Source code for Tests.Plot.Schematics.test_machine_img

import pytest
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load

from Tests import save_plot_path as save_path
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR
from os.path import join, isdir, isfile
from os import makedirs, remove
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyleecan.Functions.init_fig import init_fig

SCHEMATICS_PATH = join(save_path, "Schematics")

if not isdir(SCHEMATICS_PATH):

MACH_PATH = join(DATA_DIR, "Machine")
mach_test = list()
    {"json_path": join(MACH_PATH, "SCIM_001.json"), "machine_name": "SCIM"}
    {"json_path": join(MACH_PATH, "Toyota_Prius.json"), "machine_name": "IPMSM"}
    {"json_path": join(MACH_PATH, "SynRM_001.json"), "machine_name": "SynRM"}
    {"json_path": join(MACH_PATH, "Benchmark.json"), "machine_name": "SPMSM"}

[docs]class Test_machine_img(object):
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dict", mach_test) def test_machine(self, test_dict): """Machine Illustration images (first page of the GUI)""" file_name = "machine_" + test_dict["machine_name"] + ".png" save_path = join(SCHEMATICS_PATH, file_name) # Delete previous plot if isfile(save_path): remove(save_path) # Save schematics test_obj = load(test_dict["json_path"]) fig, ax, _, _ = init_fig(shape="square") test_obj.plot( fig=fig, ax=ax, save_path=None, is_show_fig=False, ) # Clean axes ax.set_title("") W = test_obj.stator.Rext * 1.05 ax.set_xlim(-W, W) ax.set_ylim(-W, W) ax.get_legend().remove() ax.set_axis_off() # Save fig.savefig(save_path)