# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from codecs import open as open_co
from imp import load_source
from os import walk, system
from os.path import abspath, join, isfile
from re import match
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from json import load as jload
import subprocess
from ..definitions import (
from ..Generator import TAB, TAB2, TAB3
from ..Functions.short_filepath import short_filepath
# SpinBox Must have min and max value, if not provided in csv use these one
MIN_SPIN = -999999
MAX_SPIN = 999999
[docs]def generate_gui(ui_folder_path, gen_dict, is_gen_resource=True, IS_SDT=False):
"""Generate all the needed file for the GUI
ui_folder_path : str
Path to the folder to scan recursively for ui files
gen_dict : dict
Dict with key = class name and value = class_dict
is_gen_resource : bool
True to genrate the resources as well
# Get all the ui files
file_list = find_ui_files(ui_folder_path=ui_folder_path)
for file_tuple in file_list:
# Convert every ui file to py
ui_to_py(file_tuple[0], file_tuple[1])
# Create the "Gen_" classes from the gen_list.json file (if needed)
gen_path = join(file_tuple[0], "gen_list.json")
if isfile(gen_path):
# If needed add a "Gen_" class to edit widget with csv values
with open(gen_path, "r") as load_file:
gen_list = jload(load_file)
gen_gui_edit_file(file_tuple[0], file_tuple[1][:-3], gen_dict, gen_list)
# Generate the resources
if is_gen_resource:
print("Generate GUI resources...")
qrc_to_py(RES_PATH, RES_NAME)
print("Skipping resource generation")
[docs]def gen_gui_edit_file(path, class_name, gen_dict, gen_list):
"""Generate the "Gen_" class for editing the gui according to gen_list
path : str
Path to the class folder
class_name : str
Name of the class to generate
gen_dict : dict
Dict with key = class name and value = class_dict
gen_list : list
List of widget to edit
# gen_str contains the code that will be written in the generated file
gen_str = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
gen_str += '"""File generated according to ' + class_name + "/gen_list.json\n"
gen_str += 'WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n"""\n'
# Generate the import path
# from "C:\\Users...\\GUI\\Dialog..." to ["C:", "Users",..., "GUI",
# "Dialog",...]
path = path.replace("\\", "/")
split_path = path.split("/") # Split the path arount the /
# The import path start at "GUI", we remove everything before GUI in
# split_path list
# from ["C:", "Users",..., "GUI", "Dialog",...] to ["GUI", "Dialog"...]
split_path = split_path[: split_path.index(PACKAGE_NAME) + 1]
# from ["GUI", "Dialog", ...] to GUI.Dialog...
import_path = ".".join(split_path)
gen_str += (
"from "
+ import_path
+ ".Ui_"
+ class_name
+ " import Ui_"
+ class_name
+ "\n\n\n"
gen_str += "class Gen_" + class_name + "(Ui_" + class_name + "):\n"
# We use polymorphism to add some code lines to setupUi
gen_str += TAB + "def setupUi(self, " + class_name + "):\n"
gen_str += (
TAB2 + '"""Abstract class to update the widget according to the csv doc\n'
gen_str += TAB2 + '"""\n'
gen_str += TAB2 + "Ui_" + class_name + ".setupUi(self, " + class_name + ")\n"
# We generate the corresponding lines for every needed widget
for edit in gen_list:
# data contains description, min, max of the variable according to Doc
# excel files
data = find_prop(gen_dict[edit["cls"]]["properties"], edit["name"])
# widget can contain either a list or a string
if isinstance(edit["widget"], list):
# generate the code lines for every widget in the list (label and
# corresponding input most of the time)
for widget in edit["widget"]:
gen_str += gen_edit_widget_code(widget, data)
# generate the code lines for the widget
gen_str += gen_edit_widget_code(edit["widget"], data)
# Write the file with the generated code lines
gen_file = open_co(join(path, "Gen_" + class_name + ".py"), "w", "utf-8")
[docs]def gen_gui_class_file(path, class_name, gen_dict, gen_list):
"""Generate the Main class file according to the gen_list (should be run
only once)
path : str
Path to the class folder
class_name : str
Name of the class to generate
gen_dict : dict
Dict with key = class name and value = class_dict
gen_list : list
List of widget to edit
gen_str = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n"
# Generate the import path
# from "C:\\Users...\\GUI\\Dialog..." to ["C:", "Users",..., "GUI",
# "Dialog",...]
split_path = path.split("\\") # Split the path arount the \\
# The import path start at "GUI", we remove everything before GUI in
# split_path list
# from ["C:", "Users",..., "GUI", "Dialog",...] to ["GUI", "Dialog"...]
split_path = split_path[: split_path.index(PACKAGE_NAME) + 1]
