Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Plot.plot_A_3D

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d

from ...Functions.init_fig import init_subplot
from ...definitions import config_dict

FONT_NAME = config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"]

[docs]def plot_A_3D( Xdata, Ydata, Zdata, colormap="RdBu", x_min=None, x_max=None, y_min=None, y_max=None, z_min=None, z_max=None, title="", xlabel="", ylabel="", zlabel="", xticks=None, yticks=None, fig=None, subplot_index=None, is_logscale_x=False, is_logscale_y=False, is_logscale_z=False, is_disp_title=True, type="stem", save_path=None, ): """Plots a 3D graph ("stem", "surf" or "pcolor") Parameters ---------- Xdata : ndarray array of x-axis values Ydata : ndarray array of y-axis values Zdata : ndarray array of z-axis values colormap : colormap object colormap prescribed by user x_min : float minimum value for the x-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) x_max : float maximum value for the x-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) y_min : float minimum value for the y-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) y_max : float maximum value for the y-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) z_min : float minimum value for the z-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) z_max : float maximum value for the z-axis (no automated scaling in 3D) title : str title of the graph xlabel : str label for the x-axis ylabel : str label for the y-axis zlabel : str label for the z-axis xticks : list list of ticks to use for the x-axis fig : Matplotlib.figure.Figure existing figure to use if None create a new one subplot_index : int index of subplot in which to plot is_logscale_x : bool boolean indicating if the x-axis must be set in logarithmic scale is_logscale_y : bool boolean indicating if the y-axis must be set in logarithmic scale is_logscale_z : bool boolean indicating if the z-axis must be set in logarithmic scale is_disp_title : bool boolean indicating if the title must be displayed type : str type of 3D graph : "stem", "surf", "pcolor" or "scatter" """ # Set figure/subplot is_show_fig = True if fig is None else False is_3d = False if type != "pcolor" and type != "scatter": is_3d = True fig, ax = init_subplot(fig=fig, subplot_index=subplot_index, is_3d=is_3d) # Plot if type == "stem": for xi, yi, zi in zip(Xdata, Ydata, Zdata): line = art3d.Line3D( *zip((xi, yi, 0), (xi, yi, zi)), linewidth=3.0, marker="o", markersize=5.0, markevery=(1, 1), color=COLORS[0] ) ax.add_line(line) ax.set_xlim3d(x_max, x_min) ax.set_ylim3d(y_min, y_max) ax.set_zlim3d(z_min, z_max) # set correct angle ax.view_init(elev=20.0, azim=45) ax.zaxis.set_rotate_label(False) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel, rotation=0) ax.xaxis.labelpad = 30 ax.yaxis.labelpad = 30 ax.zaxis.labelpad = 30 if xticks is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) # white background ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False ax.xaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") ax.yaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") ax.zaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") if is_logscale_z: ax.zscale("log") elif type == "surf": ax.plot_surface(Xdata, Ydata, Zdata, cmap=colormap) ax.set_xlim3d(x_max, x_min) ax.set_ylim3d(y_min, y_max) ax.set_zlim3d(z_min, z_max) ax.zaxis.set_rotate_label(False) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel, rotation=0) ax.xaxis.labelpad = 30 ax.yaxis.labelpad = 30 ax.zaxis.labelpad = 30 if xticks is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) # white background ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False ax.xaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") ax.yaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") ax.zaxis.pane.set_edgecolor("w") if is_logscale_z: ax.zscale("log") elif type == "pcolor": c = ax.pcolormesh(Xdata, Ydata, Zdata, cmap=colormap, vmin=z_min, vmax=z_max) clb = fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax), fontsize=18, fontname=FONT_NAME) for l in l.set_family(FONT_NAME) if xticks is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) elif type == "scatter": c = ax.scatter( Xdata, Ydata, c=Zdata, marker="s", cmap=colormap, vmin=z_min, vmax=z_max ) clb = fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax), fontsize=18, fontname=FONT_NAME) for l in l.set_family(FONT_NAME) if xticks is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xticks) if yticks is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if is_logscale_x: ax.xscale("log") if is_logscale_y: ax.yscale("log") if is_disp_title: ax.set_title(title) if is_3d: for item in ( [ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label, ax.zaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() + ax.get_zticklabels() ): item.set_fontsize(22) else: for item in ( [ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() ): item.set_fontsize(22) item.set_fontname(FONT_NAME) ax.title.set_fontsize(24) ax.title.set_fontname(FONT_NAME) if save_path is not None: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close() if is_show_fig: