Source code for pyleecan.Methods.Geometry.Arc3.discretize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numpy import angle as np_angle, exp, linspace, pi

from ....Methods.Machine import ARC_NPOINT_D
from ....Methods.Geometry.Arc3 import NbPointArc3DError

[docs]def discretize(self, nb_point=ARC_NPOINT_D): """Return the discretize version of the Arc. Begin and end are always return Parameters ---------- self : Arc3 An Arc3 object nb_point : int Number of points to add to discretize the arc (Default value = ARC_NPOINT_D) Returns ------- list_point: list list of complex coordinate of the points Raises ------ NbPointArc1DError nb_point must be an integer >=0 """ # Check that the Arc is correct self.check() if not isinstance(nb_point, int): raise NbPointArc3DError("discretize : nb_point must be an integer") if nb_point < 0: raise NbPointArc3DError("nb_point must be >=0") # We use the complex representation of the point z1 = self.begin zc = self.get_center() R = self.comp_radius() # Generation of the point by rotation if self.is_trigo_direction: # Top t = linspace(0, pi, nb_point + 2) else: # Bottom t = linspace(0, -pi, nb_point + 2) list_point = R * exp(1j * t) # Geometric transformation : return to the main axis list_point = list_point * exp(1j * np_angle(z1 - zc)) + zc return list_point