# from ["GUI", "Dialog", ...] to GUI.Dialog...
import_path = ".".join(split_path)
gen_str += "from PySide2.QtGui import QDialog\n"
gen_str += "from PySide2.QtCore import SIGNAL, Qt\n\n"
gen_str += (
"from "
+ import_path
+ ".Gen_"
+ class_name
+ " import Gen_"
+ class_name
+ "\n\n"
gen_str += "class " + class_name + " (Gen_" + class_name + ", QDialog):\n"
gen_str += TAB + "def __init__ (self,in_obj):\n"
gen_str += TAB2 + "#Build the interface according to the .ui file\n"
gen_str += TAB2 + "QDialog.__init__(self)\n"
gen_str += TAB2 + "self.setupUi(self)\n\n"
gen_str += TAB2 + "#Copy to set the modification only if validated\n"
gen_str += TAB2 + "#self.fault = Fault(init_dict=fault.as_dict())\n\n"
init_str = "" # For loading the value from input
connect_str = "" # Connect slot and signal
slot_str = "" # Slot
for edit in gen_list:
data = find_prop(gen_dict[edit["xls"]][edit["cls"]]["properties"], edit["name"])
if data["type"] == "int" and "type" in edit["name"]:
init_str += (
+ "self.c_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".setCurrentIndex(in_obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
connect_str += (
+ "self.connect(self.c_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ', SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"),self.set_'
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
slot_str += TAB + "def set_" + edit["name"] + " (self,index):\n"
slot_str += (
+ '"""Signal to update the value of '
+ edit["name"]
+ " according to the combobox\n"
slot_str += TAB2 + "@param[in] self A " + class_name + " object\n"
slot_str += (
+ "@param[in] index Current index of the combobox\n"
+ TAB2
+ '"""\n'
slot_str += TAB2 + "self.obj." + edit["name"] + " = index\n\n"
elif data["type"] == "int":
init_str += (
+ "self.si_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".setValue(in_obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
connect_str += (
+ "self.connect(self.si_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ', SIGNAL("editingFinished()"),self.set_'
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
slot_str += TAB + "def set_" + edit["name"] + " (self):\n"
slot_str += (
+ '"""Signal to update the value of '
+ edit["name"]
+ " according to the line edit\n"
slot_str += (
TAB2 + "@param[in] self A " + class_name + " object\n" + TAB2 + '"""\n'
slot_str += (
+ "self.obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ " = self.si_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".value()\n\n"
elif data["type"] == "float":
init_str += (
+ "self.lf_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".setValue(in_obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
connect_str += (
+ "self.connect(self.lf_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ', SIGNAL("editingFinished()"),self.set_'
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
slot_str += TAB + "def set_" + edit["name"] + " (self):\n"
slot_str += (
+ '"""Signal to update the value of '
+ edit["name"]
+ " according to the line edit\n"
slot_str += (
TAB2 + "@param[in] self A " + class_name + " object\n" + TAB2 + '"""\n'
slot_str += (
+ "self.obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ " = self.lf_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".value()\n\n"
elif data["type"] == "bool":
init_str += TAB2 + "if in_obj." + edit["name"] + " :\n"
init_str += TAB3 + "self." + edit["name"] + ".setCheckState(Qt.Checked)\n"
init_str += TAB2 + "else :\n"
init_str += TAB3 + "self." + edit["name"] + ".setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked)\n"
connect_str += (
+ "self.connect(self."
+ edit["name"]
+ ', SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),self.set_'
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
slot_str += TAB + "def set_" + edit["name"] + " (self, is_checked):\n"
slot_str += (
+ '"""Signal to update the value of '
+ edit["name"]
+ " according to the checkbox\n"
slot_str += TAB2 + "@param[in] self A " + class_name + " object\n"
slot_str += (
TAB2 + "@param[in] is_checked State of the checkbox\n" + TAB2 + '"""\n'
slot_str += TAB2 + "self.obj." + edit["name"] + " = is_checked\n\n"
elif data["type"] == "str":
init_str += (
+ "self.le_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".setText(in_obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
connect_str += (
+ "self.connect(self.le_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ', SIGNAL("editingFinished()"),self.set_'
+ edit["name"]
+ ")\n"
slot_str += TAB + "def set_" + edit["name"] + " (self):\n"
slot_str += (
+ '"""Signal to update the value of '
+ edit["name"]
+ " according to the line edit\n"
slot_str += (
TAB2 + "@param[in] self A " + class_name + " object\n" + TAB2 + '"""\n'
slot_str += (
+ "self.obj."
