Source code for Tests.Methods.Slot.test_VentilationCirc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os.path import join
import pytest

from pyleecan.Classes.VentilationCirc import VentilationCirc
from pyleecan.Methods.Slot.VentilationCirc import CircleBuildGeometryError

"""unittest for VentilationCirc"""

[docs]class Test_VentilationCirc(object):
[docs] @pytest.fixture def vent(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the VentilationCirc""" test_obj = VentilationCirc(Zh=8, Alpha0=0, D0=5e-3, H0=40e-3) return test_obj
[docs] def test_build_geometry_errors(self, vent): """Test that build_geometry can raise some errors""" with pytest.raises(CircleBuildGeometryError) as context: vent.build_geometry(sym=0.2) with pytest.raises(CircleBuildGeometryError) as context: vent.build_geometry(sym=1, alpha="dz") with pytest.raises(CircleBuildGeometryError) as context: vent.build_geometry(sym=1, alpha=1, delta="dz")
[docs] def test_build_geometry(self, vent): """Test that build_geometry works""" result = vent.build_geometry() assert len(result) == 8