.32") setup["widget"].lf_W1.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.W1 == 0.32 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].W1 == 0.32
[docs] def test_set_W2(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update W2""" setup["widget"].lf_W2.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_W2, "0.33") setup["widget"].lf_W2.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.W2 == 0.33 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].W2 == 0.33
[docs] def test_set_W3(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update W3""" setup["widget"].lf_W3.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_W3, "0.323") setup["widget"].lf_W3.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.W3 == 0.323 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].W3 == 0.323
[docs] def test_set_W4(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update W4""" setup["widget"].lf_W4.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_W4, "0.334") setup["widget"].lf_W4.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.W4 == 0.334 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].W4 == 0.334
[docs] def test_set_H1(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update H1""" setup["widget"].lf_H1.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_H1, "0.35") setup["widget"].lf_H1.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.H1 == 0.35 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].H1 == 0.35
[docs] def test_set_H2(self, setup): """Check that the Widget allow to update H2""" setup["widget"].lf_H2.clear() QTest.keyClicks(setup["widget"].lf_H2, "0.36") setup["widget"].lf_H2.editingFinished.emit() # To trigger the slot assert setup["widget"].hole.H2 == 0.36 assert setup["test_obj"].hole[0].H2 == 0.36