Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.DMatLib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os import remove, rename
from os.path import join, dirname
from re import match
from logging import getLogger
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QDialog, QMessageBox

from ....Classes.Material import Material

from ....Functions.load import load_machine_materials, LIB_KEY, MACH_KEY, PATH_KEY
from ....GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.Ui_DMatLib import Ui_DMatLib
from ....loggers import GUI_LOG_NAME

[docs]class DMatLib(Ui_DMatLib, QDialog): """Material Library Dialog to view and modify material data.""" # Signal to W_MachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() materialListChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, material_dict, machine=None, is_lib_mat=True, selected_id=0): """Init the Matlib GUI Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib a DMatLib object material_dict: dict Materials dictionary (library + machine) machine : Machine A Machine object to update (if None, material library only) is_lib_mat : bool True: Selected material is part of the Library (False machine) selected_id : Index of the currently selected material """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) # material_dict contains two list, library or machine # Current selected material in is the Library (false machine) self.is_lib_mat = is_lib_mat # Deep copy of material dict (edit only on save) self.material_dict_ref = material_dict # Backup for revert self.material_dict = dict() # Current library being edited for key in material_dict: if isinstance(material_dict[key], list): self.material_dict[key] = list() for mat in material_dict[key]: self.material_dict[key].append(mat.copy()) elif isinstance(material_dict[key], str): self.material_dict[key] = material_dict[key] else: raise Exception("Unknow type in material_dict") self.edited_material_list = list() # Material from library with modifications # keep machine to edit materials (while closing) if machine is not None: self.machine = machine if not in ["", None]: self.in_machine_mat.setText("Materials in " + else: self.machine = None self.b_switch.hide() # No material in the machine # Scan material_dict to create treeview self.update_treeview_material() # Default current material is first line of library self.select_current_material(selected_id, is_lib_mat) # Connect Slot/Signals self.nav_mat.clicked.connect( lambda: self.select_current_material(index=None, is_lib_mat=True) ) self.nav_mat_mach.clicked.connect( lambda: self.select_current_material(index=None, is_lib_mat=False) ) self.le_search.textChanged.connect(self.update_treeview_material) self.b_copy.clicked.connect(lambda: self.new_material(is_copy=True)) self.b_new.clicked.connect(lambda: self.new_material(is_copy=False)) self.b_switch.clicked.connect(self.edit_in_machine) self.w_setup.materialToDelete.connect(self.delete_material) self.w_setup.materialToRename.connect(self.rename_material) self.w_setup.materialToRevert.connect(self.revert_material) self.w_setup.materialToSave.connect(self.save_material) self.w_setup.saveNeededChanged.connect(self.update_material_edit_status)
[docs] def update_treeview_material(self): """Update the list of Material with the current content of MatLib/Machine Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object """ material_dict = self.material_dict # Filter the material Library self.nav_mat.blockSignals(True) self.nav_mat.clear() for ii, mat in enumerate(material_dict[LIB_KEY]): if self.le_search.text() != "" and not match( ".*" + self.le_search.text().lower() + ".*", str( ): continue # Skip add if not matching filter # Add material name as "005 - M400_50A" mat_text = "%03d" % (ii + 1) + " - " + str( if mat in self.edited_material_list: mat_text += " *" self.nav_mat.addItem(mat_text) self.nav_mat.blockSignals(False) # Filter the Machine materials self.nav_mat_mach.blockSignals(True) self.nav_mat_mach.clear() for ii, mat in enumerate(material_dict[MACH_KEY]): if self.le_search.text() != "" and not match( ".*" + self.le_search.text().lower() + ".*", str( ): continue # Skip add if not matching filter # Add material name as "005 - M400_50A" mat_text = ( "%03d" % (len(material_dict[LIB_KEY]) + ii + 1) + " - " + str( ) if mat in self.edited_material_list: mat_text += " *" self.nav_mat_mach.addItem(mat_text) self.nav_mat_mach.blockSignals(False) # Hide the machine treeview if machine material list is empty if len(material_dict[MACH_KEY]) == 0: self.in_machine_mat.setVisible(False) self.nav_mat_mach.setVisible(False) elif not self.in_machine_mat.isVisible(): self.in_machine_mat.setVisible(True) self.nav_mat_mach.setVisible(True)
[docs] def get_current_material(self, is_reference=False): """Return the current selected material Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object is_reference : bool False (default): return from edited matlib else from reference """ if is_reference: mat_dict = self.material_dict_ref else: mat_dict = self.material_dict # Get the selected material if self.is_lib_mat: if self.nav_mat.currentRow() == -1: # No material selected return None, None, None index = int(self.nav_mat.currentItem().text()[:3]) - 1 key = LIB_KEY else: if self.nav_mat_mach.currentRow() == -1: # No material selected return None, None, None index = ( int(self.nav_mat_mach.currentItem().text()[:3]) - 1 - len(self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]) ) key = MACH_KEY return mat_dict[key][index], key, index
