Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Electrical.comp_fluxlinkage

import os
from os.path import join

from ...Functions.FEMM.draw_FEMM import draw_FEMM
from ...Functions.Electrical.coordinate_transformation import n2dq
from ...Classes._FEMMHandler import _FEMMHandler
from ...Classes.OutMagFEMM import OutMagFEMM
from numpy import linspace, pi, split
from SciDataTool.Classes.Data1D import Data1D

[docs]def comp_fluxlinkage(obj, output): """Compute the flux linkage using FEMM and electrical output reference currents Parameters ---------- obj : FluxLinkFEMM or IndMagFEMM a FluxLinkFEMM object or an IndMagFEMM object output : Output an Output object Return ------ fluxdq : ndarray the calculated fluxlinkage """ # get some machine and simulation parameters qs = output.simu.machine.stator.winding.qs zp = output.simu.machine.stator.get_pole_pair_number() Nt_tot = obj.Nt_tot rot_dir = output.get_rot_dir() # Get save path str_EEC = "EEC" path_res = output.get_path_result() save_dir = join(path_res, "Femm") if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if not in [None, ""]: file_name = + "_" + str_EEC + ".fem" elif not in [None, ""]: file_name = + "_" + str_EEC + ".fem" else: # Default name file_name = "FEMM_" + str_EEC + ".fem" path_save = join(save_dir, file_name) # Set the symmetry factor according to the machine if obj.is_periodicity_a: ( sym, is_antiper_a, _, _, ) = obj.parent.parent.parent.parent.get_machine_periodicity() if is_antiper_a: sym = sym * 2 else: sym = 1 is_antiper_a = False # store orignal elec and make a copy to do temp. modifications elec = output.elec output.elec = elec.copy() # Set rotor angle for the FEMM simulation angle_offset_initial = output.get_angle_offset_initial() angle_rotor = ( linspace(0, -1 * rot_dir * 2 * pi / sym, Nt_tot, endpoint=False) + angle_offset_initial ) # modify some quantities output.elec.Time = Data1D( name="time", unit="s", values=(angle_rotor - angle_rotor[0]) / (2 * pi * output.elec.N0 / 60), ) output.elec.Is = None # to compute Is from Id_ref and Iq_ref (that are mean val.) output.elec.Is = output.elec.get_Is() # TODO get_Is disregards initial rotor angle # Open FEMM femm = _FEMMHandler() if output.elec.internal is None: output.elec.internal = OutMagFEMM() output.elec.internal.handler_list.append(femm) # Setup the FEMM simulation # Geometry building and assigning property in FEMM FEMM_dict = draw_FEMM( femm=femm, output=output, is_mmfr=1, is_mmfs=1, sym=sym, is_antiper=is_antiper_a, type_calc_leakage=obj.type_calc_leakage, kgeo_fineness=obj.Kgeo_fineness, # TODO fix inconsistent lower/upper case path_save=path_save, ) # Solve for all time step and store all the results in output Phi_wind = obj.solve_FEMM(femm, output, sym, FEMM_dict) # Close FEMM after simulation femm.closefemm() output.elec.internal.handler_list.remove(femm) # Define d axis angle for the d,q transform d_angle = (angle_rotor - angle_offset_initial) * zp fluxdq = split(n2dq(Phi_wind, d_angle, n=qs), 2, axis=1) # restore the original elec output.elec = elec return fluxdq