Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWindCond.WCondOut.WCondOut

from PySide2.QtCore import QSize
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QGroupBox, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QWidget

from ......GUI import gui_option

[docs]class WCondOut(QGroupBox): """Setup of QGroupBox for output for Winding Conductor""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the widget""" QGroupBox.__init__(self, parent) # Set main widget self.u = gui_option.unit self.setTitle("Output")) self.setMinimumSize(QSize(200, 0)) self.setObjectName("g_output") self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.layout.setObjectName("layout") # The widget is composed of several QLabel in a vertical layout self.out_Sslot = QLabel(self) self.out_Sslot.setObjectName("out_Sslot") self.out_Sslot.setToolTip("Slot surface") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Sslot) self.out_Saslot = QLabel(self) self.out_Saslot.setObjectName("out_Saslot") self.out_Saslot.setToolTip("Slot active surface") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Saslot) self.out_Sact = QLabel(self) self.out_Sact.setObjectName("out_Sact") self.out_Sact.setToolTip("Conductor active surface") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Sact) self.out_Ncps = QLabel(self) self.out_Ncps.setObjectName("out_Ncps") self.out_Ncps.setToolTip("Number of conductors per slot") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Ncps) self.out_K = QLabel(self) self.out_K.setObjectName("out_K") self.out_K.setToolTip("Conductor active surface over total slot active surface") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_K) self.out_MLT = QLabel(self) self.out_MLT.setObjectName("out_MLT") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_MLT) self.out_MLT.setToolTip("Mean Length Turn") self.out_Mwind = QLabel(self) self.out_Mwind.setObjectName("out_Mwind") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Mwind) self.out_Mwind.setToolTip("Total winding mass [kg]") self.out_Rwind = QLabel(self) self.out_Rwind.setObjectName("out_Rwind") self.layout.addWidget(self.out_Rwind) self.out_Rwind.setToolTip("Phase winding resistance at 20°C")
[docs] def comp_output(self): """Update the Output with the computed values Parameters ---------- self : WCondOut A WCondOut object """ obj = self while not hasattr(obj.parent(), "lam") or obj.parent() is None: obj = obj.parent() parent = obj.parent() lam = parent.lam Sslot_txt ="Slot surface: ") Saslot_txt ="Slot active surface: ") Sa_txt ="Conductor active surface: ") Ncps_txt ="Conductors per slot: ") K_txt ="Fill factor: ") MLT_txt = "Mean Length Turn: " Mwind_txt = "Winding mass: " Rwind_txt = "Winding resistance at 20°C: " # Compute all the needed output as string try: Sslot = format(self.u.get_m2(lam.slot.comp_surface()), ".4g") except Exception: # Unable to compute the slot surface Sslot = "?" try: Saslot = format(self.u.get_m2(lam.slot.comp_surface_active()), ".4g") except Exception: # Unable to compute the slot active surface Saslot = "?" try: Sact = format( self.u.get_m2(lam.winding.conductor.comp_surface_active()), ".4g" ) except Exception: # Unable to compute the conductor active surface Sact = "?" try: Ncps = str(int(lam.winding.comp_Ncps())) except Exception: # Unable to compute the number of conductors per slot Ncps = "?" try: K = "%.2f" % (lam.comp_fill_factor() * 100) except Exception: # Unable to compute the fill factor (Not set) K = "?" try: MLT = format(self.u.get_m(lam.comp_lengths_winding()["MLT"]), ".4g") except Exception: # Unable to compute MLT MLT = "?" try: Mwind = format(lam.comp_masses()["Mwind"], ".4g") except Exception: # Unable to compute MLT Mwind = "?" try: Rwind = format(lam.comp_resistance_wind(T=20), ".2g") except Exception: # Unable to compute MLT Rwind = "?" # Update the GUI to display the Output self.out_Sslot.setText(Sslot_txt + Sslot + " [" + self.u.get_m2_name() + "]") self.out_Saslot.setText(Saslot_txt + Saslot + " [" + self.u.get_m2_name() + "]") self.out_Sact.setText(Sa_txt + Sact + " [" + self.u.get_m2_name() + "]") self.out_Ncps.setText(Ncps_txt + Ncps) self.out_K.setText(K_txt + K + " %") self.out_MLT.setText(MLT_txt + MLT + " [" + self.u.get_m_name() + "]") self.out_Mwind.setText(Mwind_txt + Mwind + " [kg]") self.out_Rwind.setText(Rwind_txt + Rwind + " [Ohm]")