Source code for Tests.Simulation.test_post_var_simu

import pytest
from os.path import join

import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath, normpath, join, realpath
from os import listdir, remove, system
import json
from numpy import sqrt
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR
from pyleecan.Classes.PostFunction import PostFunction
from pyleecan.Classes.PostMethod import PostMethod
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from pyleecan.Classes.InputElec import InputElec
from pyleecan.Classes.VarParam import VarParam
from pyleecan.Classes.ParamExplorerSet import ParamExplorerSet
from pyleecan.Classes.DataKeeper import DataKeeper
from copy import copy
from Tests import TEST_DATA_DIR
from pyleecan.Classes.HoleM51 import HoleM51
from pyleecan.Classes.HoleM52 import HoleM52
from pyleecan.Classes.HoleM53 import HoleM53

[docs]class ExamplePostMethod(PostMethod): def __init__(self): PostMethod.__init__(self)
[docs] def run(self, output): output.simu.machine.stator.slot.W0 += 10
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): return copy(self)
[docs] def as_dict(self, **kwargs): return copy(self)
[docs]@pytest.mark.IPMSM @pytest.mark.VarParam def test_post_var_simu(): """Test the simulation.var_simu.post_list""" Toyota_Prius = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "Toyota_Prius.json")) # simu1, simu without postprocessing simu1 = Simu1(name="test_post_simu", machine=Toyota_Prius) # Definition of the input simu1.input = InputElec( N0=2000, Id_ref=-100, Iq_ref=200, Nt_tot=10, Na_tot=2048, rot_dir=1 ) # Vary Stator slot H0 pe1 = ParamExplorerSet( value=[1, 2, 3], setter="simu.machine.stator.slot.W0", name="Stator slot width", unit="m", symbol="S_s_w", ) # Save in a datakeeper Stator slot H0 dk1 = DataKeeper( name="Stator slot width", unit="m", symbol="D_S_s_w", keeper="lambda output: np.sqrt(output.simu.machine.stator.slot.W0)", ) simu1.var_simu = VarParam( paramexplorer_list=[pe1], datakeeper_list=[dk1], stop_if_error=True, ) # simu2, postprocessing 1 PostFunction, 1 PostMethod simu2 = simu1.copy() = "test_post_simu2" # Create the postprocessings and add it # xoutput.simu.machine.stator.slot.H0 += 1 post1 = PostFunction(run=join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "")) # xoutput.simu.machine.stator.slot.W0 += 2 post2 = PostFunction(run=join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "")) post3 = PostFunction(run=join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "")) post4 = ExamplePostMethod() simu2.postproc_list = [post2, post3, post4] simu2.var_simu.postproc_list = [post1] simu2.var_simu.is_keep_all_output = True # First simulation without postprocessings out1 = # Second simulation with postprocessing out2 = # Check ref simu assert out1["D_S_s_w"].result == [1, sqrt(2), sqrt(3)] # Check post 2 + 4 assert [output.simu.machine.stator.slot.W0 for output in out2] == [13, 14, 15] # Check post 1 assert out1.simu.machine.stator.slot.H0 + 1 == pytest.approx( out2.simu.machine.stator.slot.H0, 0.001 ) # Check post 3 with import + using result of post2 assert type(out2[0].simu.machine.rotor.hole[0]) is HoleM51 assert type(out2[1].simu.machine.rotor.hole[0]) is HoleM52 assert type(out2[2].simu.machine.rotor.hole[0]) is HoleM53
if __name__ == "__main__": test_post_var_simu()