Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.MatLib

from os import remove
from os.path import join

from ....Classes.Material import Material
from ....Functions.load import load_matlib
from ....Functions.Material.compare_material import compare_material
from ....Functions.Material.replace_material_pyleecan_obj import (
from ....definitions import config_dict
from ....loggers import GUI_LOG_NAME
from logging import getLogger
from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, Signal

[docs]class MatLib(QObject): saveNeeded = Signal() def __init__(self, path=None): """MatLib contains the material library and the specific machine materials.""" # Dict containing the material library and the specific machine materials self.dict_mat = { "RefMatLib": [], # Reference Material Library "MachineMatLib": [], # Machine-specific materials } # Reference material library path self.ref_path = path # Load the material reference from the path if path: self.load_mat_ref(path) self.machine = None
[docs] def load_mat_ref(self, path): """Remove the reference materials and load materials from the path Parameters ---------- self: MatLib path: str new material library path """ # Load a complete new matlib self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"] = load_matlib(path) # Remove MATLIB_DIR at the beginning of the material path for mat in self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"]: if config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"].replace( "\\", " / " ) in mat.path.replace("\\", "/"): mat.path = mat.path.replace("\\", "/")[ len(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"].replace("\\", " / ")) + 1 : ] mat.path = mat.path.replace("\\", "/").strip("/") self.ref_path = path
[docs] def add_machine_mat(self, machine): """ Add machine materials if they are not in the MatLib Parameters ---------- self: MatLib machine: Machine Machine containing material to add Returns ------- is_change: bool Machine has changed """ # Set the machine self.machine = machine # No change by default is_change = False # Remove previous machine materials self.dict_mat["MachineMatLib"] = [] list_mach_mat = machine.get_material_list() if not isinstance(list_mach_mat, list): list_mach_mat = [list_mach_mat] # Copy the matlib and remove the name and the path to compare the materials list_mat_noname = [ Material(init_dict=mat.as_dict()) for mat in self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"] ] for mat in list_mat_noname: = "" mat.path = "" # Add the material to machine material if it is not already contained in the Matlib for material in list_mach_mat: # Avoid materials from the default machine if material.is_isotropic == None or material == Material(): continue # Store name and path to compare other attributes name = path = material.path = "" material.path = "" # Add the material if not in matlib if material not in list_mat_noname: = name material.path = path self.dict_mat["MachineMatLib"].append(material) self.check_material_duplicated_name("MachineMatLib", -1) is_change_mat = replace_material_pyleecan_obj( machine, material, material, False ) is_change = is_change or is_change_mat # Replace the material in the machine by the MatLib one else: = name material.path = path for mat in self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"]: # Find the material in the matlib if material == mat: # Same name and path # No need to change the material break elif compare_material(material, mat): # Replace material by mat in machine is_change_mat = replace_material_pyleecan_obj( machine, material, mat, False ) is_change = is_change or is_change_mat break return is_change
[docs] def move_mach_mat_to_ref(self, key, index): """ Move a machine material into the matlib reference Parameters ---------- self: MatLib key: str machine name to move the right material index: int position of the machine material in its machine materials list """ # Move the material into the Material library mat = self.dict_mat["MachineMatLib"].pop(index) self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"].append(mat) # Set the path of the new matlib material new_path = self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][-1].name + ".json" self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][-1].path = new_path self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][-1].save( join(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], new_path) )
[docs] def move_ref_mat_to_mach(self, key, index): """ Move a material from the reference material library to the machine materials self: MatLib key: str key to select the right machine list index: int material to move position in the reference material list """ mat_to_move = self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"].pop(index) # Get material logger logger = mat_to_move.get_logger() # Try to remove the material from the material library try: remove(join(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], mat_to_move.path)) 'Delete material "{}" file: {}'.format(, join(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], mat_to_move.path), ) ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( 'Couldn\'t delete material "{}" file: {}'.format(, join(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], mat_to_move.path), ) ) self.dict_mat[key].append(mat_to_move)
