Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWinding.SWinding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QWidget, QFileDialog, QListView
from os.path import join, isdir

from .....Functions.init_fig import init_fig
from .....Functions.GUI.log_error import log_error
from .....Classes.Winding import Winding
from .....Classes.WindingUD import WindingUD
from .....Classes.MachineSRM import MachineSRM
from .....Classes.MachineWRSM import MachineWRSM
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMachineSetup.SWinding.Gen_SWinding import Gen_SWinding
from .....Functions.Plot.set_plot_gui_icon import set_plot_gui_icon


[docs]class SWinding(Gen_SWinding, QWidget): """Step to define the winding pattern & circuit""" # Signal to DMachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() # Information for DMachineSetup nav step_name = "Winding" def __init__(self, machine, material_dict, is_stator=False): """Initialize the GUI according to machine Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding widget machine : Machine current machine to edit material_dict: dict Materials dictionary (library + machine) is_stator : bool To adapt the GUI to set either the stator or the rotor """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QWidget.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) # Set Help URL # self.b_help.url = "" # Saving arguments self.machine = machine self.material_dict = material_dict self.is_stator = is_stator self.is_test = False # True to hide the plot self.fig_mmf = None # To test plot self.fig_linear = None # To test plot self.fig_radial = None # To test plot # Fill the fields with the machine values (if they're filled) if self.is_stator: self.obj = machine.stator self.b_plot_mmf.setText("Plot Stator Unit MMF") else: self.obj = machine.rotor self.b_plot_mmf.setText("Plot Rotor Unit MMF") self.in_Zs.setText("Slot number: " + str(self.obj.get_Zs())) if isinstance(machine, MachineSRM): self.in_p.hide() # p is not meaningful for SRM else: self.in_p.setText( "Pole pair number: " + str(self.obj.get_pole_pair_number()) ) if isinstance(machine, MachineWRSM) and not self.is_stator: # Enforce tooth winding for WRSM rotor self.si_qs.setEnabled(False) self.obj.winding.qs = 1 # Two tangential layer enforced self.c_layer_def.setEnabled(False) self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_TAN) self.obj.winding.Nlayer = 2 self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = False self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = 1 self.si_coil_pitch.setEnabled(False) self.in_Zs.hide() # =2*p # Enforce star of slot self.c_wind_type.setEnabled(False) self.c_wind_type.setCurrentIndex(0) # No plot_mmf self.b_plot_mmf.hide() # Pattern Group setup if self.obj.winding is None: self.obj.winding = Winding() # Default is Star of Slot if type(self.obj.winding) is Winding: # Star of Slot self.c_wind_type.setCurrentIndex(0) self.hide_star_widget(False) # qs if self.obj.winding.qs is None: # default value self.obj.winding.qs = 3 self.si_qs.setValue(self.obj.winding.qs) # Nlayer if self.obj.winding.Nlayer is None: self.obj.winding.Nlayer = 1 # Layer definition (number + direction if necessary) if self.obj.winding.Nlayer == 1: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_SINGLE_LAYER) else: err_msg = None try: # To recover Nrad and Ntan we have to compute the connection matrix. If Star of slot method is unable to do so, # Setting the number of layer to 1 Nrad, Ntan = self.obj.winding.get_dim_wind() except Exception as e: err_msg = str(e) if err_msg is None: if Nrad < Ntan: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_TAN) else: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_RAD) else: self.obj.winding.Nlayer = 1 self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_SINGLE_LAYER) # Coil_pitch self.show_layer_widget() # Ntcoil if self.obj.winding.Ntcoil is None: self.obj.winding.Ntcoil = 1 self.si_Ntcoil.setValue(self.obj.winding.Ntcoil) elif type(self.obj.winding) is WindingUD: # WindingUD self.c_wind_type.setCurrentIndex(1) self.hide_star_widget(True) # Npcp if self.obj.winding.Npcp is None: self.obj.winding.Npcp = 1 # Default value self.si_Npcp.setValue(self.obj.winding.Npcp) # Winding Transformation setup if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_wind is None: self.obj.winding.is_reverse_wind = False if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_wind: self.is_reverse.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.is_reverse.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # Nslot_shift_wind if self.obj.winding.Nslot_shift_wind is None: self.obj.winding.Nslot_shift_wind = 0 self.si_Nslot.setValue(self.obj.winding.Nslot_shift_wind) # is_reverse_layer if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer is None: self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer = False if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer: self.is_reverse_layer.