Source code for pyleecan.Functions.FEMM.update_FEMM_simulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from numpy import pi, angle

from ...Functions.FEMM.set_FEMM_circuit_prop import set_FEMM_circuit_prop

[docs]def update_FEMM_simulation( femm, FEMM_dict, is_internal_rotor, is_sliding_band, angle_rotor, Is, Ir, ii, ): """Update the simulation by changing the rotor position and updating the currents Parameters ---------- femm : FEMMHandler client to send command to a FEMM instance FEMM_dict : dict Dictionary containing main FEMM definition / properties is_internal_rotor: bool True if it is an Internal Rotor topology is_sliding_band: bool True if it is an Internal Rotor topology angle_rotor: ndarray Vector of rotor angular position over time [Nt,] Is : ndarray Stator currents function of phase and time [qs,Nt] Ir : ndarray Rotor currents function of phase and time [qr,Nt] ii : int Time step index """ if is_sliding_band: # No rotation without sliding band. # Rotor rotation using sliding band if is_internal_rotor: femm.mi_modifyboundprop("bc_ag2", 10, 180 * angle_rotor[ii] / pi) else: femm.mi_modifyboundprop("bc_ag2", 11, 180 * angle_rotor[ii] / pi) else: # Select and rotate rotor groups femm.mi_seteditmode("group") for key, val in FEMM_dict["groups"]["lam_group_list"].items(): if "Rotor" in key: for ind in val: femm.mi_selectgroup(ind) femm.mi_moverotate(0, 0, 180 * angle_rotor[ii] / pi) # Update currents if Is is not None or Ir is not None: circuits = FEMM_dict["circuits"] for label in circuits: if "Circs" in label and Is is not None: # Stator set_FEMM_circuit_prop( femm, circuits, label, Is[:, ii], ) if "Circr" in label and Ir is not None: # Rotor set_FEMM_circuit_prop( femm, circuits, label, Ir[:, ii], )