Source code for Tests.Methods.Mesh.test_get_field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pytest
import numpy as np
from unittest import TestCase

from SciDataTool import DataTime, Data1D, DataLinspace, VectorField

from pyleecan.Classes.SolutionData import SolutionData
from pyleecan.Classes.SolutionMat import SolutionMat
from pyleecan.Classes.SolutionVector import SolutionVector

[docs]@pytest.mark.MeshSol @pytest.mark.METHODS class Test_get_field(TestCase): """ Tests for get_field method from Solution classes"""
[docs] def test_SolutionMat(self): DELTA = 1e-10 solution = SolutionMat() solution.field = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]) solution.axis_name = ["time", "indice"] solution.axis_size = [2, 3] field = solution.get_field() correction = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]) result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA) field = solution.get_field("time[0]", "indice[1,2]") correction = np.array([[2, 3]]) result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA)
[docs] def test_SolutionVector(self): DELTA = 1e-10 Indices_Cell = Data1D(name="indice", values=[0, 1, 2, 4], is_components=True) Time = DataLinspace( name="time", unit="s", initial=0, final=1, number=10, ) H = np.ones((10, 4, 2)) # Store the results for H componentsH = {} Hx_data = DataTime( name="Magnetic Field Hx", unit="A/m", symbol="Hx", axes=[Time, Indices_Cell], values=H[:, :, 0], ) componentsH["comp_x"] = Hx_data Hy_data = DataTime( name="Magnetic Field Hy", unit="A/m", symbol="Hy", axes=[Time, Indices_Cell], values=H[:, :, 1], ) componentsH["comp_y"] = Hy_data vecH = VectorField(name="Magnetic Field", symbol="H", components=componentsH) solution = SolutionVector(field=vecH, type_cell="triangle", label="H") field = solution.get_field() correction = np.ones((10, 4, 2)) result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA) field = solution.get_field("time[0]", "indice[1,2]") correction = np.ones((2, 2)) result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA)
[docs] def test_SolutionData(self): DELTA = 1e-10 Indices_Cell = Data1D(name="indice", values=[0, 1, 2, 4], is_components=True) Time = DataLinspace( name="time", unit="s", initial=0, final=1, number=10, ) # Store the results for H H = DataTime( name="Magnetic Field Hx", unit="A/m", symbol="Hx", axes=[Time, Indices_Cell], values=np.ones((10, 4)), ) solution = SolutionData(field=H, type_cell="triangle", label="H") field = solution.get_field() correction = np.ones((10, 4)) result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA) field = solution.get_field("time[0]", "indice[1,2]") correction = correction[0, 1:3] result = np.sum(np.abs(correction - field)) msg = "Wrong result: returned " + str(field) + ", expected: " + str(correction) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, msg=msg, delta=DELTA)