Source code for pyleecan.GUI.Tools.WTableData.DTableData

from numpy import hstack, vstack, zeros, savetxt
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QDialog, QFileDialog
from pandas import read_csv
from ....GUI.Tools.FloatEdit import FloatEdit
from ....GUI.Tools.WTableData.Ui_DTableData import Ui_DTableData
from os.path import isfile
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from ..WImport.WImportExcel.WImportExcel import WImportExcel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ....Functions.Plot.set_plot_gui_icon import set_plot_gui_icon
from PySide2.QtCore import Signal

[docs]class DTableData(Ui_DTableData, QDialog): saveNeeded = Signal() def __init__( self, parent=None, data=None, Vmin=-999999999, Vmax=999999999, title=None, shape_min=(1, 1), shape_max=(None, None), col_header=None, unit_order=None, button_plot_title="", ): """Initialization of the widget Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to display/edit Vmin : float Minimum value of the data Vmax : float Maximum value of the data title : str Title for the Dialog window shape_min : list [Min row number, Min column number], None for "no" constraint shape_max : list [Max row number, Max column number], None for "no" constraint col_header : list Provide Header to the columns (None to remove header) unit_order : list ["A(B)", "B(A)"], for excel import, to allow the user to specify the order of his units when two units """ QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) = data if data is not None else zeros((1, 2)) self.Vmin = Vmin self.Vmax = Vmax self.def_value = 0 # Value to set in empty cell (get_data) self.title = title # To change the dialog title self.button_plot_title = button_plot_title self.shape_min = shape_min self.shape_max = shape_max self.col_header = col_header self.unit_order = unit_order self.N_row_txt = "N_row" self.N_col_txt = "N_column" self.isEnabled_widget = True # To maintain when updating # Import/Export Hidden by default, need to be shown in widget definition self.b_import.hide() self.b_export.hide() self.wimport_excel = None self.update() self.si_row.valueChanged.connect(self.set_Nrow) self.si_col.valueChanged.connect(self.set_Ncol) self.b_export.clicked.connect(self.export_csv) self.b_import.clicked.connect(self.import_csv) self.b_plot.clicked.connect(self.s_plot)
[docs] def update(self): """Update the Widget according to the current data""" self.si_row.setValue([0]) self.si_col.setValue([1]) self.in_col.setText(self.N_col_txt) self.in_row.setText(self.N_row_txt) self.b_plot.setText("Plot " + self.button_plot_title) # Set row shape limit Rmin = 1 Rmax = 999999999 if self.shape_min[0] is not None: Rmin = max(Rmin, self.shape_min[0]) if self.shape_max[0] is not None and self.shape_max[0] >= Rmin: Rmax = min(Rmax, self.shape_max[0]) self.si_row.setMinimum(Rmin) self.si_row.setMaximum(Rmax) if Rmin == Rmax: self.si_row.setValue(Rmin) self.set_Nrow() self.si_row.setEnabled(False) else: self.si_row.setEnabled(True) # Set column shape limit Cmin = 1 Cmax = 999999999 if self.shape_min[1] is not None: Cmin = max(Cmin, self.shape_min[1]) if self.shape_max[1] is not None and self.shape_max[1] >= Cmin: Cmax = min(Cmax, self.shape_max[1]) self.si_col.setMinimum(Cmin) self.si_col.setMaximum(Cmax) if Cmin == Cmax: self.si_col.setValue(Cmin) self.si_col.setEnabled(False) else: self.si_col.setEnabled(True) # Set title if self.title is not None: self.setWindowTitle(self.title) # Fill the table self.update_tab()
[docs] def clear(self): self.w_tab.clear() self.si_row.setValue(0)
[docs] def update_tab(self): """Update the Table to display the current data + setup edit""" self.w_tab.clear() nrow =[0] # Reshape vector to matrix with one column if len( == 1: =, 1)) ncol =[1] self.si_row.setValue(nrow) self.si_col.setValue(ncol) self.w_tab.setRowCount(nrow) self.w_tab.setColumnCount(ncol) # Set column header if self.col_header is not None: self.w_tab.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.col_header) for ii in range(nrow): for jj in range(ncol): self.w_tab.setCellWidget(ii, jj, FloatEdit()) # Add the min/max to the widget self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).validator().setBottom(self.Vmin) self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).validator().setTop(self.Vmax) # Set the values self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).setValue([ii, jj]) # Enable / Disable self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).setEnabled(self.isEnabled_widget) # Connect the slot self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).editingFinished.connect(self.emit_save) if ncol == 2: self.b_plot.setHidden(False) else: self.b_plot.setHidden(True)
