Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Plot.plot_3D_Data

from ...definitions import config_dict

# Import values from config dict
FONT_NAME = config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"]

[docs]def plot_3D_Data( data, *arg_list, is_norm=False, unit="SI", save_path=None, x_min=None, x_max=None, y_min=None, y_max=None, z_min=None, z_max=None, z_range=None, color_list=None, colormap=None, is_auto_ticks=True, is_2D_view=False, N_stem=100, fig=None, ax=None, is_show_fig=None, is_auto_range=True, is_same_size=False, is_logscale_x=False, is_logscale_y=False, is_logscale_z=False, thresh=0.02, is_switch_axes=False, win_title=None, ): """Plots a field as a function of two axes Parameters ---------- data : Data a Data object *arg_list : list of str arguments to specify which axes to plot is_norm : bool boolean indicating if the field must be normalized unit : str unit in which to plot the field save_path : str full path including folder, name and extension of the file to save if save_path is not None x_min : float minimum value for the x-axis x_max : float maximum value for the x-axis y_min : float minimum value for the y-axis y_max : float maximum value for the y-axis z_min : float minimum value for the z-axis z_max : float maximum value for the z-axis z_range : float range to use for the z-axis is_auto_ticks : bool in fft, adjust ticks to freqs (deactivate if too close) is_2D_view : bool True to plot Data in xy plane and put z as colormap N_stem : int number of harmonics to plot (only for stem plots) fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one ax : Matplotlib.axes.Axes object ax on which to plot the data is_show_fig : bool True to show figure after plot """ print( "WARNING: plot_2D_Data function is deprecated and will be removed from the next release. Please use SciDataTool plot_2D_Data method instead." ) # Extract arg_list it the function called from another script with *arg_list if len(arg_list) == 1 and type(arg_list[0]) == tuple: arg_list = arg_list[0] if color_list is None: color_list = COLOR_LIST if colormap is None: colormap = COLORMAP # Call SciDataTool method data.plot_3D_Data( *arg_list, is_norm=is_norm, unit=unit, save_path=save_path, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, z_min=z_min, z_max=z_max, z_range=z_range, is_auto_ticks=is_auto_ticks, is_auto_range=is_auto_range, is_2D_view=is_2D_view, is_same_size=is_same_size, N_stem=N_stem, fig=fig, ax=ax, is_show_fig=is_show_fig, is_logscale_x=is_logscale_x, is_logscale_y=is_logscale_y, is_logscale_z=is_logscale_z, thresh=thresh, is_switch_axes=is_switch_axes, colormap=colormap, win_title=win_title, font_name=FONT_NAME, font_size_title=FONT_SIZE_TITLE, font_size_label=FONT_SIZE_LABEL, font_size_legend=FONT_SIZE_LEGEND, )