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.is_reverse_layer.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # is_change_layer if self.obj.winding.is_change_layer is None: self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = False # is_permute_B_C if self.obj.winding.is_permute_B_C is None: self.obj.winding.is_permute_B_C = False if self.obj.winding.is_permute_B_C: self.is_permute_B_C.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.is_permute_B_C.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # Update the GUI self.update_graph() self.comp_output() # Connect the signal/slot self.c_wind_type.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_type) self.si_Npcp.valueChanged.connect(self.set_Npcp) self.si_Nslot.valueChanged.connect(self.set_Nslot) self.si_Ntcoil.valueChanged.connect(self.set_Ntcoil) self.is_reverse.stateChanged.connect(self.set_is_reverse_wind) self.is_reverse_layer.stateChanged.connect(self.set_is_reverse_layer) self.is_permute_B_C.stateChanged.connect(self.set_is_permute_B_C) self.si_qs.valueChanged.connect(self.refresh_needed) self.c_layer_def.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.refresh_needed) self.si_coil_pitch.valueChanged.connect(self.refresh_needed) self.si_Ntcoil.valueChanged.connect(self.refresh_needed) self.si_Npcp.valueChanged.connect(self.refresh_needed) # self.b_edit_wind_mat.clicked.connect(self.s_edit_wind_mat) self.b_import.clicked.connect(self.s_import_csv) self.b_export.clicked.connect(self.s_export_csv) self.b_edit_wind_mat.hide() self.b_generate.clicked.connect(self.s_generate) self.b_plot_linear.clicked.connect(self.s_plot_linear) self.b_plot_radial.clicked.connect(self.s_plot_radial) self.b_plot_mmf.clicked.connect(self.s_plot_mmf)
[docs] def hide_star_widget(self, is_hide=True): """To display/hide the star of slot widgets""" if is_hide: self.in_Ntcoil.hide() self.in_coil_pitch.hide() self.in_qs.hide() self.c_layer_def.hide() self.si_Ntcoil.hide() self.si_coil_pitch.hide() self.si_qs.hide() self.b_generate.hide() else: self.b_import.hide()
[docs] def show_layer_widget(self): # Coil pitch (or coil span) if self.obj.winding.coil_pitch in [0, None]: if self.obj.winding.p is None: # SRM self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = 1 # Tooth winding else: Zs = self.obj.slot.Zs qs = self.obj.winding.qs p = self.obj.winding.p # Number of slots per pole and per phase spp = Zs / (2 * p * qs) if spp > 0.5: # distributed winding self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = int(qs * spp) else: # tooth concentrated winding self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = 1 self.si_coil_pitch.setValue(self.obj.winding.coil_pitch) # Showing the right transformation depending on the number of layer if self.c_layer_def.currentIndex() == IDX_SINGLE_LAYER: self.is_reverse_layer.hide() else: # is_reverse_layer if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer is None: self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer = False if self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer: self.is_reverse_layer.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.is_reverse_layer.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # is_change_layer if self.obj.winding.is_change_layer is None: self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = False
[docs] def refresh_needed(self): self.b_generate.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def s_generate(self): # Update winding object self.obj.winding.qs = self.si_qs.value() self.obj.winding.Nlayer = ( 1 if self.c_layer_def.currentIndex() == IDX_SINGLE_LAYER else 2 ) self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = self.si_coil_pitch.value() self.obj.winding.Ntcoil = self.si_Ntcoil.value() if isinstance(self.machine, MachineSRM): if self.obj.slot.Zs % self.obj.winding.qs != 0: QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"), "Error while creating the winding:\nZs must be a multiple of qs for SRM machine", ) self.b_plot_mmf.setEnabled(False) return # p is not defined for SRM => enforced to p=Zs/qs self.obj.winding.p = self.obj.slot.Zs // self.obj.winding.qs self.obj.winding.clean() # Enforce now computation # Check winding try: self.obj.winding.get_connection_mat() self.b_generate.setEnabled(False) # Correcting the winding matrix if the one generated does not have the direction specified by the user if self.obj.winding.Nlayer > 1: Nrad, Ntan = self.obj.winding.get_dim_wind() if ( self.c_layer_def.currentIndex() == IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_RAD and Nrad < Ntan ): self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = ( not self.obj.winding.is_change_layer ) elif ( self.c_layer_def.currentIndex() == IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_TAN and Nrad > Ntan ): self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = ( not self.obj.winding.is_change_layer ) elif Nrad == Ntan: self.obj.winding.is_change_layer = False self.obj.winding.get_connection_mat() except Exception as e: log_error( self, "Error while creating the winding:\nStar of slot algorithm didn't managed to find a solution for the combination Zs=" + str(self.obj.slot.Zs) + ", qs=" + str(self.obj.winding.qs) + ", p=" + str(self.obj.winding.p) + "and layer number=" + str(self.obj.winding.Nlayer) + ".", ) self.comp_output() self.update_graph(is_lam_only=True) self.b_plot_mmf.setEnabled(False) self.b_generate.setEnabled(True) return # Update GUI self.comp_output() self.update_graph() self.b_plot_mmf.setEnabled(True) self.show_layer_widget() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_type(self, index): """Signal to update the winding type Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object index : int Index of selected type """ init_dict = self.obj.winding.as_dict() if index == 0: # Star of Slot self.obj.winding = Winding(init_dict=init_dict) # coil_pitch if self.obj.winding.coil_pitch is None: self.obj.winding.coil_pitch = 0 self.si_coil_pitch.setValue(self.obj.winding.coil_pitch) # qs if self.obj.winding.qs is None: self.obj.winding.qs = 3 self.si_qs.setValue(self.obj.winding.qs) # Ntcoil if self.obj.winding.Ntcoil is None: self.obj.winding.Ntcoil = 1 self.si_Ntcoil.setValue(self.obj.winding.Ntcoil) # c_layer_def if self.obj.winding.Nlayer == 1: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_SINGLE_LAYER) else: Nrad, Ntan = self.obj.winding.get_dim_wind() if Nrad < Ntan: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_TAN) else: self.c_layer_def.setCurrentIndex(IDX_DOUBLE_LAYER_RAD) self.obj.winding.clean() # ­ Enforce new computation self.hide_star_widget(False) else: # User Defined self.obj.winding = WindingUD(init_dict=init_dict) self.hide_star_widget(True) self.obj.winding.Npcp = self.si_Npcp.value()
[docs] def set_Ntcoil(self): """Signal to update the value of Ntcoil according to the spinbox Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object """ self.obj.winding.Ntcoil = self.si_Ntcoil.value() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_Nslot(self): """Signal to update the value of Nslot_shift_wind according to the spinbox Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object """ self.obj.winding.Nslot_shift_wind = self.si_Nslot.value() self.update_graph() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_is_reverse_wind(self, value): """Signal to update the value of is_reverse_wind according to the widget Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object value : New value of is_reverse_wind """ value = self.is_reverse.isChecked() self.obj.winding.is_reverse_wind = value self.update_graph() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_is_reverse_layer(self, value): """Signal to update the value of is_reverse_layer according to the widget Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object value : New value of is_reverse_layer """ value = self.is_reverse_layer.isChecked() self.obj.winding.is_reverse_layer = value self.update_graph() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_is_permute_B_C(self, value): """Signal to update the value of is_permute_B_C according to the widget Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object value : New value of is_permute_B_C """ value = self.is_permute_B_C.isChecked() self.obj.winding.is_permute_B_C = value self.update_graph() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_Npcp(self): """Signal to update the value of Npcp according to the line edit Parameters ---------- self : SWindParam A SWindParam object """ self.obj.winding.Npcp = self.si_Npcp.value() self.comp_output() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def s_export_csv(self): """Export the winding matrix to csv""" if is not None: name = + "_Winding.csv" else: name = "Winding.csv" save_file_path = QFileDialog().getSaveFileName( self,"Save file"), name, "CSV (*.csv);;All files (*.*)", )[0] if save_file_path not in ["", None]: try: self.obj.winding.export_to_csv( file_path=save_file_path, is_add_header=True, is_skip_empty=False ) except Exception as e: log_error(self, "Error while exporting the winding:\n" + str(e)) return
