Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SLamParam.DAVDuct.DAVDuct

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from PySide2.QtCore import QSize
from PySide2.QtGui import QPixmap
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QDialog, QMessageBox, QSpinBox, QTableWidgetItem

from ......Classes.Lamination import Lamination
from ......Classes.VentilationCirc import VentilationCirc
from ......GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SLamParam.DAVDuct.Ui_DAVDuct import Ui_DAVDuct
from ......GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SLamParam.DAVDuct.WVent.WVent import WVent

[docs]class DAVDuct(Ui_DAVDuct, QDialog): """Dialog to setup the ventilations""" def __init__(self, lamination): """Initialize the widget according the current lamination Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct A DAVDuct widget lam : Lamination current lamination to edit """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.obj = lamination # Current object self.lam = Lamination( init_dict=Lamination.as_dict(lamination) ) # Copy to modify # Init the GUI if len(self.lam.axial_vent) == 0: # No vent => init circle self.lam.axial_vent.append(VentilationCirc()) self.lam.axial_vent[0]._set_None() self.tab_vent.clear() for vent in self.lam.axial_vent: self.s_add(vent) self.tab_vent.setCurrentIndex(0) # Set Help URL self.b_help.hide() self.b_new.clicked.connect(self.s_add) self.b_remove.clicked.connect(self.s_remove) self.b_plot.clicked.connect(self.plot) self.b_cancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.b_ok.clicked.connect(self.valid_vent)
[docs] def s_add(self, vent=False): """Signal to add a new hole Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct A DAVDuct widget vent : Ventilation The ventilation to init the GUI with """ # Create a new hole if needed if type(vent) is bool: # Default Hole is Circular vent_obj = VentilationCirc() vent_obj._set_None() self.lam.axial_vent.append(vent_obj) index = len(self.lam.axial_vent) - 1 else: index = self.lam.axial_vent.index(vent) tab = WVent(self.lam, index=index) self.tab_vent.addTab(tab, "Vent " + str(index + 1))
[docs] def s_remove(self): """Signal to remove the last hole Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct a DAVDuct object """ if len(self.lam.axial_vent) > 1: self.tab_vent.removeTab(len(self.lam.axial_vent) - 1) self.lam.axial_vent.pop(-1)
[docs] def plot(self): """Plot the ventilation ducts according to the table Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct a DAVDuct object """ # We have to make sure the hole is right before trying to plot it error = self.check() if error: # Error => Display it QMessageBox().critical(self,"Error"), error) else: # No error => Plot the hole (No winding for LamSquirrelCage) self.lam.plot()
[docs] def valid_vent(self): """Validate the new ventilation and update the lamination Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct a DAVDuct object """ error = self.check() if error: # Error => Display it QMessageBox().critical(self,"Error"), error) else: self.obj.axial_vent = self.lam.axial_vent self.accept()
[docs] def check(self): """Check that all the ventilation are correctly set Parameters ---------- self : DAVDuct a DAVDuct object """ for ii in range(self.tab_vent.count()): error = self.tab_vent.widget(ii).check() if error is not None: return "Vent " + str(ii + 1) + ": " + error return None