Source code for Tests.Plot.Schematics.test_plot_axis

from os.path import join

import pytest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import exp, pi, ones, array, zeros
from numpy import argmax, cos, abs as np_abs, angle as np_angle

from pyleecan.definitions import config_dict
from Tests import save_plot_path as save_path
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from pyleecan.Classes.InputFlux import InputFlux
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatlab import ImportMatlab

from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.Functions.Plot import dict_2D
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR
from pyleecan.Functions.init_fig import init_subplot

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def CURVE_COLORS(): return config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"]["CURVE_COLORS"]
[docs]def test_axis_LamSlotMag(CURVE_COLORS): """Axis convention for LamSlot with magnet""" SIPMSM_001 = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SIPMSM_001.json")) SIPMSM_001.rotor.plot(is_show_fig=False) R1 = SIPMSM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.1 R2 = SIPMSM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.2 R3 = SIPMSM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.4 axes = plt.gca() # X axis Zx = R1 plt.arrow(0, 0, Zx.real, Zx.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zlx = R2 axes.text(Zlx.real, Zlx.imag, "X axis") # Y axis Zy = R1 * exp(1j * pi / 2) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zy.real, Zy.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) # Zly = R2 * exp(1j * pi / 2) # axes.text(Zly.real, Zly.imag, "Y axis") # D axis D_axis = SIPMSM_001.rotor.comp_angle_d_axis() Zd = R1 * exp(1j * D_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zd.real, Zd.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zld = R2 * exp(1j * D_axis) axes.text(Zld.real, Zld.imag, "D axis") # Q axis Q_axis = SIPMSM_001.rotor.comp_angle_q_axis() Zq = R1 * exp(1j * Q_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zq.real, Zq.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zlq = R2 * exp(1j * Q_axis) axes.text(Zlq.real, Zlq.imag, "Y & Q axis") axes.get_legend().remove() axes.set_xlim(-R3, R3) axes.set_ylim(-R3, R3) # Save and check fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamSlotMag.png")) assert D_axis == pi / 4 assert Q_axis == pi / 2 plt.close("all")
[docs]def test_axis_LamHoleMag(CURVE_COLORS): """Axis convention for LamHole with magnet""" Toyota_Prius = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "Toyota_Prius.json")) Toyota_Prius.rotor.plot(is_show_fig=False) R1 = Toyota_Prius.rotor.Rext * 1.1 R2 = Toyota_Prius.rotor.Rext * 1.2 R3 = Toyota_Prius.rotor.Rext * 1.4 axes = plt.gca() # X axis Zx = R1 plt.arrow(0, 0, Zx.real, Zx.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zlx = R2 axes.text(Zlx.real, Zlx.imag, "X axis") # Y axis Zy = R1 * exp(1j * pi / 2) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zy.real, Zy.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zly = R2 * exp(1j * pi / 2) axes.text(Zly.real, Zly.imag, "Y axis") # D axis D_axis = Toyota_Prius.rotor.comp_angle_d_axis() Zd = R1 * exp(1j * D_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zd.real, Zd.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zld = R2 * exp(1j * D_axis) axes.text(Zld.real, Zld.imag, "D axis") # Q axis Q_axis = Toyota_Prius.rotor.comp_angle_q_axis() Zq = R1 * exp(1j * Q_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zq.real, Zq.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zlq = R2 * exp(1j * Q_axis) axes.text(Zlq.real, Zlq.imag, "Q axis") axes.get_legend().remove() axes.set_xlim(-0.1, R3) axes.set_ylim(-0.1, R3) # Save and check fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamHoleMag.png")) assert D_axis == pi / 8 assert Q_axis == pi / 4 plt.close("all")
