# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from os import walk
from os.path import isfile, join, basename, isdir
from csv import reader
from ..Generator import PYTHON_TYPE
from ..definitions import PACKAGE_NAME
# Constants for csv reading, i.e. column number of data
NAME_COL = 0 # attribue name
UNIT_COL = 1 # value unit
EN_DESC_COL = 2 # english description
TYPE_COL = 4 # type
DEF_VAL_COL = 5 # default value
MIN_VAL_COL = 6 # minimum value
MAX_VAL_COL = 7 # maximum value
AS_DICT_COL = 8 # To change as_dict/copy behavior
# Index in side by side
PACK_COL = 9 # package
HER_COL = 10 # mother class name
METH_COL = 11 # methods list
CST_NAME_COL = 12 # constants name list
CST_VAL_COL = 13 # constants value list
CLASS_DEF_COL = 14 # class description
# Offset for column csv (to convert side by side index to column)
[docs]def read_all(path, is_internal=False, in_path="", soft_name=PACKAGE_NAME):
"""Read every csv files in a directory and subdirectory and create a structure for the
code generation
path : str
path to the root folder with the csv files
is_internal : bool
True to overwrite the open source csv files by internal ones
soft_name : str
Name of the generated software
gen_dict : dict
Dict with key = class name and value = class dict (name, package, properties, methods...)
gen_dict = dict()
if not isdir(path):
raise Exception(
"Error while scanning csv files, " + path + " is not a folder !"
# Read the open source doc
for (dirpath, _, filenames) in walk(path):
for file_name in filenames:
if file_name[-4:] == ".csv" and file_name[:2] != "~$":
# For all .csv file in the folder and subfolder ...
gen_dict[file_name[:-4]] = read_file(
join(dirpath, file_name), soft_name=soft_name
gen_dict[file_name[:-4]]["is_internal"] = False
# Read the Internal doc to adapt the classes (if needed)
if is_internal:
for (dirpath, _, filenames) in walk(in_path):
for file_name in filenames:
if file_name[-4:] == ".csv" and file_name[:2] != "~$":
# For all .csv file in the folder and subfolder ...
print("Using internal version for: " + file_name[:-4])
gen_dict[file_name[:-4]] = read_file(
join(dirpath, file_name), soft_name=soft_name
gen_dict[file_name[:-4]]["is_internal"] = True
# Update all the "daughters" key according to "mother" key
return gen_dict
[docs]def read_file(file_path, soft_name=PACKAGE_NAME):
"""Read a csv file and create a dict for the class code generation
file_path : str
path to the class csv file to read
class_dict : dict
Dict containing all the class informations (properties, package, methods...)
class_dict = dict()
# Open the module doc
if not isfile(file_path):
raise NotAFile("File not found")
# The class name is the csv file name
class_dict["name"] = basename(file_path)[:-4]
try: # Cleanup path to avoid "commit noise"
class_dict["path"] = file_path[file_path.rfind(soft_name) :]
except ValueError: # Path doesn't contain pyleecan
class_dict["path"] = file_path
# Cleanup \ to avoid errors
class_dict["path"] = class_dict["path"].replace("\\", "/")
with open(file_path, mode="r") as csv_file:
class_csv = reader(csv_file, delimiter=",")
class_csv = list(class_csv)
# Check format of the csv (two tables side by side or in column)
is_side_by_side = True
header_index = None
Nline = len(class_csv)
for rx in range(1, Nline): # Skip the first line (title of column)
if class_csv[rx][0] == "Package" and class_csv[rx][1] == "Inherit":
is_side_by_side = False
header_index = rx
if is_side_by_side:
get_dict_from_side_by_side(class_csv, class_dict)
get_dict_from_columns(class_csv, class_dict, header_index)
return class_dict
[docs]def get_dict_from_side_by_side(class_csv, class_dict):
# Get all the properties of the class
properties = list()
Nline = len(class_csv)
for rx in range(1, Nline): # Skip the first line (title of column)
name = class_csv[rx][NAME_COL]
if name != "":
prop_dict = dict()
prop_dict["name"] = name
prop_dict["unit"] = class_csv[rx][UNIT_COL]
prop_dict["type"] = class_csv[rx][TYPE_COL]
prop_dict["min"] = class_csv[rx][MIN_VAL_COL].replace(",", ".")
