Source code for pyleecan.Functions.GMSH.get_sliding_band

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from numpy import exp, pi
import cmath

from ...Classes.Arc import Arc
from ...Classes.Arc1 import Arc1
from ...Classes.Arc2 import Arc2
from ...Classes.Circle import Circle
from ...Classes.Segment import Segment
from ...Classes.SurfLine import SurfLine
from ...Classes.MachineSIPMSM import MachineSIPMSM
from ...Functions.labels import (

[docs]def get_sliding_band(sym, machine): """Returns a list of surface in the airgap including the sliding band surface Parameters ---------- sym: int Symmetry factor (1= full machine, 2= half of the machine...) Rgap_mec_int: float Internal lamination mechanic radius Rgap_mec_ext: float External lamination mechanic radius Returns ------- surf_list: list List of surface in the airgap including the sliding band surface """ lam_list = machine.get_lam_list() lam_int = lam_list[0] lam_ext = lam_list[1] lab_int = lam_int.get_label() lab_ext = lam_ext.get_label() stator_list = machine.stator.build_geometry(sym=sym) rotor_list = machine.rotor.build_geometry(sym=sym) slot_height = machine.stator.slot.comp_height() wind_slot_height = machine.stator.slot.comp_height_active() wedge_height = slot_height - wind_slot_height Rgap_mec_int = lam_int.comp_radius_mec() Rgap_mec_ext = lam_ext.comp_radius_mec() Rgap_mag_int = lam_int.Rext Rgap_mag_ext = lam_ext.Rint Sor = lam_ext.Rext Wgap_mec = Rgap_mec_ext - Rgap_mec_int W_sb = Wgap_mec / 4 # Width sliding band tol = 0.1e-3 # Tolerance max_radius_Airgap_ext = Rgap_mec_ext + wedge_height + tol min_radius_Airgap_int = Rgap_mec_int - tol # Find lines that are between Stator Inner Diam and slot wedge area stator_airgap_ext_lines = list() first_points = list() # To check the loop and find inverted lines for surf in stator_list: for line in surf.get_lines(): p1 = line.get_begin() p2 = line.get_end() if abs(p1) < max_radius_Airgap_ext and abs(p2) < max_radius_Airgap_ext: r_p1, phi_p1 = cmath.polar(p1) r_p2, phi_p2 = cmath.polar(p2) if isinstance(line, Arc): p3 = line.get_center() r_p3, phi_p3 = cmath.polar(p3) radius = r_p1 - r_p3 line_copy = Arc1( begin=p1, end=p2, radius=radius, prop_dict=line.prop_dict, is_trigo_direction=True, ) # if phi_p2 > phi_p1: # line_copy.reverse() else: line_copy = Segment(begin=p1, end=p2, prop_dict=line.prop_dict) new_p1 = p1 for p in first_points: if abs(p1.real - p.real) < tol and abs(p1.imag - p.imag) < tol: line_copy.reverse() new_p1 = p2 break stator_airgap_ext_lines.append(line_copy) first_points.append(new_p1) # Find lines that are between Rotor Outer Diam and ... rotor_airgap_int_lines = list() if isinstance(machine, MachineSIPMSM): min_radius_Airgap_int = min(Rgap_mec_int, Rgap_mag_int) - tol for surf in rotor_list: if "Magnet" in surf.label: continue for line in surf.get_lines(): if line.comp_length() < tol: continue p1 = line.get_begin() p2 = line.get_end() if abs(p1) > min_radius_Airgap_int and abs(p2) > min_radius_Airgap_int: r_p1, phi_p1 = cmath.polar(p1) r_p2, phi_p2 = cmath.polar(p2) if isinstance(line, Arc): p3 = line.get_center() r_p3, phi_p3 = cmath.polar(p3) radius = r_p1 - r_p3 line_copy = Arc1( begin=p1, end=p2, radius=radius, prop_dict=line.prop_dict, is_trigo_direction=True, ) if phi_p2 > phi_p1: line_copy.reverse() else: line_copy = Segment(begin=p1, end=p2, prop_dict=line.prop_dict) if phi_p2 > phi_p1: line_copy.reverse() rotor_airgap_int_lines.append(line_copy) else: for surf in rotor_list: for line in surf.get_lines(): p1 = line.get_begin() p2 = line.get_end() if abs(p1) > min_radius_Airgap_int and abs(p2) > min_radius_Airgap_int: r_p1, phi_p1 = cmath.polar(p1) r_p2, phi_p2 = cmath.polar(p2) if isinstance(line, Arc): p3 = line.get_center() r_p3, phi_p3 = cmath.polar(p3) radius = r_p1 - r_p3 line_copy = Arc1( begin=p1, end=p2, radius=radius, prop_dict=line.prop_dict, is_trigo_direction=True, ) if phi_p2 > phi_p1: line_copy.reverse() else: line_copy = Segment(begin=p1, end=p2, prop_dict=line.prop_dict) if phi_p2 > phi_p1: line_copy.reverse() rotor_airgap_int_lines.append(line_copy) surf_list = list() if sym == 1: # Complete machine # TODO: Sliding Band Full Machine no implemented yet. # Internal AirGap surf_list.append( Circle( center=0, radius=Rgap_mec_int + W_sb, label=lab_int + "_" + AIRGAP_LAB + BOT_LAB, point_ref=(Rgap_mec_int + W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / 2), prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AR_B_LAB}, ) ) # Internal Sliding band