Source code for Tests.Validation.Simulation.test_FM_MT_SynRM_FL_001_

from numpy import pi, zeros, linspace, cos
from os.path import join

from Tests import save_validation_path as save_path

from pyleecan.Classes.Simu1 import Simu1

from pyleecan.Classes.InputCurrent import InputCurrent

from pyleecan.Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from pyleecan.Classes.ImportMatrixVal import ImportMatrixVal

from pyleecan.Classes.ForceMT import ForceMT

from pyleecan.Classes.MagFEMM import MagFEMM
from pyleecan.Classes.Output import Output

import pytest
import json

from pyleecan.Functions.load import load
from pyleecan.definitions import DATA_DIR

[docs]@pytest.mark.long @pytest.mark.validation @pytest.mark.FEMM def test_Magnetic_AGSF(): """Validation of a SynRM machine from Syr-e r29 open source software Test compute air-gap surface force with Maxwell Tensor and load the results """ # The aim of this validation test is to compute the torque as a function of Phi0 # As (for now) there is no electrical model, we will compute the current for each Phi0 here SynRM_001 = load(join(DATA_DIR, "Machine", "SynRM_001.json")) freq0 = 50 # supply frequency [Hz] qs = 3 # Number of phases p = 2 # Number of pole pairs Nt_tot = 2 ** 6 # Number of time step for each current angle Phi0 Imax = 28.6878 # Nominal stator current magnitude [A] # to have one torque ripple period since torque ripple appears at multiple of 6*freq0 Nrev = 1 time = linspace(0, Nrev * p / freq0 * (1 - 1 / Nt_tot), Nt_tot) Is = zeros((Nt_tot, qs)) for q in range(qs): Is[:, q] = Imax * cos(2 * pi * freq0 * time - q * 2 * pi / qs) # Definition of the main simulation simu = Simu1(name="FM_SynRM_FL_001", machine=SynRM_001) time_obj = ImportMatrixVal(value=time) Na_tot = 2016 alpha_rotor = ImportGenVectLin(start=0, stop=2 * pi, num=Nt_tot, endpoint=False) simu.input = InputCurrent( Is=None, Ir=None, # No winding on the rotor N0=None, angle_rotor=alpha_rotor, time=time_obj, Na_tot=Na_tot, angle_rotor_initial=0, felec=freq0, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (1/2 symmetry) simu.mag = MagFEMM( type_BH_stator=0, type_BH_rotor=0, is_periodicity_a=True, ) # Definition of the magnetic simulation (no symmetry) simu.force = ForceMT(is_periodicity_a=True) simu.struct = None simu.input.Is = ImportMatrixVal(value=Is) out = Output(simu=simu) # Test save with MeshSolution object in out + "\Output.json") # Plot the AGSF as a function of space with the spatial fft r_max = 78 out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "angle", "time[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "wavenumber=[0," + str(r_max) + "]", "time[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space_fft.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) # Plot the AGSF as a function of time with the time fft freq_max = 1000 out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "time", "angle[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_time.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "freqs=[0," + str(freq_max) + "]", "angle[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_time_fft.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) # ------------------------------------------------------ load_path = join(save_path, "Output.json") # Test to load the Meshsolution object (inside the output): with open(load_path) as json_file: json_tmp = json.load(json_file) out = Output(init_dict=json_tmp) # Plot the AGSF as a function of space with the spatial fft r_max = 78 out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "angle", "time[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space2.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "wavenumber=[0," + str(r_max) + "]", "time[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space_fft2.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) # Plot the AGSF as a function of time with the time fft freq_max = 1000 out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "time", "angle[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space2.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_2D_Data( "force.P", "freqs=[0," + str(freq_max) + "]", "angle[0]", save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_space_fft2.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_3D_Data( "force.P", "freqs=[0," + str(freq_max) + "]", "wavenumber=[-" + str(r_max) + "," + str(r_max) + "]", component_list=["radial"], save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_fft2.png"), is_show_fig=False, is_2D_view=True, ) out.plot_3D_Data( "force.P", "freqs=[0," + str(freq_max) + "]", "wavenumber=[-" + str(r_max) + "," + str(r_max) + "]", component_list=["radial"], save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_cfft2.png"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_A_time_space( "force.P", component_list=["radial"], freq_max=freq_max, r_max=r_max, save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_force_time_space"), is_show_fig=False, ) out.plot_A_time_space( "mag.B", component_list=["radial"], freq_max=freq_max, r_max=r_max, save_path=join(save_path, "test_FM_SynRM_FL_001_plot_flux_time_space"), is_show_fig=False, ) return out
# ------------------------------------------------------ # To run it without pytest if __name__ == "__main__": out = test_Magnetic_AGSF()