Source code for Tests.Methods.Geometry.test_Arc2_meth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyleecan.Classes.Arc2 import Arc2

from pyleecan.Methods.Geometry.Arc2 import (
from numpy import pi, array, sqrt, exp, angle
import pytest

# For AlmostEqual
DELTA = 1e-6

discretize_test = list()

# inner left top arc
        "nb_point": 9,
        "begin": 1 * exp(1j * pi),
        "center": 1.41421356237 * exp(1j * 3 * pi / 4),
        "angle": pi / 2,
discretize_test[0]["result"] = array(
        -0.84356553 + 1.23116594e-02j,
        -0.69098301 + 4.89434837e-02j,
        -0.54600950 + 1.08993476e-01j,
        -0.41221475 + 1.90983006e-01j,
        -0.29289322 + 2.92893219e-01j,
        -0.19098301 + 4.12214748e-01j,
        -0.10899348 + 5.46009500e-01j,
        -0.04894348 + 6.90983006e-01j,
        -0.01231166 + 8.43565535e-01j,

# extern left top arc
    {"nb_point": 9, "begin": 1 * exp(1j * pi), "center": 0, "angle": -pi / 2}
discretize_test[1]["result"] = array(
        -9.87688341e-01 + 1.56434465e-01j,
        -9.51056516e-01 + 3.09016994e-01j,
        -8.91006524e-01 + 4.53990500e-01j,
        -8.09016994e-01 + 5.87785252e-01j,
        -7.07106781e-01 + 7.07106781e-01j,
        -5.87785252e-01 + 8.09016994e-01j,
        -4.53990500e-01 + 8.91006524e-01j,
        -3.09016994e-01 + 9.51056516e-01j,
        -1.56434465e-01 + 9.87688341e-01j,

# extern right top arc
discretize_test.append({"nb_point": 9, "begin": 1, "center": 0, "angle": pi / 2})
discretize_test[2]["result"] = array(
        9.87688341e-01 + 0.15643447j,
        9.51056516e-01 + 0.30901699j,
        8.91006524e-01 + 0.4539905j,
        8.09016994e-01 + 0.58778525j,
        7.07106781e-01 + 0.70710678j,
        5.87785252e-01 + 0.80901699j,
        4.53990500e-01 + 0.89100652j,
        3.09016994e-01 + 0.95105652j,
        1.56434465e-01 + 0.98768834j,

# inner right top arc
        "nb_point": 9,
        "begin": 1,
        "center": 1.41421356237 * exp(1j * pi / 4),
        "angle": -pi / 2,
discretize_test[3]["result"] = array(
        8.43565535e-01 + 0.01231166j,
        6.90983006e-01 + 0.04894348j,
        5.46009500e-01 + 0.10899348j,
        4.12214748e-01 + 0.19098301j,
        2.92893219e-01 + 0.29289322j,
        1.90983006e-01 + 0.41221475j,
        1.08993476e-01 + 0.5460095j,
        4.89434837e-02 + 0.69098301j,
        1.23116594e-02 + 0.84356553j,

# extern left bottom arc
    {"nb_point": 9, "begin": 1 * exp(1j * pi), "center": 0, "angle": pi / 2}
discretize_test[4]["result"] = array(
        -9.87688341e-01 - 1.56434465e-01j,
        -9.51056516e-01 - 3.09016994e-01j,
        -8.91006524e-01 - 4.53990500e-01j,
        -8.09016994e-01 - 5.87785252e-01j,
        -7.07106781e-01 - 7.07106781e-01j,
        -5.87785252e-01 - 8.09016994e-01j,
        -4.53990500e-01 - 8.91006524e-01j,
        -3.09016994e-01 - 9.51056516e-01j,
        -1.56434465e-01 - 9.87688341e-01j,

