Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Tools.WImport.WImport

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, Signal
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget

from ....Classes.ImportGenVectLin import ImportGenVectLin
from ....GUI.Tools.WImport.Ui_WImport import Ui_WImport
from ....GUI.Tools.WImport.WImportExcel.WImportExcel import WImportExcel
from ....GUI.Tools.WImport.WImportLinspace.WImportLinspace import WImportLinspace
from ....GUI.Tools.WImport.WImportMatrixTable.WImportMatrixTable import (

[docs]class WImport(Ui_WImport, QWidget): saveNeeded = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): """Widget to define an ImportLinspace""" QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setupUi(self) self.obj = None # Object to edit self.verbose_name = "" # Name to display / adapt the GUI self.plot_title = None # Name to use for the plot # List to enforce a shape, [None, 2] enforce 2D matrix with 2 columns self.expected_shape = None self.param_name = "" # Name of the quantity to set self.widget_list = [] # Available widget to import self.c_type_import.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_type_import)
[docs] def update(self): """Update the display of the Widget""" self.in_param.setText(self.verbose_name) # Fill the combobox with the meaningful widgets self.c_type_import.blockSignals(True) if self.param_name == "BH_curve": self.widget_list = [WImportExcel, WImportMatrixTable] else: self.widget_list = [] # Generate the Combobox content self.c_type_import.clear() for widget in self.widget_list: self.c_type_import.addItem(widget.import_name) # Set the index according to data type type_list = [wid.import_type for wid in self.widget_list] data = getattr(self.obj, self.param_name) if type(data) not in type_list: # Initialization with first time data = type_list[0]() data._set_None() setattr(self.obj, self.param_name, data) self.emit_save() self.c_type_import.setCurrentIndex(type_list.index(type(data))) self.set_import_widget() self.c_type_import.blockSignals(False)
[docs] def set_type_import(self): """Change the type of the import object according to the combobox""" data = self.widget_list[self.c_type_import.currentIndex()].import_type() data._set_None() setattr(self.obj, self.param_name, data) self.emit_save() self.set_import_widget()
[docs] def set_import_widget(self): """Update the import widget Parameters ---------- self : WImport A WImport object """ data = getattr(self.obj, self.param_name) # Regenerate the pages with the new values self.w_import.setParent(None) self.w_import = self.widget_list[self.c_type_import.currentIndex()]( data=data, plot_title=self.plot_title if self.plot_title else self.verbose_name, expected_shape=self.expected_shape, ) self.w_import.data_type = self.verbose_name self.w_import.saveNeeded.connect(self.emit_save) self.w_import.dataTypeChanged.connect(self.update_type) # Refresh the GUI self.main_layout.removeWidget(self.w_import) self.main_layout.insertWidget(1, self.w_import)
[docs] def update_type(self): """The Import widget has changed the type of the import""" setattr(self.obj, self.param_name, self.update()
[docs] def emit_save(self): """Send a saveNeeded signal to the DMachineSetup""" self.saveNeeded.emit()
[docs] def set_plot_title(self, plot_title): self.plot_title = plot_title self.w_import.plot_title = plot_title