[docs] def set_Nrow(self): """Change the number of row""" Nrow_1 =[0] Nrow_2 = self.si_row.value() if Nrow_1 < Nrow_2: # Add some new lines data = zeros((Nrow_2,[1])) data[:Nrow_1, :] = = data self.update_tab() elif Nrow_1 > Nrow_2: # Remove the last lines =[:Nrow_2, :] self.update_tab()
# Else do nothing
[docs] def set_Ncol(self): """Change the number of column""" Ncol_1 =[1] Ncol_2 = self.si_col.value() if Ncol_1 < Ncol_2: # Add some new columns data = zeros(([0], Ncol_2)) data[:, :Ncol_1] = = data self.update_tab() elif Ncol_1 > Ncol_2: # Remove the last columns =[:, :Ncol_2] self.update_tab()
# Else do nothing
[docs] def get_data(self): """Return the current data matrix""" data = zeros((self.si_row.value(), self.si_col.value())) for ii in range(self.si_row.value()): for jj in range(self.si_col.value()): cellwidget = self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj) data[ii, jj] = ( cellwidget.value() if cellwidget is not None else self.def_value ) return data
[docs] def setEnabled_widgets(self, isEnabled): self.isEnabled_widget = isEnabled self.b_import.setEnabled(isEnabled) self.b_export.setEnabled(isEnabled) self.si_row.setEnabled(isEnabled) self.si_col.setEnabled(isEnabled) self.in_row.setEnabled(isEnabled) self.in_col.setEnabled(isEnabled) for ii in range(self.w_tab.rowCount()): for jj in range(self.w_tab.columnCount()): wid = self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj) if wid is not None: self.w_tab.cellWidget(ii, jj).setEnabled(isEnabled)
[docs] def export_csv(self): """Write the current table data into a csv file""" data = self.get_data() save_file_path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save file"), "", "CSV (*.csv)" )[0] if save_file_path not in [None, ""]: savetxt(save_file_path, data, delimiter=",")
[docs] def import_csv(self): """Import the data from a csv file and update the tavle""" load_path = str( QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self,"Load Data file"), "", "CSV, Excel (*.csv *.xls *.xlsx);;All files (*.*)", )[0] ) if isfile(load_path): if load_path.endswith(".csv"): try: df = read_csv( load_path, header=None, ) if type(df.values[0, 0]) is str: # Load remove first line df = read_csv( load_path, ) except Exception as e: QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),"Error while loading csv file:\n" + str(e)), ) return val = df.values # Check Shape shape = val.shape if self.verif_shape_data(shape) is not None: return # Try to fill the table try: old_data = = val self.col_header = None self.update() self.emit_save() except Exception as e: QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),"Error while loading csv file:\n" + str(e)), ) elif load_path.endswith(".xlsx"): self.wimport_excel = WImportExcel( load_path=load_path, nb_cols=self.shape_max[1], headers=self.unit_order, ) self.wimport_excel.accepted.connect(self.validate_wimport_excel)
[docs] def validate_wimport_excel(self): """UPDATE THE DATA IN THE TAB""" val = self.wimport_excel.datas # Check Shape shape = val.shape if self.verif_shape_data(shape) is not None: return # Try to fill the table try: old_data = = val self.update() self.emit_save() except Exception as e: QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),"Error while loading csv file:\n" + str(e)), )
[docs] def verif_shape_data(self, shape): """Verif if the data has the right shape""" error = "" if self.shape_min: if self.shape_min[0] and shape[0] < self.shape_min[0]: error = "Minimum number of line should be " + str(self.shape_min[0]) if self.shape_min[1] and shape[1] < self.shape_min[1]: error = "Minimum number of column should be " + str(self.shape_min[1]) if self.shape_max: if self.shape_max[0] and shape[0] > self.shape_max[0]: error = "Maximum number of line should be " + str(self.shape_max[0]) if self.shape_max[1] and shape[1] > self.shape_max[1]: error = "Maximum number of column should be " + str(self.shape_max[1]) if error: QMessageBox().critical( self,"Error"),"Error while loading excel file:\n" + error), ) return error
[docs] def s_plot(self): """display the data in a plot""" try: data = except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error"), str(e)) return if len(data.shape) == 2 and data.shape[0] == 2: # Data in line fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.plot(data[0, :], data[1, :]) axes.set_xlabel(self.col_header[0]) axes.set_ylabel(self.col_header[1]) elif len(data.shape) == 2 and data.shape[1] == 2: # Data in column fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1]) axes.set_xlabel(self.col_header[0]) axes.set_ylabel(self.col_header[1]) if self.col_header is not None: fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(self.col_header[0] + " plot") set_plot_gui_icon()
[docs] def accept(self): """Update the data before closing""" = self.get_data() super().accept()
[docs] def emit_save(self): """Send a saveNeeded signal to the DMachineSetup""" self.saveNeeded.emit()