+ edit["name"]
+ " = str(self.le_"
+ edit["name"]
+ ".text())\n\n"
# Concatenate all (and remove last \n)
gen_str += init_str + "\n" + connect_str + "\n" + slot_str[:-1]
# Write the file with the generated code lines
gen_file = open_co(join(path, class_name + ".py"), "w", "utf-8")
[docs]def gen_whats_this(data):
"""Generate the "What's this" text for the variable discribed in data
@param[in] data A dictionary with the caracteristics of the variable
@param[out] WhatThis String with the "What's this" texte from data
return data["desc"]
[docs]def find_prop(prop_list, prop_name):
"""Find the property "prop_name" in the list "prop_list"
@param[in] prop_list List of properties
@param[in] prop_name Name of the property we're looking for
@param[out] prop_dict Dictionary of the property (description, max, min...)
for prop in prop_list:
if prop["name"] == prop_name:
return prop
# The property must be in the list otherwise either the doc or the
# gen_list is wrong
raise NotFoundError(prop_name + " was not found")
[docs]class NotFoundError(Exception):
"""Raised when a property can't be found in the property list in which it
must be
[docs]def qrc_to_py(path, file_name):
"""Convert a .qrc file in a .py file
@param[in] path Path to the file folder
@param[in] file_name Name of the file to convert
path_in = join(path, file_name) # Input file
path_out = join(path, file_name[:-4] + "_rc.py") # Output file
# Run the windows command "pyrcc5" for converting files
p = Popen(
'pyside2-rcc "' + path_in + '" -o "' + path_out + '"', stdout=PIPE, shell=True
(output, err) = p.communicate()
# Print the name of the converted file for check
print(file_name[:-4] + " resources added")
[docs]def ui_to_py(path, file_name):
"""Convert a .ui file in a .py file
@param[in] path Path to the file folder
@param[in] file_name Name of the file to convert
path_in = join(path, file_name) # Input file
path_out = join(path, "Ui_" + file_name[:-3] + ".py") # Output file
"pyside2-uic "
+ short_filepath(path_in, length=40)
+ '" -o "'
+ short_filepath(path_out, length=40)
+ '"'
# system("pyside2-uic " + path_in + '" -o "' + path_out + '"')
subprocess.call(["pyside2-uic", path_in, "-o", path_out])
# Remove header part of the generated file (to avoid "commit noise")
with open(path_out, "r") as py_file:
data = py_file.read().splitlines(True)
# Set the good imports in the generated files
if PACKAGE_NAME != "pyleecan":
for idx, line in enumerate(data):
if line.startswith("from pyleecan"):
data[idx] = line.replace("from pyleecan", "from " + PACKAGE_NAME)
prev_index = 0
while "import pyleecan_rc\n" in data:
index = data.index("import pyleecan_rc\n")
if prev_index == 0:
data[index] = data[index].replace(
"import", "from " + PACKAGE_NAME + ".GUI.Resources import"
data[index] = ""
prev_index = index
while "import SDT_rc\n" in data:
index = data.index("import SDT_rc\n")
if prev_index == 0:
data[index] = data[index].replace(
"import", "from SciDataTool.GUI.Resources import"
data[index] = ""
prev_index = index
# Use correct font in QTextEdit
for idx, line in enumerate(data):
new_line = line.replace("MS Shell Dlg 2", DEFAULT_FONT)
new_line = new_line.replace(
"""span style=\\" font-size""",
"""span style=\\" font-family:'""" + DEFAULT_FONT + """'; font-size""",
data[idx] = new_line
with open(path_out, "w") as py_file:
py_file.write("\n# File generated according to " + file_name + "\n")
py_file.write("# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n")
# #Run the windows command "pyuic5" for converting files
# p = subprocess.Popen("pyuic5 "+path_in+" -o "+path_out,
# stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
# (output, err) = p.communicate()
# Print the name of the converted file for check
# print file_name[:-3]+" converted"
[docs]def find_ui_files(ui_folder_path):
"""Find all the .ui files in a directory
ui_folder_path : str
Path to the folder to scan recursively for ui file
file_list : list
List of tuple (folder_path, file_name.ui)
file_list = list()
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(ui_folder_path):
for file_name in filenames:
# If the file name end by .ui, add it to the list
if match(".*\.ui$", file_name):
file_list.append((dirpath, file_name))
return file_list
[docs]def find_py_files():
"""Find all the .py files (except __init__) in a directory
@param[out] file_list List of tuple (path, file_name.py)
file_list = list()
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(GUI_DIR):
for file_name in filenames:
# If the file name end by .ui, add it to the list
if match(".*\.py$", file_name) and file_name != "__init__.py":
file_list.append(join(dirpath, file_name))
return file_list
[docs]def gen_pro_file():
file_list = find_py_files()
file_path = join(GUI_DIR, "all.pro")
# Write the file with the generated lines
with open(file_path, "w") as pro_file:
for file_name in file_list:
pro_file.write("SOURCES += " + file_name + "\n")
pro_file.write("\nTRANSLATIONS += i18n\\pyleecan_cn.ts")
print("pylupdate5 all.pro")