Source code for Tests.Methods.Simulation.test_magelmer

from os import makedirs
from os.path import join, isdir
import pytest
from numpy import array, linspace, ones, pi, zeros, sqrt, cos
from Tests import save_plot_path
from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from pyleecan.Classes.MagElmer import MagElmer
from pyleecan.Classes.SlotM10 import SlotM10
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.Functions.Plot import dict_2D
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR

# Gather results in the same folder
save_path = join(save_plot_path, "Elmer")
if not isdir(save_path):

mesh_dict = {
    "Lamination_Rotor_Bore_Radius_Ext": 180,
    "surface_line_0": 5,
    "surface_line_1": 10,
    "surface_line_2": 5,
    "surface_line_3": 5,
    "surface_line_4": 10,
    "surface_line_5": 5,
    "Lamination_Stator_Bore_Radius_Int": 10,
    "Lamination_Stator_Yoke_Side_Right": 30,
    "Lamination_Stator_Yoke_Side_Left": 30,
    "int_airgap_arc": 120,
    "int_sb_arc": 120,
    "ext_airgap_arc": 120,
    "ext_sb_arc": 120,
    "airbox_line_1": 10,
    "airbox_line_2": 10,
    "airbox_arc": 20,

[docs]@pytest.mark.MagElmer @pytest.mark.long_5s @pytest.mark.IPMSM @pytest.mark.SingleOP @pytest.mark.periodicity def test_ipm_Elmer(): Toyota_Prius = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "Toyota_Prius.json")) Toyota_Prius.stator.slot.H1 = 1e-3 simu = Simu1(name="test_ipm_Elmer", machine=Toyota_Prius) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module # N0 = 1500 # Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=array([[20, -10, -10],[20, -10, -10],[20, -10, -10]])) # Ir = ImportMatrixVal(value=zeros((1, 28))) # Nt_tot = 3 # Na_tot = 4096 # simu.input = InputCurrent( # Is=Is, # Ir=Ir, # zero current for the rotor # N0=N0, # angle_rotor=None, # Will be computed # Nt_tot=Nt_tot, # Na_tot=Na_tot, # angle_rotor_initial=0.2244, # ) # Definition of a sinusoidal current simu.input = InputCurrent() # simu.input.Id_ref = 0 # [A] # simu.input.Iq_ref = 250 # [A] # simu.input.Nt_tot = 32 * 8 # Number of time step # simu.input.Na_tot = 2048 # Spatial discretization simu.input.N0 = 2000 # Rotor speed [rpm] p = Toyota_Prius.stator.winding.p time = linspace(0, 60 / simu.input.N0, num=32 * p, endpoint=False) simu.input.time = time simu.input.angle = linspace(0, 2 * pi, num=2048, endpoint=False) I0 = 250 felec = p * simu.input.N0 / 60 rot_dir = simu.machine.stator.comp_rot_dir() Phi0 = 140 * pi / 180 Ia = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 0 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) Ib = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 1 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) Ic = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 2 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) # simu.input.set_Id_Iq(I0=250/sqrt(2), Phi0=140*pi/180) simu.input.Is = array([Ia, Ib, Ic]).transpose() # Definition of the magnetic simulation # 2 sym + antiperiodicity = 1/4 Lamination simu.mag = MagElmer( type_BH_stator=0, type_BH_rotor=0, is_periodicity_a=True, is_periodicity_t=True, FEA_dict=mesh_dict, is_get_mesh=True, is_save_FEA=True, ) # Stop after magnetic computation simu.force = None simu.struct = None # Run simulation outp = Output(simu=simu) # outp.mag.Tem.plot_2D_Data("time", **dict_2D) # outp.elec.get_Is().plot_2D_Data("time", "phase", **dict_2D) # outp.mag.Tem.plot_2D_Data("time[smallestperiod]", **dict_2D) # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="B") # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="A") # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="J") return outp
[docs]@pytest.mark.MagElmer @pytest.mark.long_5s @pytest.mark.SPMSM @pytest.mark.SingleOP @pytest.mark.periodicity def test_spm_Elmer(): # Import the machine from a script PMSM_A = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SPMSM_001.json")) PMSM_A.rotor.slot = SlotM10(Wmag=15e-3, Hmag=3e-3, H0=0.0, W0=15e-3, Zs=8) # PMSM_A.rotor.slot = SlotMFlat(H0=0.0, W0=15e-3, Zs=8) # PMSM_A.rotor.slot.magnet = [MagnetType10(Wmag=15e-3, Hmag=3e-3)] mesh_dict["Lamination_Rotor_Bore_Radius_Ext"] = 20 # Create the Simulation simu = Simu1(name="test_spm_Elmer", machine=PMSM_A) # Definition of a sinusoidal current simu.input = InputCurrent() # simu.input.Id_ref = 0 # [A] # simu.input.Iq_ref = 250 # [A] # simu.input.Nt_tot = 32 * 8 # Number of time step # simu.input.Na_tot = 2048 # Spatial discretization simu.input.N0 = 2000 # Rotor speed [rpm] p = PMSM_A.stator.winding.p time = linspace(0, 60 / simu.input.N0, num=32 * p, endpoint=False) simu.input.time = time simu.input.angle = linspace(0, 2 * pi, num=2048, endpoint=False) I0 = 150 felec = p * simu.input.N0 / 60 rot_dir = simu.machine.stator.comp_rot_dir() Phi0 = 140 * pi / 180 Ia = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 0 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) Ib = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 1 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) Ic = I0 * cos(2 * pi * felec * time + 2 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / 3 + Phi0) # simu.input.set_Id_Iq(I0=250/sqrt(2), Phi0=140*pi/180) simu.input.Is = array([Ia, Ib, Ic]).transpose() # Definition of the magnetic simulation # 2 sym + antiperiodicity = 1/4 Lamination simu.mag = MagElmer( type_BH_stator=0, type_BH_rotor=0, is_periodicity_a=True, is_periodicity_t=True, FEA_dict=mesh_dict, is_get_mesh=False, is_save_FEA=False, ) # Stop after magnetic computation simu.force = None simu.struct = None # Run simulation outp = Output(simu=simu) outp.mag.Tem.plot_2D_Data("time", **dict_2D) # outp.elec.get_Is().plot_2D_Data("time", "phase", **dict_2D) # outp.mag.Tem.plot_2D_Data("time[smallestperiod]", **dict_2D) # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="B") # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="A") # outp.mag.meshsolution.plot_contour(label="J") return outp
if __name__ == "__main__": # out = test_ipm_Elmer() out = test_spm_Elmer()