Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Geometry.inter_circle_circle
from numpy import sqrt, exp, angle
# Import for Plot debug
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from ...Functions.Load.import_class import import_class
# from ...definitions import config_dict
[docs]def inter_circle_circle(Zc1, R1, Zc2, R2):
"""INTER_CIRCLE_CIRCLE find the intersection between two circles
defined by center and radius
Zc1 : complex
Complex coordinate of the center of the first circle
R1 : float
Radius of the first circle
Zc2 : complex
Complex coordinate of the center of the second circle
R2 : float
Radius of the second circle
Zlist: list
List of the complex coordinates of the intersection
D = abs(Zc1 - Zc2)
# # Plot for debug
# Circle = import_class("pyleecan.Classes", "Circle")
# C1 = Circle(radius=R1, center=Zc1)
# C2 = Circle(radius=R2, center=Zc2)
# fig, ax = C1.plot(color=PATCH_COLOR_ALPHA, edgecolor="r")
# C2.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax, color=PATCH_COLOR_ALPHA, edgecolor="b")
# ax.plot(0, 0, "kx", zorder=0)
# ax.plot(Zc1.real, Zc1.imag, "rx", zorder=0)
# ax.plot(Zc2.real, Zc2.imag, "bx", zorder=0)
# Set the coordinate system center Zc1, Zc2 on Ox+
Zc1p = 0
Zc2p = (Zc2 - Zc1) * exp(-1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1))
if D > R1 + R2:
# The two circle are not big enought
return []
elif D == (R1 + R2):
# Only one point between the two circles
return [(Zc2p - R2) * exp(1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1)) + Zc1]
elif R2 > D + R1:
# Particular cases First circle inside second circle
return list()
elif R1 > D + R2:
# Particular cases Second circle inside first circle
return list()
elif R2 == D + R1:
# Particular cases First circle inside second circle and one intersection
return [(-R1) * exp(1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1)) + Zc1]
elif R1 == D + R2:
# Particular cases First circle inside second circle and one intersection
return [(Zc2p + R2) * exp(1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1)) + Zc1]
else: # D < R1 and D < R2:
# Intersection between the two circles
# cf
x = (D ** 2 - R2 ** 2 + R1 ** 2) / (2 * D)
y = sqrt(R1 ** 2 - x ** 2)
Z1 = (x + 1j * y) * exp(1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1)) + Zc1
Z2 = (x - 1j * y) * exp(1j * angle(Zc2 - Zc1)) + Zc1
return [Z1, Z2]
# In fact two points formula seems to work in all other cases
# elif R1 > D:
# # Intersections after Zc2p
# raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
# elif R2 > D:
# # Intersections beforz Zc1p
# raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
# else:
# raise Exception("Case should not happend")