[docs]def test_axis_LamHole(CURVE_COLORS): """Axis convention for LamHole""" SynRM_001 = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SynRM_001.json")) SynRM_001.rotor.plot(is_show_fig=False) R1 = SynRM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.1 R2 = SynRM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.2 R3 = SynRM_001.rotor.Rext * 1.4 axes = plt.gca() # X axis Zx = R1 plt.arrow(0, 0, Zx.real, Zx.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) # Zlx = R2 # axes.text(Zlx.real, Zlx.imag, "X axis") # Y axis Zy = R1 * exp(1j * pi / 2) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zy.real, Zy.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zly = R2 * exp(1j * pi / 2) axes.text(Zly.real, Zly.imag, "Y axis") # D axis D_axis = SynRM_001.rotor.comp_angle_d_axis() Zd = R1 * exp(1j * D_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zd.real, Zd.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zld = R2 * exp(1j * D_axis) axes.text(Zld.real, Zld.imag, "D & X axis") # Q axis Q_axis = SynRM_001.rotor.comp_angle_q_axis() Zq = R1 * exp(1j * Q_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zq.real, Zq.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zlq = R2 * exp(1j * Q_axis) axes.text(Zlq.real, Zlq.imag, "Q axis") axes.get_legend().remove() axes.set_xlim(-R3, R3) axes.set_ylim(-R3, R3) plt.title("Rotor of SynRM") # Save and check fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamHole.png")) assert D_axis == 0 assert Q_axis == pi / 4 plt.close("all")
[docs]@pytest.mark.MagFEMM @pytest.mark.SCIM @pytest.mark.long_5s @pytest.mark.periodicity @pytest.mark.SingleOP def test_axis_LamWind(CURVE_COLORS): """Axis convention for LamWind""" SCIM_001 = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SCIM_001.json")) SCIM_001.stator.plot(is_show_fig=False) R1 = SCIM_001.stator.Rext * 1.1 R2 = SCIM_001.stator.Rext * 1.2 R3 = SCIM_001.stator.Rext * 1.4 axes = plt.gca() # X axis Zx = R1 plt.arrow(0, 0, Zx.real, Zx.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zlx = R2 axes.text(Zlx.real, Zlx.imag, "X axis") # Y axis Zy = R1 * exp(1j * pi / 2) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zy.real, Zy.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[0]) Zly = R2 * exp(1j * pi / 2) axes.text(Zly.real, Zly.imag, "Y axis") # D axis D_axis = SCIM_001.stator.comp_angle_d_axis() # assert D_axis == pytest.approx(1.6577, rel=0.01) Zd = R1 * exp(1j * D_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zd.real, Zd.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zld = R2 * exp(1j * D_axis) axes.text(Zld.real - 0.1, Zld.imag, "D axis") # Q axis Q_axis = SCIM_001.stator.comp_angle_q_axis() Zq = R1 * exp(1j * Q_axis) plt.arrow(0, 0, Zq.real, Zq.imag, color=CURVE_COLORS[1]) Zlq = R2 * exp(1j * Q_axis) axes.text(Zlq.real, Zlq.imag, "Q axis") axes.get_legend().remove() axes.set_xlim(-R3, R3) axes.set_ylim(-R3, R3) # Save and check fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamWind.png")) SCIM_001.stator.plot_mmf_unit(is_show_fig=False) fig = plt.gcf() fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamWind_mmf.png")) # Plot maximum of the fundamental of the mmf MMF = SCIM_001.stator.comp_mmf_unit(Na=600, Nt=1)[0] p = SCIM_001.stator.get_pole_pair_number() results = MMF.get_along("angle") angle_rotor = results["angle"] mmf_angle = results[MMF.symbol] results = MMF.get_along("wavenumber") wavenumber = results["wavenumber"] mmf_ft = results[MMF.symbol] # Find the angle where the FFT is max indr_fund = np_abs(wavenumber - p).argmin() phimax = np_angle(mmf_ft[indr_fund]) magmax = np_abs(mmf_ft[indr_fund]) mmf_waveform = magmax * cos(p * angle_rotor + phimax) ind_max = argmax(mmf_waveform) d_angle = angle_rotor[ind_max] (per_a, _, _, _) = SCIM_001.stator.comp_periodicity() d_angle = d_angle % (2 * pi / per_a) fig = plt.figure("MMF fundamental") plt.plot(angle_rotor, mmf_angle) plt.plot(angle_rotor, mmf_waveform) plt.plot(d_angle, mmf_waveform[ind_max], "rx") plt.text( d_angle, mmf_waveform[ind_max] * 1.1, "Max at " + format(d_angle, ".5g") + " rad", ) fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamWind_fund.png")) simu = Simu1(name="test_flux", machine=SCIM_001) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module N0 = 1500 Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=array([[1, -1 / 2, -1 / 2]])) # Id=1, Iq=0 Ir = ImportMatrixVal(value=zeros((1, 28))) Nt_tot = 1 Na_tot = 4096 simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=Is, Ir=Ir, # zero current for the rotor N0=N0, angle_rotor=None, # Will be computed Nt_tot=Nt_tot, Na_tot=Na_tot, angle_rotor_initial=0, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (no symmetry) simu.mag = MagFEMM( is_mmfr=False, type_BH_stator=2, type_BH_rotor=2, is_periodicity_a=False, is_periodicity_t=False, ) simu.force = None simu.struct = None out = Output(simu=simu) plt.close("all") out.mag.B.plot_2D_Data("angle{rad}", is_show_fig=False, **dict_2D) fig = plt.gcf() Br = out.mag.B.components["radial"].get_along("time", "angle") fig.axes[0].plot(d_angle, max(max(Br)), "rx") fig.axes[0].text(d_angle, max(max(Br)), "Max of mmf") fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_axis_LamWind_flux.png")) plt.close("all")