Source code for Tests.Validation.Optimization.test_zdt3

# coding: utf-8

Test Pyleecan optimization module using Zitzler–Deb–Thiele's function N. 3
from os.path import join
import pytest
from pyleecan.definitions import PACKAGE_NAME
from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output
from pyleecan.Classes.OptiDesignVar import OptiDesignVar
from pyleecan.Classes.OptiObjective import OptiObjective
from pyleecan.Classes.OptiConstraint import OptiConstraint
from pyleecan.Classes.OptiProblem import OptiProblem
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from pyleecan.Classes.OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap import OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap
from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as img
import numpy as np
import random

from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR, TEST_DIR

[docs]@pytest.mark.long_5s @pytest.mark.SCIM @pytest.mark.MagFEMM @pytest.mark.periodicity @pytest.mark.SingleOP def test_zdt3(): # ### Defining reference Output SCIM_001 = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SCIM_001.json")) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module Nt = 2 N0 = 3000 Is = ImportMatrixVal( value=np.array( [ [6.97244193e-06, 2.25353053e02, -2.25353060e02], [-2.60215295e02, 1.30107654e02, 1.30107642e02], # [-6.97244208e-06, -2.25353053e02, 2.25353060e02], # [2.60215295e02, -1.30107654e02, -1.30107642e02], ] ) ) Ir = ImportMatrixVal(value=np.zeros(30)) time = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=0.015, num=Nt, endpoint=True) Na_tot = 64 # Definition of the simulation simu = Simu1(name="test_zdt3", machine=SCIM_001) simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=Is, Ir=Ir, # zero current for the rotor N0=N0, angle_rotor=None, # Will be computed time=time, Na_tot=Na_tot, angle_rotor_initial=0.5216 + np.pi, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation simu.mag = MagFEMM( type_BH_stator=2, type_BH_rotor=2, is_periodicity_a=True, ) simu.mag.Kmesh_fineness = 0.01 # simu.mag.Kgeo_fineness=0.02 simu.struct = None # ### Design variable my_vars = [] def gen_setter(i): def new_setter(simu, value): simu.input.Ir.value[i] = value return new_setter for i in range(30): my_vars.append( OptiDesignVar( name="Ir({})".format(i), symbol="var_" + str(i), type_var="interval", space=[0, 1], get_value=lambda space: np.random.uniform(*space), setter=gen_setter(i), ) ) # ### Objectives objs = [ OptiObjective( symbol="obj1", name="Maximization of the torque average", keeper="lambda output: output.mag.Tem_av", ), OptiObjective( symbol="obj2", name="Minimization of the torque ripple", keeper="lambda output: output.mag.Tem_rip_norm", ), ] # ### Evaluation def evaluate(output): x = output.simu.input.Ir.value f1 = lambda x: x[0] g = lambda x: 1 + (9 / 29) * np.sum(x[1:]) h = lambda f1, g: 1 - np.sqrt(f1 / g) - (f1 / g) * np.sin(10 * np.pi * f1) output.mag.Tem_av = f1(x) output.mag.Tem_rip_norm = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) # ### Defining the problem my_prob = OptiProblem( simu=simu, design_var=my_vars, obj_func=objs, eval_func=evaluate ) solver = OptiGenAlgNsga2Deap(problem=my_prob, size_pop=40, nb_gen=100, p_mutate=0.5) res = solver.solve() # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6)) try: img_to_find = img.imread( join(TEST_DIR, "Validation", "Optimization", "zdt3.jpg"), format="jpg" ) axs[1].imshow(img_to_find, aspect="auto") axs[1].axis("off") axs[1].set_title("Pareto front of the problem") except (TypeError, ValueError): print("Pillow is needed to import jpg files") res.plot_pareto("obj1", "obj2", ax=axs[0], is_show_fig=False) axs[0].set_title("Pyleecan results") axs[0].set_xlabel(r"$f_1(x)$") axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$f_2(x)$") fig.savefig(join(save_path, "test_zdt3.png"))