Source code for pyleecan.Functions.init_environment

import platform
import shutil
import sys
from json import dump, load
from logging import getLogger
from os import makedirs
from os.path import abspath, dirname, isdir, isfile, join, normpath, realpath

from import get_cmap, register_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from matplotlib import font_manager
from numpy import load as np_load
from ..loggers import GUI_LOG_NAME
from ..default_config_dict import default_config_dict

[docs]def save_config_dict(config_dict): """update the config file with config_dict values Parameters ---------- config_dict : dict new values to put in the config file """ # dynamic import to avoid loop module = __import__( "pyleecan.definitions", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["CONF_PATH"], level=0, ) CONF_PATH = module.CONF_PATH with open(CONF_PATH, "w") as config_file: dump(config_dict, config_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
[docs]def init_user_dir(): """Initialize the USER DIR with the default files""" # dynamic import to avoid loop module = __import__( "pyleecan.definitions", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["USER_DIR", "MAIN_DIR"], level=0, ) USER_DIR = module.USER_DIR MAIN_DIR = module.MAIN_DIR logger = getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME) # Create the main folder if not isdir(USER_DIR): makedirs(USER_DIR) # Copy initial DATA logger.debug("Initialization of USER_DIR in " + USER_DIR) # Data initialization mach_path = join(USER_DIR, "Machine") if not isdir(mach_path): shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Machine"), mach_path) logger.debug("Initialization USER_DIR Machines in " + mach_path) mat_path = join(USER_DIR, "Material") if not isdir(mat_path): shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Material"), mat_path) logger.debug("Initialization USER_DIR Materials in " + mat_path) plot_path = join(USER_DIR, "Plot") if not isdir(plot_path): shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Plot"), plot_path) logger.debug("Initialization USER_DIR Plot in " + plot_path) gui_path = join(USER_DIR, "GUI") if not isdir(gui_path): shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "GUI"), gui_path) logger.debug("Initialization USER_DIR GUI in " + gui_path) # Create default config dict init_config_dict()
[docs]def update_user_dir(): """Initialize the USER DIR with the default files""" # dynamic import to avoid loop module = __import__( "pyleecan.definitions", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["USER_DIR", "MAIN_DIR"], level=0, ) USER_DIR = module.USER_DIR MAIN_DIR = module.MAIN_DIR logger = getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME) # Data initialization mach_path = join(USER_DIR, "Machine") if isdir(mach_path): shutil.rmtree(mach_path) shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Machine"), mach_path) logger.debug("Updating USER_DIR Machines in " + mach_path) mat_path = join(USER_DIR, "Material") if isdir(mat_path): shutil.rmtree(mat_path) shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Material"), mat_path) logger.debug("Updating USER_DIR Materials in " + mat_path) plot_path = join(USER_DIR, "Plot") if isdir(plot_path): shutil.rmtree(plot_path) shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "Plot"), plot_path) logger.debug("Updating USER_DIR Plot in " + plot_path) gui_path = join(USER_DIR, "GUI") if isdir(gui_path): shutil.rmtree(gui_path) shutil.copytree(join(MAIN_DIR, "Data", "GUI"), gui_path) logger.debug("Updating USER_DIR GUI in " + gui_path)
[docs]def init_config_dict(): """Create the default config dict and save it in USER_DIR""" # dynamic import to avoid loop module = __import__( "pyleecan.definitions", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["USER_DIR", "CONF_PATH"], level=0, ) USER_DIR = module.USER_DIR CONF_PATH = module.CONF_PATH DEFAULT_FONT = module.DEFAULT_FONT # Get version module = __import__( "pyleecan", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["__version__"], level=0, ) version = module.__version__ logger = getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME) # Initialization to make sure all the parameters exist config_dict = default_config_dict.copy() config_dict["version"] = version if config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"] == "": config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"] = DEFAULT_FONT save_config_dict(config_dict) logger.debug("Init config_dict at :" + CONF_PATH + "(version=" + version + ")")
[docs]def get_config_dict(): """Return the config dict (update with default to make sure all parameter exist) Returns ------- config_dict: dict dictionary gather the parameters of the software """ # dynamic import to avoid loop module = __import__( "pyleecan.definitions", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["USER_DIR", "CONF_PATH", "DEFAULT_FONT", "DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP"], level=0, ) USER_DIR = module.USER_DIR CONF_PATH = module.CONF_PATH DEFAULT_FONT = module.DEFAULT_FONT DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP = module.DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP # Get version module = __import__( "pyleecan", globals=globals(), locals=locals(), fromlist=["__version__"], level=0, ) version = module.__version__ logger = getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME) # Make sure user dir exist if not isfile(CONF_PATH): init_user_dir() # Overwrite default config_dict with USER_DIR values config_dict = default_config_dict.copy() with open(CONF_PATH, "r") as config_file: update_dict(source=config_dict, update=load(config_file)) # Update Library if new version if "version" not in config_dict: config_dict["version"] = "No_version" if config_dict["version"] != version: logger.debug( "Updating USER_DIR from version " + config_dict["version"] + " to version " + version ) update_user_dir() config_dict["version"] = version save_config_dict(config_dict) # Load the color_dict def_color_path = join(USER_DIR, "Plot", "pyleecan_color.json") color_path = join(USER_DIR, "Plot", config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT_NAME"]) # Get default with open(def_color_path, "r") as color_file: config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"] = load(color_file) # Overwritte with user colors if color_path != def_color_path and isfile(color_path): with open(color_path, "r") as color_file: update_dict( source=config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"], update=load(color_file) ) # Register the colormap cmap_name = config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"]["COLOR_MAP"] if "." not in cmap_name: cmap_path = join(USER_DIR, "Plot", cmap_name) + ".npy" try: get_cmap(name=cmap_name) except: if not isfile(cmap_path): # Default colormap config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"]["COLOR_MAP"] = DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP else: cmap = np_load(cmap_path) cmp = ListedColormap(cmap) register_cmap(name=config_dict["PLOT"]["COLOR_DICT"]["COLOR_MAP"], cmap=cmp) # Check if font is available font_name = config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"] if font_name not in [ for f in font_manager.fontManager.ttflist]: logger.warning( "WARNING: " + font_name + " font not available. Try: matplotlib.font_manager._rebuild()" ) config_dict["PLOT"]["FONT_NAME"] = DEFAULT_FONT # Default font # Update config_dict content if "MACHINE_DIR" not in config_dict["MAIN"] or not isdir( config_dict["MAIN"]["MACHINE_DIR"] ): config_dict["MAIN"]["MACHINE_DIR"] = join(USER_DIR, "Machine") if "MATLIB_DIR" not in config_dict["MAIN"] or not isdir( config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"] ): config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"] = join(USER_DIR, "Material") if not isfile(config_dict["GUI"]["CSS_PATH"]): config_dict["GUI"]["CSS_PATH"] = join( USER_DIR, "GUI", config_dict["GUI"]["CSS_NAME"] ) return config_dict
[docs]def update_dict(source, update): for key, value in update.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): source[key] = update_dict(source.get(key, {}), value) else: source[key] = value return source