[docs] def select_current_material(self, index=None, is_lib_mat=True): """Change the current selected material Paramaters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object index : int Row indew to select in the treeview (None use current) is_lib_mat : bool True: new current is from Library, False from machine """ self.is_lib_mat = is_lib_mat if self.is_lib_mat: self.b_switch.setEnabled(True) else: self.b_switch.setEnabled(False) # Set the selected treeview currentRow (if needed) if index is not None: if self.is_lib_mat: self.nav_mat.setCurrentRow(index) else: self.nav_mat_mach.setCurrentRow(index) self.update_material_wid()
[docs] def update_material_wid(self): """Display the current selected material""" material, _, _ = self.get_current_material() is_save_needed = material in self.edited_material_list self.w_setup.set_material(material=material, is_save_needed=is_save_needed)
[docs] def revert_material(self): """Revert current material""" mat_ref, key, index = self.get_current_material(is_reference=True) mat = mat_ref.copy() getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).debug("DMatLib: reverting " + str( self.material_dict[key][index] = mat self.w_setup.set_material(material=mat, is_save_needed=False) self.update_material_edit_status() # Set Material to no longer edited
[docs] def save_material(self): """Material have been saved => Update references""" mat, key, index = self.get_current_material() # Saving material (if in Library only) if self.is_lib_mat: try: except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while saving material " + str( + " at " + str(mat.path) + ":\n" + str(e) ) QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),, ) getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).error(err_msg) return getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).debug(mat.path + " saved") # Updating reference getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).debug( "DMatLib: Updating reference for " + str( ) self.material_dict_ref[key][index] = mat.copy() # Update materials in the machine if self.machine is not None: mach_mat_dict = self.machine.get_material_dict(path="self.machine") for mat_path, mach_mat in mach_mat_dict.items(): if == # Use original name mat_path_split = mat_path.split(".") setattr( eval(".".join(mat_path_split[:-1])), mat_path_split[-1], self.material_dict_ref[key][index], ) self.saveNeeded.emit() self.w_setup.set_save_needed(is_save_needed=False)
[docs] def update_material_edit_status(self): """Keep track that the current material is different from the reference and not saved yet """ if self.is_lib_mat: # Available only for library materials mat, _, _ = self.get_current_material() item = self.nav_mat.currentItem() if self.w_setup.is_save_needed: if mat not in self.edited_material_list: self.edited_material_list.append(mat) # Add "*" in treeview if needed if "*" not in item.text(): item.setText(item.text() + " *") else: if mat in self.edited_material_list: self.edited_material_list.remove(mat) # Remove "*" in treeview if needed if "*" in item.text(): item.setText(item.text()[:-2])
[docs] def new_material(self, is_copy=True): """Open the setup material GUI to create a new material according to the current material Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object is_copy : bool True copy current material, else use empty material """ # Create new material if is_copy: current_mat, _, _ = self.get_current_material() new_mat = current_mat.copy() if "_copy" not in str( = str( + "_copy" new_mat.path = new_mat.path[:-5] + "_copy.json" else: new_mat = Material() new_mat._set_None() = "New Material" new_mat.path = join(self.material_dict[PATH_KEY], + ".json") # Adapt name to be unique name_list = [ for mat in self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]] name_list.extend([ for mat in self.material_dict[MACH_KEY]]) # Renaming the material so that we have "_copy","_copy_2","_copy_3"... if in name_list: # Adding number after copy if[-4:] == "copy": = + "_2" # Setting the index after the current one else: index = 1 while int([-1]) >= index: index += 1 =[:-1] = + str(index) new_mat.path = join(dirname(new_mat.path), + ".json") # Save if in MatLib if self.is_lib_mat: try: except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while saving new material at " + str(new_mat.path) + ":\n" + str(e) ) QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),, ) getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).error(err_msg) return # Add material to proper list key = LIB_KEY if self.is_lib_mat else MACH_KEY self.material_dict[key].append(new_mat) self.material_dict_ref[key].append(new_mat) # Update treeview and select current material self.le_search.setText("") self.update_treeview_material() self.select_current_material( index=len(self.material_dict[key]) - 1, is_lib_mat=self.is_lib_mat ) # Signal set by WMatSelect to update Combobox self.materialListChanged.emit()