surf_list.append( Circle( center=0, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 2 * W_sb, label=NO_LAM_LAB + "_" + SLID_LAB, point_ref=(Rgap_mec_ext - W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / 2), prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBR_B_LAB}, ) ) # External AirGap surf_list.append( Circle( center=0, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 3 * W_sb, label=lab_ext + "_" + AIRGAP_LAB + TOP_LAB, point_ref=(Rgap_mec_ext - W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / 2), prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AR_T_LAB}, ) ) else: # Symmetry # Internal AirGap Z1 = Rgap_mec_int if isinstance(machine, MachineSIPMSM): Z1 = Rgap_mag_int Z0 = Z1 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) Z2 = Rgap_mec_int + W_sb Z3 = Z2 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) airgap_lines = list() airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z1, end=Z2, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AS_BR_LAB}) ) int_airgap_arc = Arc1( begin=Z2, end=Z3, radius=Rgap_mec_int + W_sb, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AR_B_LAB}, is_trigo_direction=True, ) airgap_lines.append(int_airgap_arc) airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z3, end=Z0, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AS_BL_LAB}) ) airgap_lines.extend(rotor_airgap_int_lines) surf_list.append( SurfLine( line_list=airgap_lines, point_ref=(Z2 - W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / sym), label=lab_int + "_" + AIRGAP_LAB + BOT_LAB, ) ) # Internal Sliding Band Z4 = Rgap_mec_int + 2 * W_sb - tol / 10 Z5 = Z4 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) airgap_lines = list() airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z2, end=Z4, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBS_BR_LAB}) ) int_sb_arc = Arc1( begin=Z4, end=Z5, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 2 * W_sb, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBR_B_LAB}, is_trigo_direction=True, ) airgap_lines.append(int_sb_arc) airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z5, end=Z3, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBS_BL_LAB}) ) int_airgap_arc_copy = Arc1( begin=Z2, end=Z3, radius=Rgap_mec_int + W_sb, # label="int_airgap_arc_copy", is_trigo_direction=True, ) int_airgap_arc_copy.reverse() airgap_lines.append(int_airgap_arc_copy) surf_list.append( SurfLine( line_list=airgap_lines, point_ref=(Z4 - W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / sym), label=NO_LAM_LAB + "_" + SLID_LAB + BOT_LAB, ) ) # External Sliding Band Z6 = Rgap_mec_int + 2 * W_sb + tol / 10 Z7 = Z6 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) Z8 = Rgap_mec_int + 3 * W_sb Z9 = Z8 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) airgap_lines = list() airgap_lines.append( # Right Top SB Segment(begin=Z6, end=Z8, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBS_TR_LAB}) ) ext_airgap_arc = Arc1( begin=Z8, end=Z9, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 3 * W_sb, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBR_T_LAB}, # Top Radius SB is_trigo_direction=True, ) airgap_lines.append(ext_airgap_arc) airgap_lines.append( # Left Top SB Segment(begin=Z9, end=Z7, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: SBS_TL_LAB}) ) ext_sb_arc = Arc1( begin=Z6, end=Z7, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 2 * W_sb, # label="ext_sb_arc", is_trigo_direction=True, ) ext_sb_arc.reverse() airgap_lines.append(ext_sb_arc) surf_list.append( SurfLine( line_list=airgap_lines, point_ref=(Z8 - W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / sym), label=NO_LAM_LAB + "_" + SLID_LAB + TOP_LAB, ) ) # External AirGap Z10 = Rgap_mec_ext Z11 = Z10 * exp(1j * 2 * pi / sym) airgap_lines = list() airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z8, end=Z10, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AS_TR_LAB}) ) airgap_lines.append( Segment(begin=Z11, end=Z9, prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AS_TL_LAB}) ) ext_airgap_arc_copy = Arc1( begin=Z8, end=Z9, radius=Rgap_mec_int + 3 * W_sb, # label="ext_airgap_arc_copy", prop_dict={BOUNDARY_PROP_LAB: AR_T_LAB}, is_trigo_direction=True, ) ext_airgap_arc_copy.reverse() airgap_lines.append(ext_airgap_arc_copy) airgap_lines.extend(stator_airgap_ext_lines) surf_list.append( SurfLine( line_list=airgap_lines, point_ref=(Z8 + W_sb / 2) * exp(1j * pi / sym), label=lab_ext + "_" + AIRGAP_LAB + TOP_LAB, ) ) return surf_list