prop_dict["max"] = class_csv[rx][MAX_VAL_COL].replace(",", ".")
prop_dict["value"] = class_csv[rx][DEF_VAL_COL]
prop_dict["as_dict"] = class_csv[rx][AS_DICT_COL]
if prop_dict["type"] == "float":
prop_dict["value"] = prop_dict["value"].replace(",", ".")
if (
prop_dict["value"] != ""
and prop_dict["type"] != "str"
and "." not in prop_dict["type"]
and "()" not in prop_dict["value"]
prop_dict["value"] = eval(prop_dict["value"])
desc = class_csv[rx][EN_DESC_COL]
prop_dict["desc"] = desc.replace("\\\\", "\\")
class_dict["properties"] = properties
# Get all the constants
cste = list()
for rx in range(1, Nline):
name = class_csv[rx][CST_NAME_COL]
if name != "":
cste_dict = dict()
cste_dict["name"] = name
cste_dict["value"] = class_csv[rx][CST_VAL_COL]
class_dict["constants"] = cste
# Get all the methods
class_dict["methods"] = list()
for rx in range(1, Nline): # Skip the first line (title of column)
meth = class_csv[rx][METH_COL]
if meth != "":
# The daughters are automatically detected in read_all
class_dict["daughters"] = list()
class_dict["package"] = class_csv[1][PACK_COL]
class_dict["desc"] = class_csv[1][CLASS_DEF_COL]
class_dict["mother"] = class_csv[1][HER_COL]
if class_dict["mother"] == class_dict["name"]:
raise InheritError(
"ERROR: the class " + class_dict["name"] + " inherit from itself"
[docs]def get_dict_from_columns(class_csv, class_dict, header_index):
# Get all the properties of the class
properties = list()
Nline = len(class_csv)
# Skip the first line (title of column), stop before second tables
for rx in range(1, header_index - 1):
name = class_csv[rx][NAME_COL]
if name != "":
prop_dict = dict()
prop_dict["name"] = name
prop_dict["unit"] = class_csv[rx][UNIT_COL]
prop_dict["type"] = class_csv[rx][TYPE_COL]
prop_dict["min"] = class_csv[rx][MIN_VAL_COL].replace(",", ".")
prop_dict["max"] = class_csv[rx][MAX_VAL_COL].replace(",", ".")
prop_dict["value"] = class_csv[rx][DEF_VAL_COL]
if len(class_csv[rx]) == AS_DICT_COL + 1: # Not mandatory columns
prop_dict["as_dict"] = class_csv[rx][AS_DICT_COL]
prop_dict["as_dict"] = ""
if prop_dict["type"] == "float":
prop_dict["value"] = prop_dict["value"].replace(",", ".")
if (
prop_dict["value"] != ""
and prop_dict["type"] != "str"
and "." not in prop_dict["type"]
and "()" not in prop_dict["value"]
prop_dict["value"] = eval(prop_dict["value"])
desc = class_csv[rx][EN_DESC_COL]
prop_dict["desc"] = desc.replace("\\\\", "\\")
class_dict["properties"] = properties
# Get all the constants
cste = list()
for rx in range(header_index + 1, Nline): # Read only second table
name = class_csv[rx][CST_NAME_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
if name != "":
cste_dict = dict()
cste_dict["name"] = name
cste_dict["value"] = class_csv[rx][CST_VAL_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
class_dict["constants"] = cste
# Get all the methods
class_dict["methods"] = list()
for rx in range(header_index + 1, Nline): # Read only second table
meth = class_csv[rx][METH_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
if meth != "":
# The daughters are automatically detected in read_all
class_dict["daughters"] = list()
class_dict["package"] = class_csv[header_index + 1][PACK_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
class_dict["desc"] = class_csv[header_index + 1][CLASS_DEF_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
class_dict["mother"] = class_csv[header_index + 1][HER_COL - COLUMN_OFFSET]
if class_dict["mother"] == class_dict["name"]:
raise InheritError(
"ERROR: the class " + class_dict["name"] + " inherit from itself"
[docs]def update_all_daughters(gen_dict):
"""This function update all the "daughters" key according to the "mother" key
gen_dict : dict
gen_dict with no daughter set
# list of classes that have a mother
daughter_dict = {