[docs] def edit_in_machine(self): """Copy the material to be edited in the machine only""" # Create new material from unmodified version of material current_mat, _, _ = self.get_current_material(is_reference=True) new_mat = current_mat.copy() if "_edit" not in str( = str( + "_edit" new_mat.path = new_mat.path[:-5] + "_edit.json" # Adapt name to be unique name_list = [ for mat in self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]] name_list.extend([ for mat in self.material_dict[MACH_KEY]]) if in name_list: index = 1 while + "_" + str(index) in name_list: index += 1 = + "_" + str(index) new_mat.path = join(dirname(new_mat.path), + ".json") # Add material to machine list key = MACH_KEY self.material_dict[key].append(new_mat) self.material_dict_ref[key].append(new_mat) # Update treeview and select current material self.le_search.setText("") self.update_treeview_material() self.select_current_material( index=len(self.material_dict[key]) - 1, is_lib_mat=False ) # Update machine to use new material if self.machine is not None: mach_mat_dict = self.machine.get_material_dict(path="self.machine") for mat_path, mach_mat in mach_mat_dict.items(): if == mat_path_split = mat_path.split(".") setattr( eval(".".join(mat_path_split[:-1])), mat_path_split[-1], new_mat.copy(), ) self.saveNeeded.emit() # Signal set by WMatSelect to update Combobox self.materialListChanged.emit()
[docs] def delete_material(self): """Delete the selected material from the Library Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object """ current_mat, key, index = self.get_current_material() # Ask before delete msg = "Do you want to remove material " + str( + " from the library?" ) reply = QMessageBox.question( self,"Deleting material"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, ) self.qmessagebox_question = reply if reply == QMessageBox.No: return # Delete the material (only if in library) if self.is_lib_mat: try: remove(current_mat.path) self.material_dict[key].pop(index) self.material_dict_ref[key].pop(index) except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while deleting material from " + str(current_mat.path) + ":\n" + str(e) ) QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),, ) getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).error(err_msg) return getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).info(str( + " was deleted") # Check that material was not part of the machine if self.machine is not None: load_machine_materials( machine=self.machine, material_dict=self.material_dict_ref ) load_machine_materials( machine=self.machine, material_dict=self.material_dict ) self.update_treeview_material() # Select first material (if any) if self.is_lib_mat: if self.nav_mat.count() > 1: self.nav_mat.setCurrentRow(0) else: if self.nav_mat_mach.count() > 1: self.nav_mat_mach.setCurrentRow(0) self.select_current_material() # Signal set by WMatSelect to update Combobox self.materialListChanged.emit()
[docs] def rename_material(self): """Rename the selected material from the Library/Machine Parameters ---------- self : DMatLib A DMatLib object """ # Path have been updated in the widget old_path = self.w_setup.init_path new_path = self.w_setup.mat.path # Rename file only if in Library if self.is_lib_mat: try: remove(old_path) except Exception as e: err_msg = ( "Error while renaming material from " + str(self.w_setup.init_path) + " to " + str(self.w_setup.mat.path) + ":\n" + str(e) ) QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),, ) getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).error(err_msg) return getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).info( self.w_setup.init_name + " was renamed to " + str( ) # Update reference (material_dict is already updated) mat, key, index = self.get_current_material() self.material_dict_ref[key][index] = mat.copy() # Update materials in the machine if self.machine is not None: mach_mat_dict = self.machine.get_material_dict(path="self.machine") for mat_path, mach_mat in mach_mat_dict.items(): if == self.w_setup.init_name: mat_path_split = mat_path.split(".") setattr( eval(".".join(mat_path_split[:-1])), mat_path_split[-1], self.material_dict_ref[key][index], ) self.saveNeeded.emit() # Update list of material from the machine if self.machine is not None: load_machine_materials( machine=self.machine, material_dict=self.material_dict ) self.le_search.setText("") # Remove filter self.update_treeview_material() if self.is_lib_mat: self.nav_mat.setCurrentRow(index) else: self.nav_mat_mach.setCurrentRow(index) # Signal set by WMatSelect to update Combobox self.materialListChanged.emit()
[docs]def update_text(label, name, value, unit): """Update a Qlabel with the value if not None Parameters ---------- label : Qlabel to update name : Name of the variable value : Current value of the variable (can be None) unit : Variable unit (can be None) Returns ------- """ if value is None: val = "?" else: val = str(value) if len(val) > 8: val = "%1.2e" % value # formating: 1.23e+08 if val[-2:] == ".0": # Remove ".0" sufix val = val[:-2] if name is None: # For E, G, nu table txt = val else: if unit is None: txt = name + " = " + val else: txt = name + " = " + val + " [" + unit + "]" label.setText(txt)