Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.WMatSelect.WMatSelect

from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget

from .....GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.DMatLib import DMatLib
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.WMatSelect.Ui_WMatSelect import Ui_WMatSelect
from .....GUI.Dialog.DMatLib.DMatLib import DMatLib, LIB_KEY, MACH_KEY
from .....Functions.GUI.log_error import log_error
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal
from .....Classes.Machine import Machine

[docs]class WMatSelect(Ui_WMatSelect, QWidget): """ Material related widget including a Label, a Combobox to select a material and a Button to edit a material libary. WMatSelect is instantiated to empty material data, so it has to be referenced to actual material data with the update method prior to its first usage. """ # Signal to W_MachineSetup to know that the save popup is needed saveNeeded = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Set a reference to a material libray and material data path, updates the Combobox by the material names of the libary and set a referenced material by name. Parameters ---------- self : A WMatSelect object parent : A reference to the widgets parent Returns ------- """ # Build the interface according to the .ui file QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) # Create the property of the widget self.current_dialog = None # DMatLib widget self.obj = None # object that has a material attribute self.mat_attr_name = "" # material attribute name self.material_dict = dict() # Material library + machine self.def_mat = "M400-50A" # Default material self.is_hide_button = False # To hide the "Edit material" button # Connect the self.c_mat_type.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_mat_type) self.b_matlib.clicked.connect(self.s_open_matlib)
[docs] def update(self, obj, mat_attr_name, material_dict): """ Set a reference to a material libray and material data path, updates the Combobox by the material names of the libary and set a referenced material by name. Parameters ---------- self : WMatSelect A WMatSelect object obj : FrozenObject A pyleecan object that has a material attribute mat_attr_name : str A string of the material attribute name material_dict: dict Materials dictionary (library + machine) Returns ------- """ self.c_mat_type.blockSignals(True) # Set material combobox according to matlib names self.obj = obj self.mat_attr_name = mat_attr_name self.material_dict = material_dict if self.is_hide_button: self.b_matlib.hide() else: # Update the list of materials self.c_mat_type.clear() items_to_add = [] # Add Library materials items_to_add.extend([ for mat in material_dict[LIB_KEY]]) # Add machine-specific materials items_to_add.extend([ for mat in material_dict[MACH_KEY]]) self.c_mat_type.addItems(items_to_add) if self.obj is None: # Removed magnet case PHoleM51 self.c_mat_type.setCurrentIndex(-1) self.c_mat_type.blockSignals(False) return # Get machine object to update the materials parent = obj.parent while parent is not None and not isinstance(parent, Machine): parent = parent.parent self.machine = parent mat = getattr(self.obj, mat_attr_name, None) if mat is None or is None: # Select default material index = self.c_mat_type.findText(self.def_mat) if index != -1: setattr( self.obj, self.mat_attr_name, self.material_dict[LIB_KEY][index], ) else: index = self.c_mat_type.findText( self.c_mat_type.setCurrentIndex(index) self.c_mat_type.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def setText(self, txt): """ Set the Label's text Parameters ---------- self : A WMatSelect object txt : A text string Returns ------- """ self.in_mat_type.setText(txt)
[docs] def set_mat_type(self, index=None): """ Signal to set the referenced material from the material libary by the selected Combobox index Parameters ---------- self : A WMatSelect object index : Current index of the combobox Returns ------- """ if index is None: index = self.c_mat_type.currentIndex() if index >= len(self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]): index -= len(self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]) dict_key = MACH_KEY else: dict_key = LIB_KEY setattr(self.obj, self.mat_attr_name, self.material_dict[dict_key][index]) # Notify the machine GUI that the machine has changed self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def s_open_matlib(self): """ Open the GUI (DMatLib widget) to Edit the Material library Parameters ---------- self : A WMatSelect object Returns ------- """ if self.c_mat_type.currentIndex() >= len(self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]): index = self.c_mat_type.currentIndex() - len(self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]) is_lib_mat = False else: index = self.c_mat_type.currentIndex() is_lib_mat = True try: self.current_dialog = DMatLib( material_dict=self.material_dict, machine=self.machine, is_lib_mat=is_lib_mat, selected_id=index, ) self.current_dialog.materialListChanged.connect(self.update_mat_list) self.current_dialog.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) except Exception as e: log_error(self, "Error while opening the Material Library : \n" + str(e))
[docs] def emit_save(self): """ Emit saveNeeded if a material has been edited """ self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def update_mat_list(self): """Update the combobox with the new materials Parameters ---------- self : A WMatSelect object Returns ------- """ # Empty and fill the list to keep the same object (to change it everywhere) # del self.matlib[:] # self.matlib.extend(self.current_dialog.matlib) # Update the material # index = int(self.current_dialog.nav_mat.currentItem().text()[:3]) - 1 # not needed if machine materials are "connected" properly # mat_dict = (self.current_dialog.matlib[index]).as_dict() # self.mat.__init__(init_dict=mat_dict) # Do not clear for now to keep editor (DMatLib) open # # Clear the window # self.current_dialog.deleteLater() # self.current_dialog = None # Update the widget # Avoid trigger signal currentIndexChanged self.c_mat_type.blockSignals(True) self.c_mat_type.clear() items_to_add = [] # Add RefMatLib materials items_to_add.extend([ for mat in self.material_dict[LIB_KEY]]) # Add machine-specific materials items_to_add.extend([ for mat in self.material_dict[MACH_KEY]]) self.c_mat_type.addItems(items_to_add) index = self.c_mat_type.findText(getattr(self.obj, self.mat_attr_name).name) self.c_mat_type.setCurrentIndex(index) self.c_mat_type.blockSignals(False)