Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Material.replace_material_pyleecan_obj

from ...Classes.Material import Material
from ...Functions.Material.compare_material import compare_material

[docs]def replace_material_pyleecan_obj(obj, mat1, mat2, comp_name_path=True): """ replace first material by the second in the object Parameters ---------- obj: Pyleecan object mat1: Material material to replace mat2: Material new material comp_name_path: bool replace strictly mat1 or replace materials without comparing mat1.path and Returns ------- is_change: bool True if a material has been replaced """ is_change = False obj_dict = obj.as_dict() if comp_name_path: for key, val in obj_dict.items(): if isinstance(getattr(obj, key), Material) and getattr(obj, key) == mat1: setattr(obj, key, mat2) is_change = True # Call the function recursively to modify attributes materials elif isinstance(val, dict): is_change_recurs = replace_material_pyleecan_obj( getattr(obj, key), mat1, mat2, comp_name_path ) # update is_change if needed if not is_change: is_change = is_change_recurs else: for key, val in obj_dict.items(): # Compare materials with mat1 without name and path if isinstance(getattr(obj, key), Material) and compare_material( getattr(obj, key), mat1 ): setattr(obj, key, mat2) is_change = True # Call the function recursively to modify attributes materials elif isinstance(val, dict): is_change_recurs = replace_material_pyleecan_obj( getattr(obj, key), mat1, mat2, comp_name_path ) # update is_change if needed if not is_change: is_change = is_change_recurs return is_change