# inner left bottom arc
        "nb_point": 9,
        "begin": 1 * exp(1j * pi),
        "center": 1.41421356237 * exp(1j * 5 * pi / 4),
        "angle": -pi / 2,
discretize_test[5]["result"] = array(
        -0.84356553 - 1.23116594e-02j,
        -0.69098301 - 4.89434837e-02j,
        -0.54600950 - 1.08993476e-01j,
        -0.41221475 - 1.90983006e-01j,
        -0.29289322 - 2.92893219e-01j,
        -0.19098301 - 4.12214748e-01j,
        -0.10899348 - 5.46009500e-01j,
        -0.04894348 - 6.90983006e-01j,
        -0.01231166 - 8.43565535e-01j,

# inner right bottom arc
        "nb_point": 9,
        "begin": 1,
        "center": 1.41421356237 * exp(1j * 7 * pi / 4),
        "angle": pi / 2,
discretize_test[6]["result"] = array(
        8.43565535e-01 - 0.01231166j,
        6.90983006e-01 - 0.04894348j,
        5.46009500e-01 - 0.10899348j,
        4.12214748e-01 - 0.19098301j,
        2.92893219e-01 - 0.29289322j,
        1.90983006e-01 - 0.41221475j,
        1.08993476e-01 - 0.5460095j,
        4.89434837e-02 - 0.69098301j,
        1.23116594e-02 - 0.84356553j,

# extern right bottom arc
discretize_test.append({"nb_point": 9, "begin": 1, "center": 0, "angle": -pi / 2})
discretize_test[7]["result"] = array(
        9.87688341e-01 - 0.15643447j,
        9.51056516e-01 - 0.30901699j,
        8.91006524e-01 - 0.4539905j,
        8.09016994e-01 - 0.58778525j,
        7.07106781e-01 - 0.70710678j,
        5.87785252e-01 - 0.80901699j,
        4.53990500e-01 - 0.89100652j,
        3.09016994e-01 - 0.95105652j,
        1.56434465e-01 - 0.98768834j,

comp_length_test = list()
comp_length_test.append({"begin": 1, "center": 0, "angle": pi / 2, "length": pi / 2})
comp_length_test.append({"begin": 2, "center": 0, "angle": pi / 4, "length": pi / 2})
# Dictionary to test get_middle
comp_mid_test = list()
    {"begin": 1, "center": 0, "angle": pi / 2, "expect": sqrt(2) / 2 * (1 + 1j)}
    {"begin": 2 * exp(1j * 3 * pi / 4), "center": 0, "angle": -pi / 2, "expect": 2j}
comp_mid_test.append({"begin": 2, "center": 1, "angle": pi, "expect": 1 + 1j})
# Dictionary to test rotation
comp_rotate_test = list()
        "begin": 1,
        "center": 0,
        "angle": pi / 2,
        "alpha": pi / 2,
        "exp_begin": 1j,
        "exp_center": 0,
        "begin": 2 + 1j,
        "center": 1 + 1j,
        "angle": pi / 2,
        "alpha": -pi / 2,
        "exp_begin": 1 - 2j,
        "exp_center": 1 - 1j,
        "begin": 1 - 1j,
        "center": 1,
        "angle": -pi / 4,
        "alpha": -pi / 4,
        "exp_begin": -sqrt(2) * 1j,
        "exp_center": (sqrt(2) / 2) * (1 - 1j),
# Dictonary to test translation
comp_translate_test = list()
        "begin": 1j,
        "center": 0,
        "angle": pi / 2,
        "delta": 2,
        "exp_begin": 2 + 1j,
        "exp_center": 2,
        "begin": 0,
        "center": 10,
        "angle": -pi / 4,
        "delta": 1 + 1j,
        "exp_begin": 1 + 1j,
        "exp_center": 11 + 1j,
        "begin": -5 + 2j,
        "center": 8 + 3j,
        "angle": pi / 8,
        "delta": 3 + 2j,
        "exp_begin": -2 + 4j,
        "exp_center": 11 + 5j,

