Source code for Tests.Validation.Multisimulation.test_slot_scale

# Multisimulation objects
from pyleecan.Classes.VarParam import VarParam
from pyleecan.Classes.ParamExplorerSet import ParamExplorerSet
from pyleecan.Classes.DataKeeper import DataKeeper
import numpy as np

## Reference simulation
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from numpy import pi, ones, zeros, linspace
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path

from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1

from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectSin import ImportGenVectSin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenMatrixSin import ImportGenMatrixSin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.ForceMT import ForceMT
from pyleecan.Classes.EEC_PMSM import EEC_PMSM
from pyleecan.Classes.FluxLinkFEMM import FluxLinkFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.IndMagFEMM import IndMagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.DriveWave import DriveWave
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output

# Load the machine
from os.path import join
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR

import pytest

[docs]@pytest.mark.MagFEMM @pytest.mark.long_5s @pytest.mark.IPMSM @pytest.mark.VarParam @pytest.mark.periodicity def test_slot_scale(): Toyota_Prius = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "Toyota_Prius.json")) ref_simu = Simu1(name="test_slot_scale", machine=Toyota_Prius) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module Is_mat = zeros((1, 3)) Is_mat[0, :] = np.array([0, 12.2474, -12.2474]) Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=Is_mat) time = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=0, num=1, endpoint=False) Na_tot = 2048 ref_simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=Is, Ir=None, # No winding on the rotor N0=2504, angle_rotor=None, # Will be computed time=time, Na_tot=Na_tot, angle_rotor_initial=0.86, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation ref_simu.mag = MagFEMM( type_BH_stator=0, type_BH_rotor=0, is_periodicity_a=True, Kgeo_fineness=0.2, Kmesh_fineness=0.2, ) # Multi-simulation to variate the slot size multisim = VarParam( stop_if_error=True, is_reuse_femm_file=False, ) ref_simu.var_simu = multisim def slot_scale(simu, scale_factor): """ Edit stator slot size according to a percentage Parameters ---------- simu: Simulation simulation to modify scale_factor: float stator slot scale factor """ simu.machine.stator.slot.W0 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.W1 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.W2 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.H0 *= scale_factor simu.machine.stator.slot.H1 *= scale_factor # List of ParamExplorer to define multisimulation input values paramexplorer_list = [ ParamExplorerSet( name="Stator slot scale factor", symbol="stat_slot", unit="", setter=slot_scale, value=linspace(0.1, 1.1, 11).tolist(), ) ] multisim.paramexplorer_list = paramexplorer_list error_keeper_mag_flux = "lambda simu: np.nan * np.zeros(len(simu.mag.B.Time.get_values()), len(simu.mag.B.Angle.get_values()))" # List of DataKeeper to store results datakeeper_list = [ DataKeeper( name="Average Torque", unit="N.m", symbol="Tem_av", keeper="lambda output: output.mag.Tem_av", error_keeper="lambda simu: np.nan", ), DataKeeper( name="Radial Airgap flux density", unit="H", symbol="B", keeper="lambda output: output.mag.B.components['radial'].get_along('time','angle')['B_r']", error_keeper=error_keeper_mag_flux, ), ] multisim.datakeeper_list = datakeeper_list # Execute every simulation results = results.plot_multi( x_symbol="stat_slot", y_symbol="Tem_av", title="Average torque in function of the stator slot scale factor ", is_show_fig=False, save_path=join(save_path, "test_slot_scale"), )
if __name__ == "__main__": test_slot_scale()