Source code for pyleecan.Functions.Winding.comp_wind_sym

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import array_equal, roll, squeeze, sum as np_sum
from numpy.linalg import norm

[docs]def comp_wind_sym(wind_mat): """Computes the winding pattern periodicity and symmetries Parameters ---------- wind_mat : numpy.ndarray Matrix of the Winding Returns ------- Nperw: int Number of electrical period of the winding """ assert len(wind_mat.shape) == 4, "dim 4 expected for wind_mat" # Summing on all the layers (Nlay_r and Nlay_theta) wind_mat2 = squeeze(np_sum(np_sum(wind_mat, axis=1), axis=0)) qs = wind_mat.shape[3] # Number of phase Zs = wind_mat.shape[2] # Number of Slot Nperw = 1 # Number of electrical period of the winding Nperslot = 1 # Periodicity of the winding in number of slots # Looking for the periodicity of each phase for q in range(0, qs): k = 1 is_sym = False while k <= Zs and not is_sym: # We shift the array arround the slot and check if it's the same if array_equal(wind_mat2[:, q], roll(wind_mat2[:, q], shift=k)): is_sym = True else: k += 1 # least common multiple to find common periodicity between different phase Nperslot = lcm(Nperslot, k) # If Nperslot > Zs no symmetry if Nperslot > 0 and Nperslot < Zs: # nb of periods of the winding (2 means 180°) Nperw = Zs / float(Nperslot) # if Zs cannot be divided by Nperslot (non integer) if Nperw % 1 != 0: Nperw = 1 # Check for anti symmetries in the elementary winding pattern if ( Nperslot % 2 == 0 and norm( wind_mat2[0 : Nperslot // 2, :] + wind_mat2[Nperslot // 2 : Nperslot, :] ) == 0 ): is_asym_wind = True Nperw = Nperw * 2 else: is_asym_wind = False return int(Nperw), is_asym_wind
[docs]def gcd(a, b): """Return the greatest common divisor of a and b Parameters ---------- a : int first number b : int second number Returns ------- gcd : int greatest common divisor of a and b """ while b: a, b = b, a % b return a
[docs]def lcm(a, b): """Return the least common multiple of a and b Parameters ---------- a : int first number b : int second number Returns ------- lcm : int least common multiple of a and b """ return a * b // gcd(a, b)