get_angle_test = list()
        "begin": 1 + 0j,
        "center": 0.5 + 0.5j,
        "angle": pi / 4,
        "is_deg": True,
        "exp_angle": 45.0,
        "begin": 1 + 0j,
        "center": 0.5 + 0.5j,
        "angle": pi / 4,
        "is_deg": False,
        "exp_angle": pi / 4,
    {"begin": 1 + 0j, "center": 0, "angle": pi / 3, "is_deg": True, "exp_angle": 60.0}

split_half_test = list()
        "begin": 1,
        "center": 0,
        "angle": pi,
        "is_begin": True,
        "N_begin": 1,
        "N_center": 0,
        "N_angle": pi / 2,
        "begin": 1,
        "center": 0,
        "angle": -pi,
        "is_begin": False,
        "N_begin": -1j,
        "N_center": 0,
        "N_angle": -pi / 2,
        "begin": 2,
        "center": 1,
        "angle": pi / 2,
        "is_begin": True,
        "N_begin": 2,
        "N_center": 1,
        "N_angle": pi / 4,
        "begin": 2,
        "center": 1,
        "angle": pi / 2,
        "is_begin": False,
        "N_begin": exp(1j * pi / 4) + 1,
        "N_center": 1,
        "N_angle": pi / 4,

[docs]class Test_Arc2_meth(object): """unittest for Arc2 methods"""
[docs] def test_check_Point(self): """Check that you can detect a one point arc""" arc = Arc2(0, 0, 1) with pytest.raises(PointArc2Error): arc.check()
[docs] def test_check_Angle(self): """Check that you can detect null angle""" arc = Arc2(0, 1, 0) with pytest.raises(AngleArc2Error): arc.check() arc = Arc2(0, 1, 2 * pi) with pytest.raises(AngleArc2Error): arc.check()
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", discretize_test) def test_dicretize(self, test_dict): """Check that you can discretize an arc2""" arc = Arc2(test_dict["begin"], test_dict["center"], test_dict["angle"]) result = arc.discretize(test_dict["nb_point"]) assert result.size == test_dict["result"].size for i in range(0, result.size): a = result[i] b = test_dict["result"][i] assert abs((a - b) / a - 0) < DELTA
[docs] def test_discretize_Point_error(self): """Check that dicretize can detect a one point arc2""" arc = Arc2(0, 0, 2) with pytest.raises(PointArc2Error): arc.discretize(5)
[docs] def test_discretize_Angle_error(self): """Check that discretize can detect a null angle arc2""" arc = Arc2(0, 1, 0) with pytest.raises(AngleArc2Error): arc.discretize(5)
[docs] def test_discretize_Nb_error(self): """Check that discretize can detect a wrong arg""" arc = Arc2(0, 1, 1) with pytest.raises(NbPointArc2DError): arc.discretize(-1)
[docs] def test_discretize_Nb_Type_error(self): """Check that discretize can detect a wrong arg""" arc = Arc2(0, 1, 1) with pytest.raises(NbPointArc2DError): arc.discretize("test")
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", comp_length_test) def test_comp_length(self, test_dict): """Check that you the length return by comp_length is correct""" arc = Arc2(test_dict["begin"], test_dict["center"], test_dict["angle"]) a = float(arc.comp_length()) b = float(test_dict["length"]) assert abs((a - b) / a - 0) < DELTA
[docs] def test_comp_length_Point_error(self): """Check that comp_length can detect a one point arc2""" arc = Arc2(0, 0, 2) with pytest.raises(PointArc2Error): arc.comp_length()
[docs] def test_comp_length_angle_error(self): """Check that comp_length can detect a null angle arc2""" arc = Arc2(0, 1, 0) with pytest.raises(AngleArc2Error): arc.comp_length()
[docs] def test_comp_radius(self): """Check that the radius is correct""" test_obj = Arc2(1, 0, pi / 2) result = test_obj.comp_radius() assert round(abs(result - 1), 7) == 0 test_obj = Arc2(2 * exp(1j * 3 * pi / 4), 0, -pi / 2) result = test_obj.comp_radius() assert round(abs(result - 2), 7) == 0
