Source code for Tests.Validation.Simulation.test_CEFC_003_MT

from numpy import zeros, ones, pi, array

from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1
from Tests.Validation.Simulation.CEFC_Lam import CEFC_Lam

from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal
from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.ForceMT import ForceMT
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output
from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path
from os.path import join

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import numpy as np
from pyleecan.Functions.FEMM import GROUP_SC
import pytest

[docs]@pytest.mark.skip @pytest.mark.long @pytest.mark.validation @pytest.mark.FEMM def test_CEFC_003_t0(CEFC_Lam): """Validation of magnetic air-gap surface force calculation based on Maxwell Tensor with an academic slotless machine. from publication """ simu = Simu1(name="FM_CEFC_003_MT", machine=CEFC_Lam, struct=None) # Definition of the enforced output of the electrical module N0 = 3000 Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=array([[2.25353053e02, 2.25353053e02, 2.25353053e02]])) Nt_tot = 1 Na_tot = 1024 simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=Is, Ir=None, # No winding on the rotor N0=N0, angle_rotor=None, # Will be computed Nt_tot=Nt_tot, Na_tot=Na_tot, rot_dir=-1, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (no symmetry) simu.mag = MagFEMM( type_BH_stator=2, type_BH_rotor=2, is_periodicity_a=False, is_get_mesh=True, is_save_FEA=True, is_sliding_band=False, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (no symmetry) simu.force = ForceMT() out = Output(simu=simu) = "Slotless lamination" # Plot the AGSF as a function of space with the spatial fft out.plot_2D_Data( "mag.B", "angle{rad}", component_list=["radial"], save_path=join(save_path, "test_CEFC_003_plot_force_space.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_2D_Data( "mag.B", "wavenumber=[0,78]", component_list=["radial"], save_path=join(save_path, "test_CEFC_003_plot_force_space_fft.png"), is_show_fig=False, )
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