Source code for Tests.Validation.Simulation.test_FEMM_import_dxf

from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path
from Tests import TEST_DATA_DIR
from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1

from pyleecan.Classes.DXFImport import DXFImport
from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent

from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
import pytest
from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR

[docs]@pytest.mark.long @pytest.mark.validation @pytest.mark.FEMM def test_FEMM_import_dxf(): """Validation of the TOYOTA Prius 2004 interior magnet (V shape) with distributed winding 50 kW peak, 400 Nm peak at 1500 rpm from publication from publication Z. Yang, M. Krishnamurthy and I. P. Brown, "Electromagnetic and vibrational characteristic of IPM over full torque-speed range," Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013 IEEE International, Chicago, IL, 2013, pp. 295-302. Test compute the Flux in FEMM, with and without DXF Import """ IPMSM_A = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "IPMSM_A.json")) simu = Simu1(name="FEMM_import_dxf", machine=IPMSM_A) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (FEMM with symmetry and sliding band) simu.mag = MagFEMM( type_BH_stator=0, type_BH_rotor=0, is_periodicity_a=True, Kgeo_fineness=0.75, ) # Run only Magnetic module simu.force = None simu.struct = None simu.input = InputCurrent() simu.input.Id_ref = -100 # [A] simu.input.Iq_ref = 200 # [A] simu.input.Nt_tot = 1 # Number of time step simu.input.Na_tot = 2048 # Spatial discretization simu.input.N0 = 2000 # Rotor speed [rpm] simu.input.rot_dir = 1 # To enforce the rotation direction # DXF import setup simu.mag.rotor_dxf = DXFImport( file_path=join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "prius_test.dxf").replace("\\", "/") ) # Set each surface name surf_dict = dict() surf_dict[0.0546 + 1j * 0.0224] = "Lamination_Rotor_Bore_Radius_Ext" surf_dict[0.0763 + 0.00867j] = "Hole_Rotor_R0_T0_S0" surf_dict[0.0669 + 0.01668j] = "HoleMagnet_Rotor_Parallel_N_R0_T0_S0" surf_dict[0.0614 + 0.0254j] = "Hole_Rotor_R0_T1_S0" surf_dict[0.0591 + 0.03555j] = "HoleMagnet_Rotor_Parallel_N_R0_T1_S0" surf_dict[0.06009 + 0.0478j] = "Hole_Rotor_R0_T2_S0" simu.mag.rotor_dxf.surf_dict = surf_dict # Set every BC BC_list = list() BC_list.append((0.0489 + 1j * 0.0489, False, "bc_r1")) BC_list.append((0, True, "bc_A0")) BC_list.append((0.067, False, "bc_r1")) simu.mag.rotor_dxf.BC_list = BC_list # Run DXF simulation out = # Run Normal simulation simu2 = simu.copy() simu2.mag.rotor_dxf = None out2 = # Plot/compare the flux out.plot_2D_Data( "mag.B", "angle", data_list=[out2.mag.B], legend_list=["Rotor from DXF", "Rotor from pyleecan"], save_path=join(save_path, "FEMM_import_dxf_B.png"), is_show_fig=False, )