[docs] def delete_material(self, key, index): """ Remove the material and delete the material file Parameters ---------- self: MatLib key: str List selector in the dict : RefMatLib or MachineMatLib TODO MachineName in the future index: int position of the material to remove """ # Get the material mat_to_del = self.dict_mat[key].pop(index) # Delete the material file if the material is in the Reference Material Library if key == "RefMatLib": getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).info("Deleting the material: " + mat_to_del.path) remove( join(config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], mat_to_del.path) ) # Delete the file
[docs] def check_material_duplicated_name(self, key, index): """ Check if a material name is already used, modify it and its path if needed Parameters ---------- self: MatLib key: str List selector in the dict : RefMatLib or MachineMatLib TODO MachineName in the future index: int position of the material to check """ if index == -1: index += len(self.dict_mat[key]) is_renamed = False mat_duplicated = True # Get the material name name = self.dict_mat[key][index].name if name == None: is_renamed = True name = "Untitled" list_mat_name = [] for key_iter in self.dict_mat.keys(): for i, mat in enumerate(self.dict_mat[key_iter]): if i != index or key_iter != key: list_mat_name.append( # Browse the material list name and change the name while the name exist while mat_duplicated: mat_duplicated = False for ref_mat_name in list_mat_name: if ref_mat_name == name: is_renamed = True if name.endswith(")") and "(" in name: idx = name.rfind("(") num = int(name[idx + 1 : -1]) + 1 name = "{}({})".format(name[:idx], num) else: name += "(1)" mat_duplicated = True break # Change path to save the material if is_renamed: self.dict_mat[key][index].name = name path = self.dict_mat[key][index].path if path == None: path = "" else: path = path.replace("\\", " / ") # Remove the previous file if needed if key == "RefMatLib": try: remove(path) except FileNotFoundError: logger = self.dict_mat[key][index].get_logger() logger.warning( 'Couldn\'t delete old material "{}" file: {}'.format(name, path) ) idx = path.rfind("/") if idx == -1: self.dict_mat[key][index].path = ( self.dict_mat[key][index].name + ".json" ) else: self.dict_mat[key][index].path = ( path[: idx + 1] + self.dict_mat[key][index].name + ".json" )
[docs] def add_new_mat_ref(self, material): """ Add a new material in the reference matlib Parameters ---------- self: MatLib material: Material material to add """ self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"].append(material) # Check if the material is duplicated self.check_material_duplicated_name("RefMatLib", -1) material.path = + ".json" getLogger(GUI_LOG_NAME).info("Creating the material: " + material.path) # Saving the material["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], material.path))
[docs] def add_new_mat_mach(self, material): """ Add a new material in the machine materials Parameters ---------- self: MatLib material: Material material to add """ self.dict_mat["MachineMatLib"].append(material) self.check_material_duplicated_name("MachineMatLib", -1)
[docs] def replace_material(self, key, index, material, save=True): """ Replace a material Parameters ---------- self: MatLib key: str dict_mat key to select the right material list index: int index of the material to replace material: Material new material save: bool save modification in the MatLib file Returns ------- is_change: bool Machine has been change """ is_change = False # Replace the material in the current machine if self.machine != None: is_change = replace_material_pyleecan_obj( self.machine, self.dict_mat[key][index], material, comp_name_path=False ) # Material Library if key == "RefMatLib": if save: try: # Delete the previous material remove( join( config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][index].path, ) ) except FileNotFoundError: logger = material.get_logger() logger.warning( 'Couldn\'t remove machine "{}" file: {}'.format(, join( config_dict["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], self.dict_mat["RefMatLib"][index].path, ), ) ) # Replace the material self.dict_mat[key][index] = material # Check its name self.check_material_duplicated_name(key, index) # Set its path material.path = + ".json" if save: # Save it["MAIN"]["MATLIB_DIR"], material.path)) # Machine material else: # Replace the material self.dict_mat[key][index] = material # Check its name self.check_material_duplicated_name(key, index) return is_change