class_name: class_dict
for class_name, class_dict in gen_dict.items()
if class_dict["mother"] not in ["", None] and "." not in class_dict["mother"]
# Update the daughter (sorted to avoid "commit noise")
for name, daughter in iter(sorted(list(daughter_dict.items()))):
# Update the mother
mother = gen_dict[daughter["mother"]]
# Update all the mother of the mother
while mother["mother"] not in ["", None]:
mother = gen_dict[mother["mother"]]
[docs]def get_value_str(value, type_val):
"""Convert the value from the csv file to the correct str according to the type
value : str
value to convert
type_val : str
Type to convert to
value : str
Value updated to match the type
if value in ["None", None]:
return "None"
elif type_val == "str":
# For str add " "
return '"' + str(value) + '"'
elif type_val == "int":
# For int convert to avoid ".0"
return str(int(value))
elif type_val == "dict":
return "-1"
elif type_val == "bool":
# change 1 or 0 to True and False
return str(bool(int(value)))
return str(value)
[docs]def find_import_type(gen_dict, class_dict, pyleecan_type=[]):
"""Find all the Pyleecan type used by the class of class_dict
gen_dict : dict
Dict with key = class name and value = class_dict
class_dict : dict
Dict of the class to find the import
pyleecan_type : list
Existing type to import (Default value = [])
type_list : list
List of pyleecan type (as str) to import
# Get all properties including mother ones
prop_list = list(class_dict["properties"])
while class_dict["mother"] != "" and "." not in class_dict["mother"]:
class_dict = gen_dict[class_dict["mother"]]
# Find every property type of the class
for prop in prop_list:
# Detect list of pyleecan type
if is_list_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]) or is_dict_pyleecan_type(prop["type"]):
prop_type = prop["type"][1:-1]
prop_type = prop["type"]
# Store the non python type once and avoid empty line
if prop_type not in PYTHON_TYPE and prop_type not in pyleecan_type:
# Default value as pyleecan type
if (
type(prop["value"]) is str
and "()" in prop["value"]
and prop["value"][:-2] not in pyleecan_type
return pyleecan_type
[docs]def is_dict_list_pyleecan_type(type_name):
"""Check if the type is a dict of list of Pyleecan type ({[name]})
type_name : str
Type of the property
is_dict_list : bool
True if the type is a dict of list of pyleecan type
return (
type_name not in ["", None]
and type_name[0] == "{"
and type_name[-1] == "}"
and type_name[1] == "["
and type_name[-2] == "]"
and ("." not in type_name or "SciDataTool" in type_name)
[docs]def is_list_pyleecan_type(type_name):
"""Check if the type is a list of Pyleecan type ([name])
type_name : str
Type of the property
is_list : bool
True if the type is a list of pyleecan type
return (
type_name not in ["", None]
and len(type_name) > 2 # No "[]" = List of Unknow type
and type_name[0] == "["
and type_name[-1] == "]"
and type_name != "[ndarray]"
and ("." not in type_name or "SciDataTool" in type_name)
[docs]def is_dict_pyleecan_type(type_name):
"""Check if the type is a dict of Pyleecan type ({name})
type_name : str
Type of the property
is_list : bool
True if the type is a dict of pyleecan type
return (
type_name not in ["", None]
and type_name[0] == "{"
and type_name[-1] == "}"
and type_name != "{ndarray}"
and ("." not in type_name or "SciDataTool" in type_name)
[docs]def is_list_unknow_type(type_name):
"""Check if the type is a list of unknow type (Frozen or ndarray or python) "[]"
type_name : str
Type of the property
is_list : bool
True if the type is a list of unknow type
return type_name == "[]"
[docs]class NotAFile(Exception):
"""Raised when the code generator is call on a wrong path"""
[docs]class InheritError(Exception):
"""Raised when a class has a wrong mother defined"""