Source code for pyleecan.Generator.uml_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath, normpath, join, isfile, split, realpath
from os import listdir, remove

begin = len(normpath(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "../.."))))
end = len(normpath(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), ".."))))
MAIN_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))

package_name = MAIN_DIR[begin + 1 : end]

from json import load as jload

TAB = " " * 8

[docs]def generate_uml(file_path, save_file=None, is_attributes=True, is_methods=True): # check if the file exist if not isfile(file_path): raise GenerateUMLMissingFileError(str(file_path) + " doesn't exist") # get the class dictionary with open(file_path, "r") as load_file: class_dict = jload(load_file) # get classes by package package_dict = {} for key, item in class_dict.items(): pkg_name = item["package"] if pkg_name in package_dict: package_dict[pkg_name].append(key) else: package_dict[pkg_name] = [key] # generate dot language file header header = "" header += 0 * TAB + "digraph G {\n" header += 1 * TAB + 'fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"\n' header += 1 * TAB + "fontsize = 8\n\n" header += 1 * TAB + "node [\n" header += 2 * TAB + 'fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"\n' header += 2 * TAB + "fontsize = 8\n" header += 2 * TAB + 'shape = "record"\n' header += 1 * TAB + "]\n\n" header += 1 * TAB + "edge [\n" header += 2 * TAB + 'fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"\n' header += 2 * TAB + "fontsize = 8\n" header += 1 * TAB + "]\n\n" # content cls_str = "" rel_str = "\n\n" for pkg_name, pkg_classes in package_dict.items(): cls_str += 1 * TAB + "\n" cls_str += ( 1 * TAB + f"subgraph cluster{pkg_name} {{\n" ) # keyword 'cluster' is needed cls_str += 2 * TAB + f'label = "Package: {pkg_name}"\n\n' for cls_name in pkg_classes: cls_dict = class_dict[cls_name] cls_str += "\n" cls_str += 2 * TAB + cls_name + "_ [\n" cls_str += 3 * TAB + 'label = "{' + cls_name + "|" if is_attributes: for attr in cls_dict["properties"]: type_str = attr["type"] type_str = type_str.replace("]", ")") type_str = type_str.replace("}", ")") type_str = type_str.replace("[", "list(") type_str = type_str.replace("{", "dict(") cls_str += attr["name"] + " : " + type_str + "\\l" cls_str += "|" if is_methods: for mthd in cls_dict["methods"]: cls_str += mthd + "()\\l" cls_str += '}"\n' cls_str += 2 * TAB + "]" if cls_dict["mother"]: rel_str += 1 * TAB + cls_name + "_ -> " + cls_dict["mother"] + "_\n" cls_str += 1 * TAB + "\n" cls_str += 1 * TAB + "}\n" # footer footer = "\n}" # write file if save_file is None: save_file = join(split(file_path)[0], "class_uml.gv") with open(save_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(header + cls_str + rel_str + footer) print('UML File "' + save_file + '" generated.')
[docs]class GenerateUMLMissingFileError(Exception): """ """ pass
if __name__ == "__main__": # Add the directory to the python path sys.path.append(MAIN_DIR[:begin]) root_path = normpath(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))) file_path = join(root_path, package_name, "Classes", "class_dict.json") generate_uml(file_path)