[docs] def s_import_csv(self): """Import the winding matrix to csv""" load_path = str( QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,"Load file"), None, "CSV (*.csv);;All files (*.*)" )[0] ) if load_path != "": try: self.obj.winding.import_from_csv(file_path=load_path) # Update GUI self.comp_output() self.update_graph() # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit() except Exception as e: log_error(self, "Error while importing the winding:\n" + str(e)) return
[docs] def comp_output(self): """Update the shape and period Label to match the current winding setup Parameters ---------- self : SWinding a SWinding object """ wind = self.obj.winding # For readability try: mmf_dir = self.obj.comp_mmf_dir() if mmf_dir == 1: mmf_dir = "CCW" elif mmf_dir == -1: mmf_dir = "CW" else: mmf_dir = "?" except Exception: # Unable to compute the connection matrix mmf_dir = "?" self.out_rot_dir.setText("Rotation direction: ") + mmf_dir) try: ms = str(self.obj.slot.Zs / (wind.p * wind.qs * 2.0)) except TypeError: # One of the value is None ms = "?" self.out_ms.setText("Slots per pole per phase: ") + ms) if self.obj.is_stator: self.out_ms.setToolTip("Zs / (2*p*qs)")) else: self.out_ms.setToolTip("Zr / (2*p*qr)")) try: Nperw, _ = wind.get_periodicity() except Exception: # Unable to compution the connection matrix Nperw = "?" self.out_Nperw.setText("Winding periodicity: ") + str(Nperw)) try: Ntspc = str(self.obj.winding.comp_Ntsp(self.obj.slot.Zs)) Ntspc = Ntspc[:-2] if Ntspc[-2:] == ".0" else Ntspc except: Ntspc = "?" try: Ncspc = str(self.obj.winding.comp_Ncspc(self.obj.slot.Zs)) Ncspc = Ncspc[:-2] if Ncspc[-2:] == ".0" else Ncspc except: Ncspc = "?" self.out_Ncspc.setText("Coils in series per parallel circuit: ") + Ncspc ) self.out_Ntspc.setText("Turns in series per phase: ") + Ntspc)
[docs] def update_graph(self, is_lam_only=False): """Plot the lamination with/without the winding""" self.w_viewer.axes.clear() # Plot the lamination in the viewer fig try: self.obj.plot( fig=self.w_viewer.fig, ax=self.w_viewer.axes, is_show_fig=False, is_lam_only=is_lam_only, is_add_sign=True, is_legend=True, ) except Exception as e: if self.obj.is_stator: # Adapt the text to the current lamination err_msg = "Error while plotting machine in Stator Winding:\n" + str(e) else: err_msg = "Error while plotting machine in Rotor Winding:\n" + str(e) log_error(self, err_msg) # Update the Graph self.w_viewer.axes.set_axis_off() self.w_viewer.axes.axis("equal") self.w_viewer.draw()
[docs] def s_plot_linear(self): """Plot linear pattern of the winding defined Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object """ try: fig, _ = self.obj.winding.plot_linear(is_show_fig=not self.is_test) set_plot_gui_icon() self.fig_linear = fig except Exception as e: if self.obj.is_stator: # Adapt the text to the current lamination err_msg = ( "Error while plotting linear pattern in Stator Winding:\n" + str(e) ) else: err_msg = ( "Error while plotting linear pattern in Rotor Winding:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def s_plot_radial(self): """Plot radial pattern of the winding defined Parameters ---------- self : SWinding A SWinding object """ try: fig, _ = self.obj.plot( is_winding_connection=True, is_show_fig=not self.is_test, is_add_sign=True, ) set_plot_gui_icon() self.fig_radial = fig except Exception as e: if self.obj.is_stator: # Adapt the text to the current lamination err_msg = ( "Error while plotting radial pattern in Stator Winding:\n" + str(e) ) else: err_msg = ( "Error while plotting radial pattern in Rotor Winding:\n" + str(e) ) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] def s_plot_mmf(self): """Plot the unit mmf of the stator""" if self.machine is not None: try: self.fig_mmf = self.machine.stator.plot_mmf_unit( is_show_fig=not self.is_test ) except Exception as e: if self.obj.is_stator: # Adapt the text to the current lamination err_msg = "Error while plotting Stator mmf unit:\n" + str(e) else: err_msg = "Error while plotting Rotor mmf unit:\n" + str(e) log_error(self, err_msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def check(lamination): """Check that the lamination have all the needed field set Parameters ---------- lamination : Lamination Lamination to check Returns ------- error: str Error message (return None if no error) """ try: wind_mat = lamination.winding.get_connection_mat() except Exception as e: return "Error in winding matrix generation:\n" + str(e) try: # Check that everything is set if wind_mat is None: return "You must set the winding connection matrix !" if lamination.winding.qs is None: return "You must set qs !" if lamination.winding.Nslot_shift_wind is None: lamination.winding.Nslot_shift_wind = 0 if lamination.winding.is_reverse_wind is None: lamination.winding.is_reverse_wind = False if lamination.winding.Ntcoil is None: return "You must set Ntcoil !" if lamination.winding.Npcp is None: return "You must set Npcp !" except Exception as e: return str(e)