[docs] def test_get_center(self): """Check that the center is returned correctly""" test_obj = Arc2(1, 1 + 1j, pi) result = test_obj.get_center() assert result == 1 + 1j
[docs] def test_get_end(self): """Check that the end is correct""" test_obj = Arc2(1, 0, pi / 2) result = test_obj.get_end() assert result == 1 * exp(1j * pi / 2) test_obj = Arc2(0, 1, -pi / 2) result = test_obj.get_end() a = abs(result) b = 1.414213 assert abs((a - b) / a - 0) < DELTA a = angle(result) b = pi / 4 assert abs((a - b) / a - 0) < DELTA # The end point is to close from 0 test_obj = Arc2(0, 0.00000000000000000001, -pi / 6) result = test_obj.get_end() assert result == 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", comp_mid_test) def test_get_middle(self, test_dict): """Check that the middle is computed correctly""" arc = Arc2( begin=test_dict["begin"], center=test_dict["center"], angle=test_dict["angle"], ) result = arc.get_middle() assert abs(abs(result - test_dict["expect"]) - 0) < 1e-3
[docs] def test_get_middle_zero(self): """Checking that get_middle() can return 0""" arc = Arc2(begin=0.000000001, center=0.000000002, angle=pi) result = arc.get_middle() assert result == 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", comp_rotate_test) def test_rotate(self, test_dict): """Check that you can rotate the arc2""" arc = Arc2( begin=test_dict["begin"], center=test_dict["center"], angle=test_dict["angle"], ) expect_angle = arc.angle arc.rotate(test_dict["alpha"]) assert round(abs(abs(test_dict["exp_begin"] - arc.begin) - 0), 7) == 0 assert round(abs(abs(expect_angle - arc.angle) - 0), 7) == 0 assert round(abs(abs(test_dict["exp_center"] - - 0), 7) == 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", comp_translate_test) def test_translate(self, test_dict): """Check that you can translate the arc2""" arc = Arc2( begin=test_dict["begin"], center=test_dict["center"], angle=test_dict["angle"], ) expect_angle = arc.angle arc.translate(test_dict["delta"]) assert round(abs(abs(test_dict["exp_begin"] - arc.begin) - 0), 7) == 0 assert round(abs(abs(expect_angle - arc.angle) - 0), 7) == 0 assert round(abs(abs(test_dict["exp_center"] - - 0), 7) == 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", get_angle_test) def test_get_angle(self, test_dict): """Check that the arc2 computed angle is correct""" arc = Arc2( begin=test_dict["begin"], center=test_dict["center"], angle=test_dict["angle"], ) result = arc.get_angle(test_dict["is_deg"]) assert round(abs(result - test_dict["exp_angle"]), 7) == 0
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", split_half_test) def test_split_half(self, test_dict): """Check that the arc2 split is correct""" arc = Arc2( begin=test_dict["begin"], center=test_dict["center"], angle=test_dict["angle"], ) arc.split_half(is_begin=test_dict["is_begin"]) assert round(abs(arc.begin - test_dict["N_begin"]), 7) == 0 assert round(abs( - test_dict["N_center"]), 7) == 0 assert round(abs(arc.angle - test_dict["N_angle"]), 7) == 0
[docs] def test_arc_rotate_error(self): """Check that the arc3 rotate raise an error""" arc = Arc2( begin=1 - 5j, center=3 + 2j, angle=pi / 2, ) with pytest.raises(AngleRotationArc2Error) as context: arc.rotate("error")
[docs] def test_translate_error(self): """Check that you can't translate an arc2 when an error occurs""" arc = Arc2( begin=1 - 5j, center=3 + 2j, angle=pi / 2, ) with pytest.raises(PointTranslateArc2Error) as context: arc.translate("error")